1月8日,中国-拉美和加勒比国家共同体论坛首届部长级会议在北京人民大会堂金色大厅开幕。中国国家主席习近平出席开幕式并致辞。[中新网] President Xi Jinping delivers keynote speech at opening ceremony of 1st ministerial meeting of China-CELAC Forum on Jan. 8, 2015. [Chinanews.com] |
共同谱写中拉全面合作伙伴关系新篇章 | Jointly Write a New Chapter in the Partnership of Comprehensive Cooperation Between China and Latin America and the Caribbean |
尊敬的索利斯总统,尊敬的科雷亚总统,尊敬的马杜罗总统,尊敬的克里斯蒂总理,各位代表团团长,女士们,先生们,朋友们: | Your Excellency President Luis Guillermo Solis Rivera, Your Excellency President Rafael Vicente Correa Delgado, Your Excellency President Nicolas Maduro Moros, The Right Honorable Prime Minister Perry Gladstone Christie, Heads of Delegations, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, |
大家好!大家远道而来,我谨代表中国政府和中国人民,并以我个人的名义,向朋友们表示热烈的欢迎! | Good morning. On behalf of the government and people of China and also in my own name, I want to warmly welcome our friends who have come all the way from your part of the world to be here. |
这次,拉共体成员国代表齐聚北京,出席中拉论坛首届部长级会议这一中拉关系史上的盛会,给隆冬的北京带来热烈的气氛。 | Today, delegates representing member countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) gather in Beijing for the First Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum, a grand gathering in the history of China-Latin America and the Caribbean relations. Your presence has brought warmth to Beijing in the depth of winter. |
中拉论坛首届部长级会议的召开,标志着双方整体合作由构想变为现实。这次会议的主题是“新平台、新起点、新机遇——共同努力推进中拉全面合作伙伴关系”,反映了中拉论坛的特点和双方对整体合作的期望。 | The convening of the First Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum marks the translation of our vision for overall cooperation into reality. The theme of the Meeting "New Platform, New Starting Point, New Opportunity-Joint Efforts to Promote China-Latin America and the Caribbean Partnership of Comprehensive Cooperation" well captures the features of the China-CELAC Forum and our shared aspiration for closer overall cooperation. |
我相信,这次会议必将取得丰硕成果,向世界发出中拉深化合作、携手发展的积极信号,并对促进南南合作和世界繁荣进步产生重要而深远的影响。 | I am sure this meeting will yield rich results, send to the world a strong message of our commitment to deepening cooperation for common development, and have a major and far-reaching impact on South-South cooperation and the prosperity and progress of the world. |
女士们、先生们、朋友们! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, |
半年前,我同拉美和加勒比国家领导人在巴西利亚举行了具有里程碑意义的会晤,双方决定建立平等互利、共同发展的中拉全面合作伙伴关系,正式建立中拉论坛,顺应了和平、发展、合作、共赢的时代潮流,是中拉关系史上的创举。 | Six months ago, I had a landmark meeting with leaders of Latin American and Caribbean countries in Brasilia. Our two sides decided to establish a partnership of comprehensive cooperation featuring equality, mutual benefit and common development between China and Latin America and the Caribbean and officially launch the China-CELAC Forum. The decision is in keeping with the trend of peace, development and win-win cooperation in our times. It is an innovation in China-Latin America and the Caribbean relations. |
半年来,中拉双方以《中拉领导人巴西利亚会晤联合声明》为指针,共同致力于构建政治上真诚互信、经贸上合作共赢、人文上互学互鉴、国际事务中密切协作、整体合作和双边关系相互促进的中拉关系五位一体新格局,深入推进各领域互利合作,中拉关系呈现蒸蒸日上的新气象。 | Over the last six months, our two sides have followed the guidance of the Joint Statement of the Leaders's Meeting in Brasilia, and worked together to build a new, five-dimensional relationship characterized by sincerity and mutual trust in the political field, win-win cooperation on the economic front, mutual learning and emulation in the cultural sphere, close coordination in international affairs, as well as synergy between China's cooperation with the region as a whole and its bilateral relations with individual regional countries. With the deepening of mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas, the relations between China and Latin America and the Caribbean are flourishing. |
