Full text: Xi's speech at Asian-African Summit

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Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the Asian-African Summit 2015 in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, April 22, 2015. [Xinhua]
2015年4月22日,国家主席习近平出席亚非领导人会议并发表题为《弘扬万隆精神 推进合作共赢》的重要讲话。讲话全文如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech titled "Carry Forward the Bandung Spirit for Win-win Cooperation" at the Asian-African Summit, Apr.22, 2015. Following is the full text of the speech:

弘扬万隆精神 推进合作共赢
中华人民共和国主席 习近平

Carry Forward the Bandung Spirit for Win-win Cooperation
Remarks by Chinese President Xi Jinping
At the Asian-African Summit
Jakarta, 22 April 2015

President Joko Widodo,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
今天,亚非国家领导人汇聚在美丽的雅加达,共同纪念万隆会议召开60周年,共商亚非友好合作和发展振兴大计,具有十分重要的意义。首先,我谨向佐科总统和印度尼西亚政府,表示衷心的感谢!向大家转达中国人民的诚挚问候和良好祝愿!Today, we, the leaders of Asian and African countries, are gathered here in this beautiful city of Jakarta to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference, and to discuss important issues bearing on friendship and cooperation between Asia and Africa as well as development and rejuvenation in our respective countries. To me, this is a conference of far-reaching significance. First of all, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to President Joko Widodo and the Indonesian government and to convey to you the sincere greetings and best wishes of the Chinese people.
60年前,亚非29个国家和地区领导人出席了万隆会议,形成了团结、友谊、合作的万隆精神,促进了亚非拉民族解放运动,加速了全球殖民体系瓦解的历史进程。会议在和平共处五项原则基础上,提出处理国家间关系的十项原则,为推动国际关系朝着正确方向发展,为推动亚非合作、南南合作,为促进南北合作,发挥了重大历史性作用。因此,万隆会议是亚非人民团结合作的一个里程碑。Sixty years ago, leaders from 29 Asian and African countries attended the Bandung Conference, giving birth to the Bandung Spirit of solidarity, friendship and cooperation, galvanizing the national liberation movement that swept across Asia, Africa and Latin America, and accelerating the global process of decolonization. On the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence, the Conference put forth the ten principles for the handling of state-to-state relations, which played a historic role in charting the right course for international relations, advancing Asia-Africa and South-South cooperation, and promoting North-South cooperation. The Bandung Conference, indeed, stands as a major milestone for the solidarity and cooperation between Asian and African peoples.
60年来,亚非这两片古老大陆发生了广泛而深刻的变化。亚非各国人民掌握了自己命运,相继赢得了政治独立,坚定致力于经济社会发展,推动亚非两大洲从过去贫穷落后的地区成为具有巨大发展活力的地区。在万隆精神激励下,亚非国家联合自强,区域、次区域、跨区域合作方兴未艾,在地区和国际事务中发挥着越来越重要的作用,在世界战略全局中的地位不断上升。Over the past sixty years, sweeping and profound changes have taken place in the two ancient continents of Asia and Africa. Having won political independence as masters of their own destinies, the people of Asian and African countries have worked steadfastly to promote economic and social development, and endeavored to turn the once impoverished and backward continents into lands brimming with vigor and vitality for development. Inspired by the Bandung Spirit, Asian and African countries have enhanced their strength through unity and made steady progress in their cooperation at regional, sub-regional and cross-regional levels. By playing an increasingly important role in regional and international affairs, the stature of the Asian and African countries in the world strategic landscape has been elevated steadily.
60年后的今天,和平、发展、合作、共赢的时代潮流更加强劲,各国越来越成为你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体。同时,应该看到,世界还很不太平,局部动荡此起彼伏,恐怖主义、重大传染性疾病等全球性问题不断增多,南北差距依然悬殊,亚非国家的主权安全、团结合作、共同发展依然面临不少困难和挑战。Today, sixty years later, with the trend of the times featuring peace, development and win-win cooperation picking up steam, countries have evolved to forge a community of common destiny with each having a stake in others. At the same time, no one should lose sight of the fact that the world is by no means a tranquil place. Local turbulences keep cropping up, and such global challenges as terrorism and major communicable diseases are on constant increase. North-South gap remains staggering. Asian and African countries still face multiple difficulties and challenges in upholding sovereignty and security, maintaining unity and cooperation and achieving common development.
新形势下,万隆精神仍然具有强大生命力。我们要大力弘扬万隆精神,不断赋予其新的时代内涵,推动构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,推动国际秩序和国际体系朝着更加公正合理的方向发展,推动建设人类命运共同体,更好造福亚非人民及其他地区人民。为此,我愿提出如下倡议。The Bandung Spirit under the new circumstances retains strong vitality. We must carry forward the Bandung Spirit by enriching it with new elements consistent with changing times, by pushing for a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, by promoting a more just and equitable international order and system, and by building a community of common destiny for whole humanity so as to bring about even greater benefits to the people in Asia, Africa and other parts of the world. To this end, I wish to make the following proposals:
