中国外交部长王毅 [资料图] Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi [File photo] |
2014年12月24日,外交部长王毅出席由中国国际问题研究院、中国国际问题研究基金会主办的2014年国际形势与中国外交研讨会开幕式并发表题为《盘点2014:中国外交丰收之年》的演讲,全文如下: | On 24 December 2014, Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the opening ceremony of the Symposium on the International Development and China's Diplomacy in 2014 co-hosted by China Institute of International Studies and China Foundation for International Studies and delivered an address titled 2014 in Review: A Successful Year for China's Diplomacy. The following is the full text of the address: |
很高兴在岁末年终之际应邀出席国际形势与中国外交研讨会,和大家一道回顾2014世界风云,盘点2014中国外交,集思广议,群策群力,把中国外交办得更好。 | It gives me great pleasure to attend the Symposium on the International Development and China's Diplomacy at the end of the year to review major global trends and the performance of China's diplomacy in 2014. I hope we will engage in in-depth discussions at the the symposium and work for further success in China's diplomacy in the new year. |
2014年,世界形势经历国际金融危机以来新一轮动荡不安。地区冲突交织迸发,全球经济复苏艰难,国际秩序加速演变。总的看,和平与发展的问题更加突出,合作与变革的呼声更加高涨,建立利益与命运共同体的诉求更加强烈。 | In 2014, the world experienced a new round of turbulence and instability following the international financial crisis. Conflicts in some regions kept flaring up, the road to global economic recovery remained treacherous, and the transformation of the international order gained momentum. The call for peace and development was stronger, so was the call for cooperation and change and for building a community of shared interests and destiny. |
2014年,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央对内全面深化改革,全面推行法治,带领13亿中国人民在实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的道路上砥砺前行。对外坚持和平发展,坚持合作共赢,为维护地区和世界的和平、稳定与发展发挥了建设性作用。 | In 2014, the central leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) with Comrade Xi Jinping as the General Secretary accelerated the comprehensive reform and advanced rule of law in an all-round way, and it led the 1.3 billion Chinese people in a relentless effort to realize the Chinese dream of great national renewal. On the external front, China remained committed to pursuing peaceful development and win-win cooperation and played a constructive role in upholding peace, stability and development in both our region and the world. |
纵观2014年中国外交,我们积极探索国际关系的理论与实践创新,积极参与全球经济与金融治理进程,积极开展与世界各主要方向友好交往,积极推动各种地区热点的和平解决,积极为国内发展服务并创造良好环境。在去年外交成功开局基础上,又取得一系列新的重大进展。 |
On the diplomatic front, we explored new theories and practices for conducting international relations, participated in global economic and financial governance, engaged in friendly exchanges with countries in all major regions, and worked for the peaceful resolution of hotspot issues in some regions. These efforts created an enabling environment for China's domestic development. Building on the good start last year, we have continued to achieve major progress in China's diplomacy this year. |
第一,为构建新型国际关系弘扬中国理念。十八大以来,党中央大力推进外交理论实践创新,继去年提出中国梦、坚持贯彻正确义利观、构建中美新型大国关系和亲诚惠容周边外交理念之后,今年又相继推出新的理念。 | First, we have promoted the Chinese vision of building a new type of international relations. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the central Party leadership has made vigorous efforts to develop new theories and practices in diplomacy. Following the initiatives made last year, such as the pursuit of the Chinese dream, taking a right approach to principles and interests, the building of a new model of major-country relations between China and the United States and the pursuit of neighborhood diplomacy of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, we have put forward the following new vision this year. |
一是提出建立以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系。在不久前召开的中央外事工作会议上,习近平主席指出,我们要坚持合作共赢,推动建立以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,坚持互利共赢的开放战略,把合作共赢理念体现到政治、经济、安全、文化等对外合作的方方面面。 | 1. The call for building a new type of international relations with win-win cooperation at its heart. At the recently concluded Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs, President Xi Jinping pointed out that we need to pursue win-win cooperation, promote a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, and continue to follow the win-win strategy of opening-up and a win-win approach in all aspects of our external relations including political, economic, security and cultural fields. |
习近平主席的这一重要论述,是对迄今有关大国、周边、发展中国家各个具体方向外交理论创新成果的融会贯通,是对我国一贯坚持的平等互利、开放共赢外交理念的丰富发展,也是对以现实主义为基础的传统国际关系学说的创新超越。 | This important exposition of President Xi Jinping is a synthesis of the new diplomatic theories and practices we have developed in our relations with major countries, neighboring countries and developing countries. It has enriched China's long-established diplomatic principles of equality, mutual benefit, opening-up and win-win cooperation, and added a new dimension to realism-based traditional theory of international relations. |