——政治互信进一步提升。双方保持高层交往和其他各层级往来,就发展道路、治国理政、外交政策等涉及各自核心利益和重大关切的议题坦诚深入对话,相互理解日益加深,战略共识不断扩大。 | -Our mutual political trust has been enhanced. We have maintained high-level exchanges and contacts at other levels and carried out candid and in-depth dialogue on development path, governance, foreign policy and other topics concerning our respective core interests and major concerns. As a result, our mutual understanding is deepening and strategic consensus growing. |
——务实合作进一步扩大。在中方倡导的“1+3+6”务实合作框架内,双方积极制定未来5年合作规划,全速发动贸易、投资、金融合作三大引擎,能源资源、基础设施建设、农业、制造业、科技创新、信息技术六大领域一批重大合作项目已经或正在形成。 | -Our practical cooperation has been widened. Within the "1+3+6" cooperation framework proposed by China, our two sides have worked hard to develop a cooperation plan for the coming five years and get the three engines of trade, investment and financial cooperation to run at full speed. A group of major cooperation projects in the six areas of energy and resources, infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing, innovation in science and technology, and information technologies have been decided upon and more are in the pipeline. |
——人文交流进一步密切。双方立法机构、政党、地方交流络绎不绝,科技、教育、文化、旅游等领域合作蓬勃开展,双方人民友谊继续加深,中国的“拉美热”和拉美的“中国热”持续升温。 | -Our people-to-people exchanges have been intensified. There are regular exchanges between our legislatures, political parties and local authorities and robust cooperation in science and technology, education, culture, tourism and other fields, contributing to the deepening friendship between our people and a growing interest in each other. |
——国际协作进一步增强。双方在联合国、亚太经合组织、二十国集团、七十七国集团等国际组织和多边机制框架内,就全球治理、可持续发展、气候变化等重大议题加强协调和配合,中拉合作的战略意义和国际影响日益凸显。 | -Our international coordination has been strengthened. At the United Nations, APEC, G20, G77 and other international organizations and multilateral mechanisms, we have stepped up coordination and cooperation on such major issues as global governance, sustainable development and climate change. The strategic importance and international influence of our cooperation has become all the more evident. |
——整体合作进一步推进。双方在短短半年时间里完成中拉论坛首届部长级会议筹备工作,从政治设计、务实合作、机制建设等方面展开积极探讨,集思广益,凝聚共识,为中拉整体合作开好局、起好步打下了良好基础。 | -Our overall cooperation has been advanced. We have completed the preparations for this inaugural Ministerial Meeting in just six months. We have vigorously explored the political design, practical cooperation and institutional building, pooled our wisdom, and built consensus, laying a good foundation for a good start in our overall cooperation. |
中拉关系全面快速发展,得益于双方对世界发展潮流认知更加一致,对中拉关系发展前景信心更加坚定,对互为发展机遇共识更加清晰,对构建中拉命运共同体愿望更加强烈。这符合我们双方的共同利益,也有利于亚洲同拉美和加勒比两大地区乃至世界和平与发展。 | The rapid, all-round growth of China-Latin America and the Caribbean relations is the result of our enhanced agreement in the perceptions of the global trend, our greater confidence in the prospects of our relations, our clearer consensus on viewing each other as a development opportunity, and our stronger aspiration for a China-Latin America and the Caribbean community of shared destinies. This serves the shared interests of both sides as well as peace and development of Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and that of the world at large. |
女士们、先生们、朋友们! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, |
当今世界是一个发展变革的世界,是一个新机遇新挑战层出不穷的世界,是一个国际体系和国际秩序深度调整的世界,是一个国际力量对比朝着有利于和平与发展方向深刻变化的世界。 | We live in a changing world, a world full of new opportunities and new challenges. The world today is witnessing profound adjustments in the international system and international order, and the international balance of power is shifting in a way that is more favorable for peace and development in the world. |
