不断深化中非卫生合作 促进人类健康事业发展 —在“中非部长级卫生合作发展会议开幕式”上的主旨演讲 中华人民共和国国务院副总理刘延东 (2013年8月16日北京) |
Deepen China-Africa Health Cooperation for the Humanity's Cause of Health Promotion Keynote Speech by Her Excellency Liu Yandong, Vice Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, at the Opening Ceremony of the Ministerial Forum on China-Africa Health Cooperation Beijing, 16 August 2013 |
尊敬的各位贵宾, 女士们、先生们、朋友们: |
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, |
大家上午好!很高兴出席中非部长级卫生合作发展会议,来自非洲47个国家卫生部代表以及8个国际组织的代表相聚北京,共商中非卫生合作大计,共同促进人类健康事业。刚才,中国国家主席习近平亲切会见了参加会议的非洲各国代表,接见了中国援外医疗工作先进集体和先进个人,并发表了重要讲话。习近平主席的讲话高度评价中非关系,进一步表明了中国一贯奉行对非友好政策、永远做非洲国家可靠朋友和真诚伙伴的坚定立场,并对中非合作特别是卫生方面的合作提出了殷切希望。这必将推动中非关系迈上一个新台阶。李克强总理也高度重视发展中非关系,多次对援非医疗工作提出要求。在此,我代表中国政府对出席本次会议的中外贵宾和朋友们,表示诚挚的欢迎!对长期以来为中非卫生合作发展作出重要贡献的各界人士,致以崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢! |
Good morning. It gives me great pleasure to attend the Ministerial Forum on China-Africa Health Cooperation. The forum today, which brings together health ministry officials of 47 African countries and the representatives of eight international organizations, provides us with an important opportunity to discuss China-Africa health cooperation and the humanity's cause of health promotion. Just now, President Xi Jinping met with the African delegates to the forum and the model units and individuals of the Chinese medical teams. President Xi also delivered an important speech, in which he applauded the growth of China-Africa relations. He reaffirmed China's position of developing friendly relations with Africa and staying a reliable friend and sincere partner of African countries, and shared his vision for China-Africa cooperation, especially in the field of health. This will lay the foundation for China-Africa relations to scale new heights. Premier Li Keqiang also attaches great importance to China-Africa relations, and has given several instructions on China's medical assistance to Africa. Here, on behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to warmly welcome all the Chinese and foreign guests and friends to the forum. I also wish to take this opportunity to pay high tribute and express heartfelt thanks to those who have made important contribution to China-Africa health cooperation over the years. |
中国有句古话:“水有源,其流不穷;木有根,其生不穷。”中国和非洲虽然相距遥远,但友谊源远流长,根深叶茂。毛泽东、周恩来等新中国第一代领导人和非洲老一辈政治家共同开启了中非关系新纪元。中非人民在争取民族独立和人民解放斗争中相互支持,在谋求国家振兴、人民幸福和和维护世界和平的崇高事业中真诚合作,结下了同呼吸、共命运、心连心的兄弟情谊。 |
There is an old saying in China which goes, "a river with fresh source will flourish and a tree with deep root will thrive." Though China and Africa are far apart geographically, we have a long-standing and vibrant friendship. Chairman Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai and other first-generation Chinese leaders ushered in a new era of China-Africa relations together with the older-generation political leaders in Africa. The Chinese and African peoples have extended mutual support in the struggle for national independence and liberation, carried out wholehearted cooperation in seeking national rejuvenation, ensuring the happiness of the people and upholding the noble cause of world peace, and forged a brotherly friendship of shared destiny and fortune. |
进入新世纪,中非合作揭开了新的篇章。2000年中非合作论坛的创立,构建了中非集体对话的重要平台和务实合作的有效机制,成为引领中非关系发展的旗帜和中非友好合作的响亮品牌。2006年中非合作论坛北京峰会建立的中非新型战略伙伴关系,使中非关系迈上了全面发展的快车道。中非在政治上互尊互信,在经济上互利互惠,在文化上互学互鉴,在国际事务中互帮互助。现在,中国已成为非洲第一大贸易伙伴国,非洲则是中国第四大海外投资目的地。 |
Since the turn of the century, China-Africa cooperation has entered a new phase. The launch of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2000 provided an important platform for collective dialogue between China and Africa and an effective mechanism for conducting result-oriented cooperation. It has become a banner guiding the development of China-Africa relations and a flagship brand of China-Africa friendly cooperation. With the establishment of the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership during the FOCAC Beijing Summit in 2006, China-Africa relations have embarked on a fast track of all-around development. What we have between China and Africa is a comprehensive partnership, featuring mutual respect and trust on the political front, win-win cooperation in the economic field, mutual learning in the cultural sphere, as well as mutual support and assistance in global affairs. China is now the largest trading partner for Africa, while Africa is the fourth largest destination of overseas Chinese investment. |
半个多世纪以来,中非关系经受住了各种考验,各领域合作不断深化,其中中非卫生合作就是中非真诚友好关系最有力的历史见证。地域有界,大爱无疆。50年来中国不间断的累计向非洲派出1.89万人次医疗人员,有2.5亿人次的非洲患者接受了诊治,其中中国有50位医疗人员把自己的宝贵生命留在了他们热爱的非洲大地上。中国医疗工作者用为非洲同胞生命健康做出的无私奉献,与关爱支持他们的非洲人民一起,共同播种下了中非友谊的常青树。 |
China-Africa relations have stood the test of various challenges over the past 50 years and more. Our cooperation is gaining strength in all areas, and cooperation on health is the most convincing evidence of the genuine friendship between China and Africa. Countries are separated by boundaries, but love knows no border. For 50 straight years, China has dispatched a total of 18,900 medical personnel to Africa, and treated 250 million African patients. Fifty Chinese medical workers were laid to rest on their beloved land of Africa. The Chinese medical teams have made selfless contribution to improving the health and saving the lives of our African brothers and sisters, and, together with the African people who are giving them care and support, sowed the seeds of the evergreen tree of China-Africa friendship. |