新型国际关系,新在合作共赢这个核心上。我们在主要大国中率先把实现合作共赢确定为国际间交往的根本目标,符合中华文化的优秀传统,符合中国外交的一贯追求,符合经济全球化和国际关系民主化的时代潮流,为当今世界处理国与国关系提供了崭新思路,必将对国际关系的发展演变产生积极和深远的影响。 | This new type of international relations is underpinned by win-win cooperation. China is the first major country to make win-win cooperation the fundamental goal of international exchanges. This is in keeping with the fine tradition of the Chinese culture, the abiding goal of China's diplomacy and the contemporary trend towards economic globalization and democracy in international relations. As a new approach to managing state-to-state relations in the contemporary world, it will exert a positive and profound impact on the evolution of international relations. |
二是提出构建全球伙伴关系网络。在这次中央外事工作会议上,习近平主席还提出另一个重大外交理念,就是要在坚持不结盟原则的前提下广交朋友,形成遍布全球的伙伴关系网络。 | 2. The call for building a global network of partnerships. Another major diplomatic vision expounded by President Xi Jinping at the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs is to make more friends and build a global network of partnerships while abiding by the principle of non-alignment. |
构建伙伴关系是中国外交的一个特色。以结盟对抗为标志的冷战终结后,我们及时总结历史经验教训,开始探索走出一条结伴而不结盟的新路。截止目前,我国已同67个国家、5个地区或区域组织建立了72对不同形式、不同程度的伙伴关系,基本覆盖了世界上主要国家和重要地区。习近平主席此次明确提出构建全球伙伴关系网络,是对过去20多年来我国成功实践的提炼和概括,使我们关于构建伙伴关系的思路更有战略高度,更具全球视野。 | Building partnership is a distinctive feature of China's diplomacy. After the end of the Cold War which was marked by the confrontation between alliance of nations, we drew on the experience and lessons of history in a timely way and succeeded in developing a new approach of forming partners instead of allies. China has established 72 partnerships in different forms and at different levels with 67 countries and 5 regions or regional organizations, which cover all the major countries and regions in the world. President Xi Jinping's call for building a global network of partnerships is an incisive summary and enrichment of China's successful diplomatic practices over the past two decades and more. It has increased the strategic and global dimension for our efforts to build partnerships. |
我们构建的伙伴关系有三个基本特征。首先是平等性。国家不分大小贫富,都要相互尊重主权、独立和领土完整,相互尊重各自选择的发展道路与价值观念,相互平等相待,相互理解支持。第二是和平性。伙伴关系与军事同盟最大的区别是不设假想敌,不针对第三方,排除了军事因素对国家间关系的干扰,致力于以合作而非对抗的方式,以共赢而非零和的理念处理国与国关系。第三是包容性,超越社会制度与意识形态的异同,最大限度地谋求共同利益与共同追求,正像习近平主席所指出的,“志同道合,是伙伴。求同存异,也是伙伴”。当然,伙伴关系并不意味着放弃原则,我们在国际事务中仍将坚持独立自主的外交方针,根据事情本身的是非曲直决定自己的立场,作出自己的判断。 | The partnerships that we are building have three basic features. First, equality. Countries, regardless of their sizes or levels of development, should respect each other's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity as well as each other's choice of development path and values, treat each other as equals, and show mutual understanding for and support each other. Second, peace. What makes such partnership different from military alliance is that it does not have any hypothetical enemy nor is it targeted at any third party, thus keeping relations between countries unaffected by military factors. It aims to handle state-to-state relations with a cooperative rather than confrontational, and a win-win rather than zero-sum approach. Third, inclusiveness. The partnership we have initiated seeks to go beyond differences in social systems and ideologies to maximize common interests and pursue a common goal. As President Xi Jinping puts it, "Those who share the same vision and follow the same path are partners. Those who seek common ground while shelving differences can also be partners." On the other hand, partnership does not mean giving up principles. China will continue to follow an independent foreign policy of peace in international affairs, and take position and make its judgment on an issue based on its merits. |
三是提出构建亚太梦。在亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议上,习近平主席首次提出构建亚太梦并系统深入阐述其内涵,指出亚太梦的精神内核是亚太大家庭精神和命运共同体意识,根本目的是实现亚太地区的繁荣发展,引领世界发展的时代潮流,为人类社会的福祉与进步作出更大贡献。 | 3. The call to pursue the Asia-Pacific dream. President Xi Jinping first called for pursuing the Asia-Pacific dream and elaborated on it during the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. He stressed that this dream is about fostering a sense of the Asia-Pacific community and shared destiny, jointly working for the prosperity and progress of our region, and driving global development and making greater contribution to the well-being of mankind. |
