dì bā shí yī kè mài kè zhè ge zhōu mò yào qù jiào táng! 第八十一课 麦克这个周末要去教堂! Lesson 81 Mike is going to church this weekend!
北京共有十多座教堂,它们分布在市区和郊区。这些美丽而宁静的建筑物既是举行宗教仪式的场所,同时也为游客们提供了一个了解西方宗教在中国悠久的历史和深远的影响的窗口。 In Beijing, there are more than a dozen churches in the downtown and suburban areas. These beautiful and serene buildings function not only as places of worship but also provide a fascinating glimpse into the long history and influence of Western religions in China. |
mài kè: lì lì, wǒ xiǎng zhī dào běi jīng nǎ xiē dì fāng yǒu jiào táng.
Mike: Lili, I'd like to know where I can find a church in Beijing.
lì li: shāo děng, wǒ shàng wǎng chá yī xià. nǐ yào qù jiào táng cān jiā yí shì, duì ma?
Lili: Hold on, let me go online to search for. You want to attend a service, right?
mài kè: shì de, wǒ dǎ suàn zhè ge zhōu mò hé wǒ de péng yǒu jié xī kǎ yī qǐ qù.
Mike: Yes, I want to go to church this weekend with my friend Jessica.
lì li: chá dào le. wáng fǔ jǐng tiān zhǔ táng, yě jiào dōng táng, tā wèi yú wáng fǔ jǐng dà jiē lù dōng.
Lili: Here it is. The St. Joseph's Wangfujing Cathedral, also called the East Cathedral, is on the eastern side of Wangfujing Street.
mài kè: zhè zuò jiào táng shì shén me shí hòu jiàn zào de, guī mó dà ma?
Mike: When was this church built? Is it a large one?
lì li: tā jiàn yú qīng cháo chū nián, jù jīn yǐ yǒu sān bǎi duō nián de lì shǐ, bèi chēng wéi jīng chéng dì èr jiào táng.
Lili: It was built in the early Qing Dynasty, so it has a history of more than 300 years. It is called the second church of Beijing.
mài kè: tā yī dìng shǔ yú běi jīng shì zhòng diǎn bǎo hù wén wù. nà dì yī jiào táng yòu shì nǎ zuò?
Mike: Then it must be included in the list of cultural relics under the city's key protection. But, what was the first church?
lì li: xuān wǔ mén tiān zhǔ táng, yě jiào nán táng, jiàn yú míng cháo mò niàn. tā shì běi jīng zuì gǔ lǎo de jiào táng.
Lili: The Xuanwumen Cathedral, also called the South Cathedral, was built in the late Ming Dynasty. It is the oldest church in Beijing.
mài kè: zhè liǎng zuò jiào táng kàn shàng qù dōu hěn piào liang. zhè ge zhōu mò wǒ men xiān qù nán táng ba.
Mike: Both look beautiful. Let's go to the South Cathedral first this weekend.
lì li: hǎo de. wǒ kě yǐ gēn nǐ men yī qǐ qù ma? wǒ yě hěn xiǎng liǎo jiè yī xiē zōng jiào zhī shì.
Lili: OK. Can I come with you? I'm eager to gain some religious knowledge.
mài kè: méi wèn tí. wǒ zhè li yǒu yī běn shèng jīng, nǐ kě yǐ xiān ná qù kàn yī xià.
Mike: No problem. I've got a Bible here you can have a look at.
lì li: xiè xiè. zài jiào táng lǐ, dà jiā bìng pái zuò zhe, líng tīng mù shī bù dào, yī qǐ chàng shī, yī qǐ dǎo gào, duì ba?
Lili: Thanks. In the church, people just sit side by side listening to the priest's words as he conducts Mass, sing hymns, and pray together, right?
mài kè: duì. yào shì gǎn shàng tè shū de rì zi, zhǔ jiào huì qīn zì lái zhǔ chí yí shì.
Mike: Yes. Sometimes, the bishop will conduct the service and that's a special occasion.
lì li: nà jiù tài bàng le, yuàn shàng dì bǎo yòu wǒ men!
Lili: That would be really good. May God bless us!
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New Words
宗教 zōng jiào: religion 
基督教 jī dū jiào: Christianity; Christian religion 
天主教 tiān zhǔ jiào: Catholicism 
耶稣 yē sū: Jesus 
上帝 shàng dì: God 
教徒 jiào tú: believer or follower of a religion 
基督教徒 jī dū jiào tú: Christian 
天主教徒 tiān zhǔ jiào tú: Catholic 
教堂 jiào táng: church 
宗教仪式 zōng jiào yí shì: religious service 
宗教知识 zōng jiào zhī shì: religious knowledge 
祈祷 qí dǎo: pray; say one's prayers 
祷告 dǎo gào: pray; say one's prayers 
牧师 mù shī: priest; pastor 
主教 zhǔ jiào: bishop 
大主教 dà zhǔ jiào: archbishop 
红衣主教 hóng yī zhǔ jiào: cardinal 
修女 xiū nǚ: (of the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches) non; sister 
圣母 shèng mǔ: Virgin Mary 
做礼拜 zuò lǐ bài: go to church; attend a church service 
做弥撒 zuò mí sa: say (or read) the Mass 
圣经 shèng jīng: Holy Bible; the Bible 
布道 bù dào: preach; evangelize 
主持仪式 zhǔ chí yí shì: conduct the service 
唱诗 chàng shī: sing hymns; recite poetry 
唱诗班 chàng shī bān: (in a church) choir 
保佑 bǎo yòu: bless 
信仰 xìn yǎng: belief; faith 
文物 wén wù: cultural relic; historical relic 
建筑物 jiàn zhú wù: building 
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(China.org.cn by Li Jingrong)
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