一大批发展中国家和新兴市场国家快速发展,通过南南合作相互输送动力,增强了自身实力和自主发展能力,为后国际金融危机时期的世界经济注入新的动力,也有力推动了国际秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。 | A large number of developing countries and emerging market economies are on track of fast development. Through South-South cooperation, they have managed to draw on the development momentum of each other to grow in strength and independent development capacity, which consequently added impetus to the growth of the post-crisis world economy and significantly boosted development of the international order toward greater fairness and justice. |
中拉携手同行、深化合作恰逢其时。中国同拉美和加勒比国家国土面积之和占世界陆地总面积的五分之一,人口之和占世界总人口的三分之一,经济总量占世界经济总量的八分之一。这是中拉关系全面深入发展的巨大优势和宝贵资源。 | It is time for China and Latin American and Caribbean countries to advance our cooperation and bring it to an even greater depth. When combined, China and Latin American and Caribbean countries cover one fifth of the world's total land mass and are home to one third of the world's population. Together, we account for one eighth of the global economy. This puts us in an advantaged position and gives us valuable resources to bring about all-round and profound growth of our relations. |
中拉论坛是新生事物,犹如一株破土而出的嫩苗,要长成参天大树,需要双方精心培育。在这次会议上,中国同拉共体成员国将围绕双方整体合作和中拉论坛建设进行深入探讨,并通过《中拉论坛首届部长级会议北京宣言》、《中国与拉美和加勒比国家合作规划(2015-2019)》、《中拉论坛机制设置和运行规则》3个成果文件。 | The China-CELAC Forum, a young seedling in our eyes, needs the dedication and cultivation of both sides for it to grow bigger and stronger. During this Forum meeting, China and CELAC members will have in-depth discussions on overall cooperation and Forum building. Three outcome documents will be adopted, namely, the Beijing Declaration of the First Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum, the China-Latin American and Caribbean Countries Cooperation Plan (2015-2019), and the Institutional Arrangements and Operating Rules of China-CELAC Forum. |
《北京宣言》将集中反映双方对推进中拉全面合作伙伴关系的政治共识,确定整体合作和论坛建设的总体方向,明确双方深化合作的指导原则。 | The Beijing Declaration will highlight the political consensus between the two sides on promoting our partnership of comprehensive cooperation. It will set the general direction for overall cooperation and forum building and lay down the guiding principles for deepening cooperation between the two sides. |
《合作规划》将确定今后5年中拉开展整体合作的重点领域和具体措施,涵盖政治与安全、贸易投资金融、基础设施建设、能源资源、工业、农业、科技人文等。 | The Cooperation Plan will identify priority areas and specify measures to be taken by China and Latin American and Caribbean countries in the coming five years to advance overall cooperation. They will cover the political and security, trade, investment, finance, infrastructure, energy, resources, industry, agriculture, science, technology and cultural fields. |
《中拉论坛机制设置和运行规则》旨在为论坛建章立制,将明确部长级会议、中国-拉共体“四驾马车”定期对话、中拉国家协调员会议等协调合作机制,为落实双方政治共识和合作规划提供制度保障。 | The Institutional Arrangements and Operating Rules of the China-CELAC Forum is designed to promote institutional building, as it will define the forum's coordination and cooperation mechanisms, such as the ministerial meeting, the dialogue of foreign ministers of China and the "Quartet" of CELAC and the meeting of national coordinators, so as to provide institutional guarantee for the implementation of political consensus and cooperation plans between the two sides. |
我高兴地看到,去年7月我在中拉领导人会晤期间提出的一系列合作倡议正在得到积极落实。其中,200亿美元的中拉基础设施专项贷款、100亿美元的优惠性质贷款和50亿美元的中拉合作基金已经或即将开始实质运行,5000万美元的中拉农业合作专项资金已开始向双方合作项目提供资金支持。中国有关部门已经着手落实5年内向拉共体成员提供6000个奖学金名额和6000个来华培训名额事宜,以及邀请1000名拉美政党领导人访华计划和“未来之桥”中拉青年领导人千人培训计划。中方倡议的中拉科技伙伴计划、中拉青年科学家交流计划以及2016年举办中拉文化交流年相关工作也在积极推进。中方欢迎拉共体成员国积极参与上述合作项目。 | I am happy to note that a number of cooperation initiatives I proposed last July at the China-Latin American and Caribbean Countries Leaders' Meeting are being earnestly implemented. Among them, the US$20 billion special loan for infrastructure building projects, the US$10 billion preferential loan and the US$5 billion fund for China-Latin America and the Caribbean cooperation have been or will soon be put into substantive operation. The US$50 million special fund for agricultural cooperation has started to provide funding support for cooperation projects. Besides, the competent departments of China have started to work on the provision of 6,000 government scholarships and 6,000 training opportunities to CELAC members in the coming five years. They have also started work regarding planned invitation of 1,000 leaders of political parties from Latin American and Caribbean countries to visit China as well as the "Bridge for the Future" training program that will involve 1,000 young leaders from China and Latin American and Caribbean countries. The proposed "Science and Technology Partnership" , the "Young Scientists Exchange Program" as well as the planned 2016 Year of Cultural Exchanges put forward by China are all making steady progress. China welcomes CELAC members to take an active part in these programs. |
借此机会,我愿对中拉论坛未来发展谈几点意见。 | Using today's opportunity, I wish to share with you the following thoughts regarding development of the Forum in the coming years. |
第一,坚持平等相待的合作原则。“尺有所短,寸有所长。”中国和拉共体成员国不分大小、强弱、贫富,都是中拉论坛这个大家庭的平等成员。大家应该坚持友好协商、共同建设、共享成果的理念,兼顾各方利益和关切,最大限度凝聚共识,打牢整体合作政治基础。 | First, we need to commit ourselves to the cooperation principle of acting as equal partners. Countries big and small all have their own merits. China and CELAC members, however different in size, strength and level of development, are equal members of the China-CELAC Forum family. We may come together under the vision of friendly consultation, joint development and outcomes sharing, accommodate each other's interests and concerns and build as much consensus as we can so as to lay a solid political foundation for overall cooperation. |
第二,坚持互利共赢的合作目标。中拉论坛作为中国和拉共体成员国政府间合作机制,涵盖政治、经贸、人文、社会、科技等广泛领域。双方应该牢牢把握共同发展的主旋律,加强论坛机制建设,规划好整体合作蓝图,争取早期收获,实现“1加1大于2”的效果,确保论坛可持续发展。 | Second, we need to adhere to the goal of win-win cooperation. As a governmental cooperation mechanism between China and CELAC members, the forum covers political, economic, trade, people-to-people, cultural, social, science and technology, and many other areas. Our two sides should keep firmly to the goal of pursuing common development, enhance institutional building of the forum, and draw up a blueprint for conducting overall cooperation. This will allow us to produce early harvest and achieve the effect of making one plus one bigger than two, and ensure sustainable development of the forum. |
第三,坚持灵活务实的合作方式。中方主张,中拉整体合作同中国和拉共体成员国之间的双边合作并行不悖,两者相互补充、相互促进。各方可以在中拉论坛及相关领域分论坛框架内,共同商定重点合作领域和合作项目,通过双边和多边渠道开展形式多样的合作,实现优势互补。 | Third, we need to pursue cooperation in flexible and pragmatic ways. It is China's view that China-CELAC overall cooperation and bilateral cooperation between China and CELAC members should be conducted on a parallel basis, which complement and reinforce each other. We may, within the framework of the China-CELAC Forum and relevant forums on specific fields, identify priority areas and projects of cooperation and carry out both bilateral and multilateral cooperation in diversified ways to draw on each other's strengths. |
第四,坚持开放包容的合作精神。中拉论坛框架内的合作要充分考虑相关各方不同利益诉求,照顾彼此舒适度。我们欢迎拉美和加勒比其他地区组织和多边机构积极参与中拉整体合作。中拉论坛不仅有利于双方团结协作和南南合作,也必将为促进世界发展繁荣作出积极贡献。 | Fourth, we need to ensure open and inclusive cooperation. In conducting the cooperation within the China-CELAC framework, it is important to give full account to different interests and needs of various parties and accommodate each other's comfort level. We welcome active participation in China-CELAC overall cooperation by other regional organizations and multilateral institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. The forum will therefore contribute to not only solidarity and collaboration between the two sides, but also South-South cooperation and development and prosperity of the world. |
女士们、先生们、朋友们! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, |