亚太梦的提出有其特定的时代背景。一是在世界许多地区出现动荡的形势下,亚太已日益成为全球稳定之锚和繁荣之基。同时,各种力量加大对亚太投入,地区格局经历深刻调整,亚太向何处去,受到国际社会高度关注。二是亚太各种双边和多边机制相继建立,内涵各异,理念不同,亚太整体合作如何推进,需要适时凝聚共识。三是中国作为亚太最具活力的经济体,是今年APEC峰会的主办国,中国将如何引领亚太的发展方向,吸引着世界的目光。 | The pursuit of the Asia-Pacific dream was put forward against the following historical background. First, while there are turbulences in many regions of the world, Asia-Pacific has increasingly become the anchor of global stability and prosperity. At the same time, as various powers have increased their involvement in the Asia-Pacific, the regional architecture is undergoing profound transformation; and the international community is closely following the evolution of the Asia-Pacific. Second, as various bilateral and multilateral mechanisms with different goals have emerged in the Asia-Pacific, we need to work to build consensus on how to advance the all-round cooperation in our region. Third, as China is the most dynamic economy in the Asia-Pacific and the host of this year's APEC meeting, the world is watching how China will lead the development of the Asia-Pacific. |
在这种形势下,习近平主席通过北京APEC会议,鲜明提出亚太梦理念,推出建设面向未来的亚太伙伴关系、打造开放型亚太经济格局、发掘经济增长新动力、勾画全方位互联互通蓝图四点构想,有针对性地回应了各方关切,引领了区域合作方向,在亚太发展的关键时刻发挥了重要作用。 | Against this background, President Xi Jinping called for pursuing the Asia-Pacific dream during the APEC meeting in Beijing. He put forward a four-point proposal on shaping the future through Asia-Pacific partnership, building an open economy in the Asia-Pacific, exploring new drivers for economic growth and drawing a blueprint for comprehensive connectivity. This has addressed the concerns of various parties, set the direction for cooperation in our region, thus playing an important role at a crucial time for the Asia-Pacific's development. |
四是提出亚洲安全观。在亚信峰会上,习近平主席倡导共同、综合、合作、可持续的亚洲安全观,有关内容为各方所接受并写入上海宣言。亚洲安全观的提出,是我国总体安全观的对外延伸,进一步丰富了总体安全观的基本内涵,扩大了中国安全理念的国际影响,为维护亚洲乃至世界的安全稳定提供了新的思路和理念。 | 4. The vision of Asian security. President Xi Jinping called for promoting common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in Asia at the summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA); and this initiative was accepted by all parties and included in the Shanghai Declaration. The vision of Asian security has added a new dimension to China's underlying thinking on security, enhanced the global influence of China's thinking on security, and provided new guidelines for maintaining security and stability of both Asia and the world. |
中国借助亚信这个平台,高高擎起安全合作这面旗帜,着眼构建开放包容的亚洲安全新架构,摒弃把自己的安全建立在别人的不安全之上的旧思维,标志着中国愿意更加建设性地参与亚洲安全事务,更加积极主动地提供公共安全产品。 | China has used the CICA platform to champion security cooperation by rejecting the old mentality of seeking one's own security at the expense of the security of others and building an open and inclusive new security architecture in Asia. This shows China's eagerness to take a more constructive part in Asia's security affairs and provide public security goods. |
上述新理念与十八大以来党中央外交理论创新成果一脉相承又层层递进,进一步清晰勾勒出我国对当今世界和中国外交的战略思考轮廓,为当代国际关系注入了鲜明的中国元素。 | This new vision builds on progress made in diplomatic theories by the central Party leadership since the 18th CPC National Congress. It elucidates China's strategic thinking on today's world and its diplomacy, and adds a salient Chinese feature to contemporary international relations. |
第二,为深化全方位对外交往开展中国实践。十八大以来短短两年间,习近平主席、李克强总理先后出访17次,足迹遍及五大洲50多国,会见外国元首和政府首脑近500人次,在世界上刮起强劲的“中国风”。一年来,我们在主要对外方向上均取得重要进展: | Second, we have actively pursued China's diplomacy to boost ties with all other countries. In the short span of two years since the 18th CPC National Congress, President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang have made 17 foreign visits, covering over 50 countries across the five continents and meeting foreign heads of state and government close to 500 times. This has created a "Chinese whirlwind" in the world. Over the past year, we have achieved the following progress on major diplomatic fronts: |
在周边方向,我们大力推进利益共同体和命运共同体建设。2014年,我国与周边国家继续密集高层交往,各层次、各领域合作全面展开,彼此利益融合不断深化,相互理解逐步加强。 | On the neighborhood front, we have worked vigorously to build a community of shared interests and destiny. We have maintained frequent high-level interactions and all-round cooperation at various levels and in various fields with our neighbors in 2014. As a result, our converging interests have been expanded and our mutual understanding has been enhanced. |
继去年习近平主席提出亲诚惠容的周边外交理念之后,我们今年又召开中、印、缅三国共同纪念和平共处五项原则发表60周年活动,赋予和平共处五项原则新的时代内涵,在周边和国际社会产生积极反响。 | Following President Xi Jinping's call to pursue neighborhood diplomacy featuring amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness made last year, we jointly hosted with India and Myanmar commemorative activities to mark the 60th anniversary of the initiation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. The commemoration, which added new historical dimensions to these five principles, was well-received by China's neighbors and the international community. |