女士们,先生们! 发展卫生事业,维护国民健康不仅是中非卫生合作的奋斗目标,也是国际社会的共同追求。联合国《世界卫生组织宪章》和《经济社会文化权利国际公约》都将健康定义为一项基本人权。联合国“人类发展指数”将人均期望寿命、人均受教育年限和人均国内生产总值三大指标作为衡量各成员国经济社会全面发展水平的综合尺度。2000年联合国确定的千年发展目标将健康指标放在核心位置。近年来,围绕改善国民健康的目标,各国更加注重医药卫生体制创新和制度建设,并作为促进社会安定和谐、增强民族凝聚力和社会制度吸引力、改善国际形象的国家战略和基础性制度。
Ladies and Gentlemen, To develop better health services and ensure the health of our citizens is not only the goal to be achieved through China-Africa cooperation but also the common aspiration of the international community. Health is defined as a basic human right in both the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The UN "Human Development Index" uses three key indicators, namely, life expectancy, years of schooling and per capita GDP, as the yardstick for measuring the progress of member states in economic and social development. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) initiated by the UN in 2000 also places health-related indicators at the heart of its agenda. In recent years, to meet the goal of improving the health of the public, countries around the world have all paid more attention to making innovation in the medical and health system and strengthening institutional building, and regarded it as a fundamental national strategy for upholding social order and harmony, enhancing unity among ethnic groups, boosting the appeal of their social systems, and improving their national image in the international arena. |
中国政府历来高度重视国民健康和医药卫生事业发展。1949年中华人民共和国成立初期,克服贫困落后、缺医少药等巨大困难,迅速建立起遍及城乡的预防保健网,有效控制了威胁国民健康的重大疾病;创建了以初级卫生保健为核心的医疗卫生服务体系,大幅提高了国民健康水平。改革开放30多年来,中国政府立足国情,改革创新,加大对卫生事业的投入力度,努力探索,不断完善中国特色卫生事业发展道路。特别是2009年中国政府深化医药卫生体制的改革,以“保基本、强基层、建机制”为原则,初步建立起中国基本医疗卫生制度框架,为破解医改这一世界性难题初步摸索出一套中国式的解决方法。60多年来,中国的卫生事业由弱到强,取得了一系列重要成就: |
The Chinese government all along attaches great importance to the health of the public and the development of medical and health services. Soon after the founding of the People's Republic in 1949, despite the great difficulties posed by poverty, backwardness and lack of medical professionals and products, we successfully established a health service network covering both urban and rural areas, and effectively controlled the spread of life-threatening diseases. In the meantime, we put in place a medical and health service system based on the provision of primary healthcare services, and markedly improved the health conditions of the Chinese public. In the last 30 years and more since the launch of reform and opening-up, the Chinese government has conducted reform and innovation consistent with China's national conditions, increased input in public health, and made vigorous efforts to promote the development of health services with Chinese characteristics. Since 2009 in particular, the Chinese government has deepened its reform of the medical and health system. Following the principles of "ensuring basic medical services, bolstering support at the community level and building sound institutions", we have established the framework of the basic medical and health system, and offered a Chinese solution to the issue of healthcare reform, which is a challenge for all governments in the world. Over the last 60 years and more, China has gradually raised the standards of its health services, and made a series of important achievements in this regard: |
一是中国国民健康水平显著提高。人均期望寿命从1949年建国时的35岁提高到目前的74.83岁,孕产妇死亡率从1949年的1500/10万下降到2011年的26.1/10万,婴儿死亡率从1990年的50.2‰下降到2011年的12.1‰,提前实现了联合国千年发展目标,人类发展指数从1980年的0.407上升到2012年的0.699,居民的健康水平已处于发展中国家前列。 |
First, we have raised the health standards of the Chinese people by a notable margin. The average life expectancy has increased from 35 years in 1949, the year when New China was founded, to the current 74.83 years. Maternal mortality rate dropped from 1,500/100,000 in 1949 to 26.1/100,000 in 2011. Infant mortality rate fell from 50.2‰ in 1990 to 12.1‰ in 2011, meeting the MDGs ahead of schedule. Human development index rose from 0.407 in 1980 to 0.699 in 2012, making China one of the best-performing developing countries in terms of the health of the public. |
二是基本公共卫生服务均等化水平明显提高。全民医保基本实现,参保人数超过13亿,覆盖面超过了95%,保障水平不断提高。在农村将儿童白血病等20种重大疾病纳入保障范围,群众的医疗负担明显减轻。同时建立了国家基本药物制度。 |
Second, we have ensured greater equity in the provision of basic public health services. Universal coverage of medical insurance is basically achieved. Currently, there are more than 1.3 billion subscribers of various medical insurance schemes in China, covering over 95% of the total population. The benefits of insurance are also improving. In the rural areas, we have included 20 major diseases such as childhood leukemia into the insurance scheme, and the financial burden of the public for medical services is significantly alleviated. In the meantime, the national essential medicine system has also been established in China. |
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