拉美和加勒比地大物博,发展条件得天独厚,是最具发展潜力的新兴地区之一。近年来,拉美地区保持稳定发展的良好态势,在拉共体等地区组织引领下,联合自强和一体化建设不断取得新进展,整体实力和国际影响力不断增强。拉美和加勒比国家积极推进多元外交,更加重视发展同包括中国在内的亚太各国友好合作关系,为中拉关系全面深入发展提供了更大空间。 | Latin America and the Caribbean, which is endowed with abundant resources for development, is one of the most promising emerging regions in the world. In recent years, the region has maintained sound momentum of stability and development. Led by CELAC and other regional organizations, it has achieved fresh progress in strengthening itself through unity and accelerating regional integration. As a result, its overall strength and international influence have been enhanced. Countries in the region have actively pursued multi-direction diplomacy, and they have given priority to fostering friendly and cooperative ties with China and other Asia-Pacific countries, thus creating more space for promoting all-round growth of their relations with China. |
当前,中国人民正在为全面建成小康社会、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而奋斗,拉美和加勒比各国人民也在为实现团结协作、发展振兴的拉美梦而努力。共同的梦想和共同的追求,将中拉双方紧密联系在一起。 | The Chinese people are striving to finish the building of a society of initial prosperity in all respects and realize the Chinese dream of great national renewal. The people in Latin America and the Caribbean are endeavoring to achieve their dream of solidarity, collaboration, development and revitalization. So we are bound together by shared dreams and common pursuits. |
中国坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,坚持走和平发展道路,坚持互利共赢的开放战略,坚持和积极践行正确义利观,讲信义、重情义、扬正义、树道义,愿将中国发展同广大发展中国家共同发展紧密结合起来,共同致力于建立以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系。 | China is committed to pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace, peaceful development and a win-win strategy of opening-up. China champions and practices a right approach to principles and interests, and it upholds good-faith, friendship and justice. China will integrate its own development with the common development of other developing countries and work with them to build a new type of international relations of win-win cooperation. |
现在,中国经济发展进入了新常态,今后一个时期将继续保持中高速增长。未来5年,中国将进口超过10万亿美元商品,对外投资超过5000亿美元,出境旅游将超过5亿人次。这将给包括拉美和加勒比国家在内的世界各国提供更多市场机遇、增长机遇、投资机遇、合作机遇。我们要共同努力,实现10年内中拉双方贸易规模达到5000亿美元、中国在拉美地区直接投资存量达到2500亿美元的目标。 | Looking ahead, China will maintain medium to high rate of growth, as its economy has entered a new normal. In the next five years, China will import more than US$10 trillion of goods and make over US$500 billion outbound investment, and over 500 million overseas visits will be made by Chinese tourists. All this will offer more market, investment, growth and cooperation opportunities to countries in Latin America, the Caribbean and the rest of the world. In the next ten years, we will work together to raise two-way trade to US$500 billion, and China's direct investment in the region will rise to US$250 billion. |
中拉双方为论坛设计了一个精美的徽标。它形如环绕相伴的一对和平鸽,又如紧紧相握的双手,象征着中拉密切合作、展翅高飞。 | Our two sides have designed an exquisite emblem for the forum. It is in the shape of a pair of peace doves or two clasped hands, which symbolizes close cooperation between the two sides soaring to great heights. |
总之,中方愿同拉美和加勒比国家一道,以长远眼光,从战略高度,共同打造好中拉整体合作这一新平台,以中拉论坛首届部长级会议为新起点,牢牢抓住中拉整体合作新机遇,共同谱写中拉全面合作伙伴关系新篇章,推动中拉关系在更高水平上实现新发展! | In a word, with the long-term and strategic goal in mind, China will work with Latin American and Caribbean countries to ensure the success of the new platform of China-CELAC overall cooperation. We should take the first Ministerial Meeting as a new starting point and seize new opportunities in China-CELAC overall cooperation. With these efforts, we will write a new chapter in our partnership of comprehensive cooperation and raise our relations to a higher level. |
最后,预祝这次会议取得圆满成功! | To conclude, I wish the meeting every success. |
谢谢大家。 | Thank you. |
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