我们推进同东北亚国家务实合作,习近平主席对韩国、蒙古进行专访,用“四个伙伴”丰富了中韩战略伙伴关系内涵,将中蒙关系提升为全面战略伙伴关系。我们本着“以史为鉴,面向未来”的精神,与日方就如何处理影响两国关系的问题达成四点原则共识,迈出了改善中日关系的第一步。 | We have advanced pragmatic cooperation with countries in Northeast Asia. President Xi Jinping visited the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Mongolia respectively. He enriched the China-ROK strategic partnership by defining it with "four partnerships", namely, partnership for common development, partnership for regional peace, partnership for Asia's renewal and partnership for world prosperity; and he elevated China's relations with Mongolia to a comprehensive strategic partnership. Acting in the spirit of "taking history as a mirror to guide the future", China reached a four-point common understanding with Japan on how to handle issues affecting bilateral relations, thus taking the first step towards improving China-Japan relations. |
我们继续推进与东南亚国家关系,在去年李克强总理提出的“2+7”合作框架基础上进一步提出协力规划中国—东盟关系发展大战略等新建议。我们启动中国-东盟自贸区升级版谈判,商谈中国-东盟国家签署睦邻友好合作条约事宜,推动区域全面经济伙伴关系协定进入实质性磋商阶段。 | We have continued to enhance relations with Southeast Asian countries. Building on the 2+7 cooperation framework proposed by Premier Li Keqiang last year, we called for working with ASEAN to adopt a master strategy for growing China-ASEAN relations. We launched negotiations on upgrading the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, discussed the signing of a treaty of good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, and began substantive consultations on forging the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. |
我们实现对中亚国家访问全覆盖,习近平主席、李克强总理分别成功访问塔吉克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦。中国-中亚天然气管道C线通气并启动D线建设,建立中国-欧亚经济合作基金,签署了商谈10年之久的上海合作组织国际道路运输便利化协定,开启了上合组织的扩员进程。 | The Chinese leaders have visited all Central Asian countries. President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang paid successful visits to Tajikistan and Kazakhstan respectively. Line C of the China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline has gone into operation and construction of Line D has begun. The China-Eurasia Economic Cooperation Fund was established. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Agreement on Facilitation of International Road Transport was signed after ten-year-long negotiations. And the SCO started the process of admitting new members. |
我们加强与南亚国家友好合作,习近平主席访问马尔代夫和斯里兰卡,建立中马全面友好合作伙伴关系,宣布启动中斯自贸区谈判,启动科伦坡港口城项目,有力推进了21世纪海上丝绸之路建设。 | We have strengthened friendship and cooperation with South Asian countries. During his visit to the Maldives, President Xi Jinping announced the establishment of a comprehensive friendly and cooperative partnership between China and the Maldives, and he launched FTA negotiations with Sri Lanka and inaugurated the Colombo Port City project during his visit to the country. These efforts have given a strong boost to the building of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. |
在大国方向,中美新型大国关系建设迈出坚实步伐。我们成功接待美国总统奥巴马访华,中美元首继庄园会晤之后,又续瀛台夜话,相互了解进一步加深,在应对气候变化、签证互惠安排、建立两军互信机制等众多领域取得一系列重要进展。 | In relations with other major countries, solid progress has been made in building a new model of major-country relationship with the United States. President Barack Obama paid a successful visit to China. Following their Sunnylands meeting last year, the two presidents had in-depth evening discussions at Yingtai in Zhongnanhai Compound, Beijing. The visit deepened mutual understanding and led to major progress in a wide range of areas, including climate response, reciprocal visa arrangement and confidence-building measures between the two militaries. |
中俄战略协作伙伴关系保持高水平运行。习近平主席连续第二年首访俄罗斯,普京总统一年两次来华,中俄元首五次会晤,两国一批重大合作项目取得突破性进展,进一步拉紧了两国利益融合纽带。 | China-Russia strategic partnership of coordination has maintained high standard performance. For the second year, President Xi Jinping chose Russia as the first destination of his overseas trip. President Putin visited China twice within a year, and the two presidents met five times in 2014. Breakthrough has been made in a number of major collaborative projects, thus tightening the bond of common interests between the two countries. |
中欧合作不断开创新局面。习近平主席历史性访欧,打造和平、增长、改革、文明四大伙伴关系,把中欧关系提升到新高度。李克强总理年内三次访欧,推动中欧务实合作迈向创新合作的新境界。出席中国-中东欧领导人会晤,开创了中国装备尤其是高铁装备与技术进入欧洲大陆的先河。 | New progress has been made in China-EU cooperation. President Xi Jinping paid a historic visit to Europe to forge partnerships of peace, growth and reform between different civilizations, lifting China-EU relations to a new height. Premier Li Keqiang visited Europe three times in the year, moving China-EU pragmatic cooperation in the direction of innovative cooperation. His meeting with leaders of Central and Eastern European countries broke new ground in introducing China-made equipment, high-speed rail equipment and technology in particular, to the European continent. |
