dì qī shí jiǔ kè dāng péng yǒu bào yuàn shí, qù ān wèi tā! 第七十九课 当朋友抱怨时,去安慰他! Lesson 79 Try to comfort a complaining friend!
People complain or grumble sometimes about trifles or bad luck that happen to them, like being stuck in a traffic jam or being turned down for a job. One of the reasons why people complain a lot is that it makes them feel better. A good friend should be a good listener, too. Allow your friend to talk about his grievances and express his feelings. Listen patiently and, when necessary, offer suggestions of what you could do to help. 人们有时候会抱怨或发牢骚,抱怨发生在自己身上的一些琐事或倒霉事,比如:遇到堵车或工作不顺心。人们喜欢抱怨的其中的一个原因是,倾吐之后心情会变得好些,即一吐为快。一个好朋友同时也应该是一个忠实的倾听者。允许你的朋友诉说自己的苦恼,表达自己的感情。耐心倾听,在必要的时候给予适当的建议,看看自己能为对方做些什么。 |
lì li: mài kè, nǐ jīn tiān liǎn sè bù tài hǎo, bù shū fú ma?
Lili: You don't look so good today, Mike, why?
mài kè: jiǎn zhí zāo tòu le! zuó wǎn lín jū jiā bàn wǎn huì, chǎo de wǒ méi fǎr shuì jiào.
Mike: I'm in a terrible state! My next-door neighbor had a party last night. I couldn't get to sleep with so much noise going on.
lì li: yuán lái shì zhè yàng. huàn le wǒ yě huì xiū xi bù hǎo de.
Lili: I see. I wouldn't be able to sleep well in that situation, either.
mài kè: hái yǒu gèng zāo de, zǎo shàng gāng yī chū mén, zì xíng chē tāi bào le, wǒ yòu jí jí máng máng pǎo qù xiū chē.
Mike: What is more, my bicycle tire punctured in the morning as soon as I mounted, and I had to have it repaired on my way to work.
lì li: hái hǎo, nǐ dōu méi yǒu chí dào. wǒ zuò gōng jiāo chē dǔ zài lù shàng le, chí dào le wǔ fēn zhōng.
Lili: Fortunately, you were not late. I took the bus and got stuck in traffic, and I was five minutes late.
mài kè: kàn lái nǐ jīn tiān yě bù shùn, zhēn wèi nǐ nán guò.
Mike: Seems you are not having a lucky day, either. Sorry to hear that.
lì li: bǐ cǐ bǐ cǐ. zuò xià xiē huǐr, hē bēi kā fēi ba.
Lili: Same here. Sit down and take a rest. Have a cup of coffee.
mài kè: hǎo de. shì shí shàng, wǒ lián zǎo fàn dōu hái méi gù de shàng chī ne.
Mike: Ok. Actually I have been too busy to have breakfast yet.
lì li: nà nǐ zuì hǎo hái shì xiān qù chī diǎnr dōng xi ba.
Lili: Then, you'd better go and get something to eat first.
mài kè: bù xíng a, wǒ shǒu tóu shàng yǒu yī duī shìr, lǎo bǎn zài bù tíng de cuī wǒ.
Mike: No way. I have a lot of work on hand. The boss keeps pressing me to finish it.
lì li: bié zhāo jí, yáo bù yào wǒ bāng nǐ zuò xiē shén me?
Lili: Don't worry. Let's see if I can do anything to help you.
mài kè: wǒ xiǎng wǒ kě yǐ gǎo dìng, zhǐ shì xīn lǐ yǒu diǎnr fán.
Mike: I think I can get it all done; I just feel a little bit upset.
lì li: xià bān hòu zǎo diǎnr huí jiā xiū xi. ò, kā fēi zhǔ hǎo le.
Lili: Go home and go to bed early after work. Now, at least, the coffee is ready.
mài kè: wèi dào hǎo jí le, xiè xie nǐ de guān xīn!
Mike: It is nice and tastes delicious. Thanks for your concern!
New Words
抱怨 bào yuàn: complain; complaint 
发牢骚 fā láo sao: complain; grumble 
琐事 suǒ shì: trifles, trifling things 
悲伤 bēi shāng: grief 
感情 gǎn qíng: feeling 
倾听 qīng tīng: listen 
耐心地 nài xīn de: patiently 
脸色 liǎn sè: color of the face; look 
不舒服 bù shū fu: don't feel good; uncomfortable 
糟糕 zāo gāo: what bad luck; too bad; in a terrible mess 
邻居 lín jū: next door; neighbor; neighborhood 
吵闹声 chǎo nào shēng: noise 
睡觉 shuì jiào: sleep; go to bed 
自行车 zì xíng chē: bicycle 
车胎 chē tāi: [bicycle] tire 
急急忙忙 jí jí máng máng: in a hurry; in haste 
修理 xiū lǐ: repair; have something repaired 
迟到 chi dao: be late 
堵车 dǔ chē: traffic jam 
不顺心 bú shùn xīn: unhappy; in a bad luck 
彼此彼此 bǐ cǐ bǐ cǐ: same here; be on the same plane 
咖啡 kā fēi: coffee 
顾不上 gù bù shàng: be too busy to... 
手头儿 shǒu tóur: on hand; at hand 
老板 lǎo bǎn: boss 
催 cuī: force; push; press 
搞定 gǎo dìng: get something done; have something done 
烦 fán: vexed; be upset; be annoyed 
味道 wèi dào: taste 
关心 guān xīn: concern; be concerned with 
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(China.org.cn by Li Jingrong)
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