金砖国家团结合作不断深化。习近平主席对印度、巴西进行国事访问,接待南非总统访华。中印一致同意沿着战略合作伙伴关系的大方向,进一步构筑更加紧密的发展伙伴关系,两国务实合作实现新突破。中巴决定深化全面战略伙伴关系,探讨建设从大西洋到太平洋、跨越南美大陆的两洋铁路。 | Solidarity and cooperation among BRICS countries have been deepened. President Xi Jinping paid state visits to India and Brazil, and hosted the visit to China by South Africa's president. China and India agreed to make their strategic and cooperative partnership more development-focused, and breakthroughs were made in China-India pragmatic cooperation. China and Brazil decided to enhance their comprehensive strategic partnership and explored the feasibility of building a railway running across South America from the Pacific Coast to the Atlantic Coast. |
在非洲方向,继去年习近平主席首访非洲提出“真实亲诚”四字对非工作方针后,李克强总理今年访非,进一步提出推动“七大合作工程”、共建“三大交通网络”等重要倡议,中非铁路、矿业、农业大项目合作取得新的进展,进一步充实了新型战略伙伴关系内涵。 | With respect to Africa, following President Xi Jinping's first African tour last year when he proposed the four-point principle of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith for China's relations with Africa, Premier Li Keqiang visited Africa this year and raised such important initiatives as seven major cooperation projects and three major transport networks amid fresh progress in bilateral cooperation concerning railway, mining and agriculture projects which further enriched the new type of strategic partnership between the two sides. |
在拉美方向,习近平主席同拉美和加勒比国家领导人举行中拉关系史上首次领导人会晤,宣布建立平等互利、共同发展的中拉全面合作伙伴关系,正式创建中国--拉共体论坛,为中拉关系提升到更高水平搭建了新平台,实现了我国同发展中国家整体合作机制的全覆盖。 | With respect to Latin America, President Xi Jinping met with leaders of Latin American and Caribbean countries for the first time in the history of China-Latin America relations. The two sides declared the launching of a comprehensive cooperative partnership of equality, mutual benefit and common development and created the China-CELAC Forum as a new platform for elevating relations between the two sides, thus extending China's collective cooperation mechanism to include all developing countries. |
在中东方向,我们将中国与埃及、中国与阿尔及利亚关系提升为全面战略伙伴,主办中阿合作论坛第六届部长会议,提出中阿共建“一带一路”、打造“1+2+3”合作新格局倡议,得到阿拉伯国家热烈反响。 | With respect to the Middle East, we have elevated our relations with Egypt and Algeria to the level of comprehensive strategic partnership, hosted the sixth Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum and put forth initiatives for China-Arab joint efforts to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and create a new "1+2+3" cooperation pattern, which were responded favorably in Arab countries. |
在南太方向,习近平主席访问澳大利亚和新西兰,将中澳、中新关系提升为全面战略伙伴,与南太岛国建立相互尊重、共同发展的战略伙伴关系,推进了同南太建交岛国整体合作。 | With respect to the South Pacific, President Xi Jinping visited Australia and New Zealand and upgraded China-Australia and China-New Zealand relations to the level of comprehensive strategic partnership. He established strategic partnerships of mutual respect and common development with Pacific island countries and advanced China's overall cooperation with the South Pacific island countries having diplomatic ties with China. |
纵观两度春秋,面对新形势、新需求,中国的外交开局成果丰硕,整体布局全面展开,全球伙伴关系网络基本成型。 | Taking the past two years as a whole, China's diplomacy, facing a new situation and new demands, has got off to a fruitful start, with its agenda unfolding across the board and its global network of partnerships basically taking shape. |
第三,为促进世界共同发展作出中国贡献。中国作为世界第二大经济体,我们深知自己的责任,也在为促进世界发展繁荣尽自己最大的努力。 | Third, we have made our own contribution to common development in the world. As the world's second largest economy, China is fully aware of its responsibility and has done its utmost to promote development and prosperity of the world. |
我们保持经济平稳运行,为世界特别是亚洲经济顶住下行压力提供了有力支撑。中国经济增长继续在全球独占鳌头,为世界发展提供“中国机遇”。中央经济工作会议发出中国经济进入新常态的信号,明确了中国实施新一轮高水平对外开放的方向。我们将对内走出一条可持续发展道路,保持健康稳定的中高速增长,推进经济结构向中高端升级,持续造福中国人民;对外深化互利共赢的开放战略,从提供消费品的世界工厂进一步向提供制造业装备的重要基地迈进,实现中国与世界的共同繁荣。 | By maintaining economic stability at home, we have helped global economy, Asian economy, in particular, to effectively resist the downward pressure. As the world's fastest growing economy, China has made itself an opportunity to world development. The recent Central Economic Work Conference sent out a message that the Chinese economy has come to a new normal, reaffirming China's direction for a new round of high-quality opening-up. On the home front, we will pursue a path of sustainable development, maintaining a healthy and steady growth of a medium-high speed, upgrading our economic structure toward the medium-high end and bringing about sustained benefits to our people. On the external front, we will deepen our opening strategy of mutual benefit, achieving the transformation from being the world's workshop of consumer items to being a key supply base of manufacturing equipment and realizing the common prosperity of China and the rest of the world. |
我们推进“一带一路”建设,为欧亚大陆共同发展注入强劲动力。“一带一路”着眼弘扬古丝绸之路互学互鉴、和睦共处的精神,拓展我国同欧亚大陆方向国家各领域互利合作,是新形势下中国推进对外合作的总体构想。 | By promoting the development of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, we have injected a strong impetus to the common development in Eurasia. The economic belt and the maritime Silk Road are projects designed to boost win-win cooperation between China on the one hand and Eurasian countries on the other in the spirit of mutual learning and harmonious coexistence reminiscent of the ancient Silk Road and serve as an overarching architecture for China's external cooperation endeavor in the new era. |
就我国自身而言,这一构想与我国加快中西部开发、解决区域不平衡问题的发展战略密切相关,与我国推进“走出去”战略、构建全方位对外合作格局密切相关。就国际层面而言,我们提出“一带一路”,出发点是希望实现沿线各国的共同发展和共同繁荣,秉持的是构建命运共同体的精神理念,强调的是共商、共建、共享的平等互利方式,“一带一路”为古老的欧亚大陆开创出新的生机与活力,将为这片广袤大地的振兴插上两支强劲的翅膀。 | Internally, this initiative dovetails with China's development strategy of developing our central and western regions while addressing regional imbalances and fits well with our "go global" strategy aimed at building all-directional cooperation with the outside world. Internationally, this initiative aims to secure common development and shared prosperity in all countries along the routes, as it upholds the vision for a community of shared destiny and highlights a win-win approach featuring consultation, joint development and sharing. The initiative is bound to bring new life and vigor to the ancient land of Eurasia and give this vast continent two strong wings on its journey toward prosperity. |
“一带一路”构想提出一年来,已经有沿线50多个国家积极响应参与,并愿同各自的发展战略相互对接。作为“一带一路”的重要支撑,亚洲基础设施投资银行筹建迈出实质性步伐,丝路基金已经设立,中蒙、中泰铁路等基础设施互联互通合作积极推进,中韩、中澳等自贸谈判开花结果。“一带一路”构想的重大意义和深远影响将随着时间的推移持续显现。 | In the past year since the initiative was raised, over 50 countries along the routes have responded positively and signed on, ready to align their respective development schemes with it. Substantive steps have been made in the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which renders strong support to the initiative. The Silk Road Fund is in place. Infrastructure connectivity cooperation such as China-Mongolia and China-Thailand railway projects is making progress. China-ROK and China-Australia FTA negotiations have yielded fruitful results. As time goes by, the great significance and far-reaching impact of the initiative will become more keenly felt. |
我们倡导亚太自贸区建设,为引导亚太区域合作前进方向作出了不懈努力。我们以主办APEC会议为契机,启动亚太自贸区进程并批准相关路线图,超越并整合本地区日趋碎片化的双多边自贸安排,成为APEC进程中里程碑式的重大进展,引发各方强烈共鸣支持,对实现亚太各种区域合作安排的相互包容与促进具有重要意义。 | By promoting the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), we have worked relentlessly to ensure a right direction for regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. Using the opportunity presented by hosting APEC meetings, we set in motion the FTAAP process and approved the relevant roadmap, transcending and integrating the increasingly fragmented bilateral and multilateral FTAs in the region and creating a significant milestone in the APEC process, which aroused strong resonance and support from all parties. The effort goes a long way toward ensuring mutual inclusiveness and reinforcement of the existing cooperation arrangements in the region. |
我们参与国际经济金融治理,为改革完善现行国际体系发挥了积极作用。我们推动二十国集团布里斯班峰会公报将中方倡导的经济结构改革作为宏观经济政策协调主要内容,与美国、澳大利亚共同起草并推动峰会核准“二十国集团能源合作原则”,积极参与多边领域的议程设计和规则制定。我们推动金砖国家福塔莱萨峰会启动筹建开发银行和应急储备安排,为完善全球金融治理作出新贡献。我们积极参加联合国气候峰会,中美共同发表气候变化联合声明,宣布各自2020年后应对气候变化行动目标,在国际上产生巨大示范效应。 | By taking part in international economic and financial governance, we have played a positive role in revamping the relevant international systems. We moved the G20 Summit in Brisbane to include structural reform, as China called for, in its Leaders' Communiqué as an important element under macroeconomic policy coordination. We worked with the United States and Australia in drafting the G20 Principles on Energy Collaboration and urging its endorsement by the Summit. In such a way, we took an active part in agenda-setting and rule-making in the multilateral arena. At the BRICS Summit in Fortaleza, we pushed for the launch of preparations for a New Development Bank and a Contingent Reserve Arrangement, thus making a new contribution to improving global financial governance. We actively participated in the United Nations Climate Summit. The Joint Announcement on Climate Change by China and the United States, spelling out their respective post-2020 actions on climate change, set an illustrious example for the international community. |
第四,为解决全球热点问题发挥中国作用。中华民族历来爱好和平。我们不仅自己坚持走和平发展道路,同时在国际事务中也坚持做主和派、促和派、维和派。 | Fourth, we have played our part in addressing global hotspot issues. The Chinese nation has been peace-loving throughout the ages. Not only are we committed to a path of peaceful development, we have also asked ourselves to stand for peace, make peace and keep peace in international affairs. |
我们以实际行动支持阿富汗国内局势的三重过渡。宣布对阿富汗提供新的援助与大型培训计划,积极致力于维护阿富汗的和平稳定。成功主办阿富汗问题伊斯坦布尔进程外长会,确定64个建立信任措施优先合作项目,为阿富汗问题伊斯坦布尔进程注入了新活力,设立了新标杆。 | We have backed our support to the triple transition of Afghanistan with concrete actions. By announcing new assistance package and major training programs for Afghanistan, we have worked hard to maintain peace and stability in that country. In successfully hosting the Foreign Ministerial Conference of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan, we have helped identify 64 priority cooperation projects as confidence building measures, thus injecting new vitality to the Istanbul Process and setting new standards to it. |
我们积极参与伊朗核问题全面协议谈判进程。我国领导人多次直接深入做有关国家领导人工作。我们在谈判伊始就打出五点政治主张,在谈判过程尤其是关键节点上提出中国的思路和方案,为弥合分歧,打破僵局,推进谈判发挥了公认的建设性作用。 | We have taken an active part in the negotiations for a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue. Chinese leaders have personally talked at great length to the leaders of relevant countries on many occasions. We put forward a five-point political proposition at the early days of the negotiations and went on to offer our ideas and plans throughout the process, especially at critical junctures of negotiations. The constructive role played by China in bridging differences, breaking impasse and moving the negotiations forward has been widely recognized. |
我们面对埃博拉疫情这一近30年来全球最大的公共卫生危机,第一时间向非洲兄弟伸出援手,向疫区国及周边国家先后打出四轮总计7.5亿元人民币援助,派出1000多人次的中国传染病专家和医疗人员赶赴一线参与救援,在疫区及时援建治疗中心,赢得国际社会广泛赞誉。 | In the face of the Ebola epidemic, the biggest global public health crisis in nearly 30 years, we extended a helping hand to our African brothers right away. So far, China has provided four batches of assistance worth a total of RMB750 million to the affected countries and their neighbors, sent more than 1,000 epidemic control experts and medical workers for the relief efforts and built in a timely fashion treatment centers in the affected areas. These moves have won China extensive praises internationally. |
我们在乌克兰问题上秉持客观公正立场,积极劝和促谈,展现了负责任大国形象。我们在危机爆发初期就提出旨在推动政治解决的三点建议,鼓励探索兼顾各方合理利益和关切的政治解决方案,得到有关各方积极评价。 | With respect to the question of Ukraine, China has maintained an objective and impartial position, worked actively to promote peace through dialogue, and displayed the image as a responsible major country. We made a three-point proposal designed to promote a political solution at the start of the crisis, and we encouraged all along efforts to seek a political solution that accommodates the legitimate interests and concerns of all parties. China's position has been well received by the relevant parties. |
我们坚持实现朝鲜半岛无核化,坚持维护半岛和平稳定,坚持通过对话协商解决问题,在不同场合、以不同渠道深入做各方工作,为重启六方会谈积累创造条件,为把半岛核问题重新纳入可持续、不可逆、有实效的对话进程作出不懈努力。 | We are committed to achieving denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, maintaining peace and stability on the Peninsula and solving the issue through dialogue and negotiation. By working vigorously on the relevant parties on the various occasions and through various channels, we have tried hard to create the conditions for the resumption of the Six-Party Talks and to bring the Korean nuclear issue back to a dialogue process that is sustainable, irreversible and result-oriented. |
我们提出解决巴以冲突五点和平倡议,4次派中东问题特使赴有关国家穿梭斡旋,接待巴勒斯坦总统特使访华,以中国政府和红十字会名义分别向加沙人民提供紧急人道主义现汇援助,为缓解巴以紧张局势、维护中东和平稳定作出了贡献。 | We have put forth a five-point peace proposal for settling the Palestine-Israel conflict. Having sent our Special Envoy on Middle East Affairs to the region four times on a shuttle mission of mediation, received visit to China by the Special Envoy of the Palestinian President, and provided emergency humanitarian assistance in cash to the Gaza people in the name of the Chinese Government and the Chinese Red Cross Society, China has contributed its share to easing tensions between Palestine and Israel and safeguarding peace and stability in the Middle East. |
我们积极参与解决叙利亚问题,推动召开叙利亚问题第二次日内瓦会议,提出政治解决叙问题五点主张,鼓励叙利亚各方走出一条符合自身国情、兼顾各方利益的“中间道路”。我们为安理会以协商一致方式通过涉叙人道主义决议做了大量工作。 | We have got actively involved in addressing the Syrian issue by urging the convening of the Geneva II Conference on Syria, making a five-point proposition for a political settlement and encouraging all parties in Syria to seek a middle way that suits Syria's national conditions and accommodates the interests of all parties. We have also made a great deal of efforts to secure the passage of Security Council resolutions on Syria's humanitarian situation by consensus. |
我们大力推动解决南苏丹冲突,相继接待南苏丹政府和反对派代表团访华,委派特使密集进行穿梭外交,平衡、深入做双方工作,为稳定南苏丹局势发挥了实质性作用。 | We have worked hard to solve the conflict in South Sudan. By receiving the government and opposition delegations from South Sudan successively and appointing a special envoy on intensive shuttle diplomacy, China has worked on the conflicting parties in a balanced and in-depth way and played a substantive role in stabilizing the situation in South Sudan. |
我们坚持对话协商和平解决与周边一些国家的领土主权和海洋权益争端。在坚决维护自身主权和正当权益的同时,积极倡导处理南海问题“双轨”思路,强调有关争议应由直接当事国通过友好协商和平解决,南海的和平稳定则由中国与东盟国家共同维护,得到地区多数国家理解支持。 | We have been committed to dialogue, consultation and peacefully solving the disputes concerning sovereignty, territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests with some neighboring countries. While firmly safeguarding our sovereignty and legitimate rights and interests, we have actively advocated a "dual track" approach in addressing the South China Sea issue, namely, the relevant disputes should be resolved peacefully through friendly negotiations by the countries directly concerned while peace and stability in the South China Sea be jointly maintained by China and the ASEAN countries. This approach has won understanding and support from most countries in this region. |
在中央外事工作会议上,习近平主席提出中国必须有自己特色的大国外交,使对外工作具备鲜明的中国特色、中国风格、中国气派。中国外交已经站在了一个新的历史起点上,中国与世界的关系正在揭开新的历史篇章。以上我介绍的中国理念、中国实践、中国贡献、中国作用,自始至终都贯穿并充满着中国特色。 | At the recent Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs, President Xi Jinping pointed out that China must develop a distinctive diplomatic approach befitting its role as a major country, so that China's diplomacy will show salient Chinese features, Chinese style and Chinese confidence. China's diplomacy has already stood on a new historical starting point and its relations with the outside world are displaying brand new chapters. The vision, practice, contribution and role of China as I elaborated above have all demonstrated the Chinese features. |
中国特色大国外交,贵在“特色”二字,旨在走出一条与传统大国不同的强国之路。中国特色,首先是旗帜鲜明地坚持得到中国人民广泛拥护的社会制度和发展道路,始终不渝地坚持中国共产党的领导和中国特色社会主义。这是中国外交的根基所在。 | The word "features", highlighting the major-country diplomacy as China pursues, underscores China's determination to achieve national greatness through ways different from traditional powers. The Chinese features, first and foremost, support unequivocally the social system and development path widely endorsed by the Chinese people and uphold unswervingly the leadership of the CPC and socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is where the foundation of China's diplomacy lies. |
第二要坚持独立自主和平外交方针、和平共处五项原则以及不干涉别国内政等优良传统,同时要与时俱进,不断对此加以完善、丰富和发展。 | Secondly, the Chinese features embody the upholding of the independent foreign policy of peace, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and other fine traditions in China's diplomacy. At the same time, we need to keep abreast of the times and continue to work for their improvement, enrichment and development. |
第三要坚持主持公道、伸张正义、践行平等等特有理念。这些理念既反映了中华文明的优秀传统,又体现了社会主义制度的本质要求,也有助于更好维护发展中国家的整体利益,不断推动国际关系的民主化进程。 | Thirdly, the Chinese features include the adherence to such principles as standing for reason and justice and acting in equal-footed way. These principles reflect both the proud traditions of the Chinese civilization and the intrinsic requirements of China's socialist system, more effectively safeguard the overall interests of developing countries and help promote democracy in international relations. |
第四要坚持为国内发展和改革开放服务的第一要务。我们是世界第二大经济体,同时又是一个典型的发展中国家,这是我们与其他大国的一个重要不同。中国的外交必须紧紧围绕国内发展这个大局,为此营造更为稳定、更加友善的外部环境。 | Fourthly, the Chinese features require that we make serving domestic development, reform and opening-up our top priority. China is the world's second largest economy, but it is also a typical developing country, which makes it different from other major countries. Therefore, China's diplomacy must be brought to serve the country's domestic development by fostering a more stable and more friendly external environment. |
同志们,中国特色大国外交是一项前无古人的事业。惟其艰难,才更显宝贵。秉持中国特色大国外交理念开拓奋进,是以习近平同志为总书记的党中央对我们提出的郑重要求,也是历史赋予我们这一代人的光荣使命。希望大家凝聚力量,汇集智慧,共同为此做出不懈的努力。 | Comrades, the major-country diplomacy with Chinese features is an unprecedented undertaking. It has become all the more valuable just because of its difficult and challenging nature. To persevere in the major-country diplomacy with Chinese features is what the central Party leadership with Comrade Xi Jinping as the General Secretary asked of us, and it is also the glorious mission history has bestowed on this generation of ours. I hope that all of us will pool our strengths and wisdom together and make unremitting efforts to this end. |
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