第一,深化亚非合作。亚非两大洲都是人类文明的重要发源地,人口总量占世界的四分之三,国家数量超过联合国会员国的一半,亚非合作具有越来越重要的全球意义。面对新机遇新挑战,亚非国家要坚持安危与共、守望相助,把握机遇、共迎挑战,提高亚非合作水平,继续做休戚与共、同甘共苦的好朋友、好伙伴、好兄弟。First, we should deepen Asian-African cooperation. As important cradles of human civilization, the two continents are home to three quarters of the world population, and boast more than half of the UN member states. Asian-African cooperation is acquiring a global dimension of growing importance. In the face of new opportunities and new challenges, Asian and African countries need to hold on to their tradition of sharing weal and woe, seize the opportunities and meet the challenges together, and push Asian-African cooperation constantly to a higher level, so that we will always stay as good friends, good partners and good brothers.
非洲有句谚语,“一根原木盖不起一幢房屋”。中国也有句古话,“孤举者难起,众行者易趋”。亚非国家加强互利合作,能产生“一加一大于二”的积极效应。我们要坚持互利共赢、共同发展,对接发展战略,加强基础设施互联互通,推进工业、农业、人力资源开发等各领域务实合作,打造绿色能源、环保、电子商务等合作新亮点,把亚非经济互补性转化为发展互助力。要深化区域和跨区域合作,用好现有区域和次区域合作机制,适时建立新的合作平台,推动贸易和投资自由化便利化,构建宽领域、多层次、全方位的亚非合作新格局。As an African proverb goes, "One single pillar is not sufficient to build a house." In China, we have an old saying, which reads, "The going is difficult when doing it alone; the going is made easier when doing it with many others." By working closely together, Asian and African countries will gain far more than what their combined strengths could produce. We need to follow a win-win approach for common development, align our development strategies, enhance infrastructure connectivity, promote result-oriented cooperation in industry, agriculture, human resources development and other fields, and cultivate such new bright spots of cooperation as green energy, environment and e-commerce so as to translate the economic complementarity of the two continents into a collective driving force for their development. We should deepen regional and sub-regional cooperation, make better use of the existing mechanisms, build new cooperation platforms when conditions allow to advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and promote a new architecture of wide-ranging, multi-levelled and all-dimensional Asian-African cooperation.
亚非地区有100多个国家,社会制度、历史文化、价值观念千差万别,共同构成异彩纷呈的文明画卷。我们要坚持求同存异、开放包容,在交流互鉴中取长补短,在求同存异中共同前进,让各个文明都绽放出自己的光彩。亚非合作不是封闭的、排他的,而是开放的、共赢的,我们欢迎其他地区国家积极参与并作出建设性贡献。There are more than 100 countries in Asia and Africa. Though diverse in social system, history, culture and values, they present a colorful tapestry of civilizations. We should seek common ground while shelving differences, and be open and inclusive. By drawing on each other's strengths through exchanges and mutual learning, we may see all civilizations progress and thrive together. What is more, Asian-African cooperation is not a closed and exclusive pursuit, but an open and win-win endeavor. We therefore welcome active participation and constructive contribution by countries from other regions.
第二,拓展南南合作。当年,中国改革开放的总设计师邓小平先生说,南南合作这个提法很好,应该给发明者一枚勋章。广大发展中国家都面临着加快发展、改善民生的共同使命,应该抱团取暖、扶携前行,积极开展各领域合作,实现我们各自的发展蓝图。搞好亚非合作,对南南合作具有重要示范带动作用。Second, we should expand South-South cooperation. Mr. Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of China's reform and opening-up, once said that South-South cooperation was such a well-put term that we must give whoever invented it a big medal. Indeed, developing countries in their large numbers are all faced with the common mission of accelerating development and improving people's lives. They ought to look to one another for comfort and come to each other's aid in times of difficulty. And they should actively carry out cooperation across the board to realize their respective development blueprints. A successful Asian-African cooperation will set a good and important example for South-South cooperation in other parts of the world.
亚非国家要深化合作,同时要加强同拉美、南太及其他地区发展中国家的团结合作,扩大在治国理政方面的对话交流,密切在重大国际和地区问题上的沟通和协调,壮大维护世界和平、促进共同发展的力量。While deepening their cooperation, Asian and African countries should step up unity and cooperation with the developing countries in Latin America, South Pacific and other regions, including in such areas as dialogue and exchange on governance, communication and coordination on major international and regional issues, and enhancement of forces making for world peace and common development.
加强南南合作,需要加强机制建设。要发挥好不结盟运动、七十七国集团等机制的作用,建设好亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议、金砖国家等合作平台,推动发展中国家区域组织开展对话交流,探讨建立南南合作新架构。中方支持印尼方建立亚非中心的倡议。要提高发展中国家在国际体系内的代表性和发言权,引导2015年后发展议程谈判重点关注解决发展中国家、特别是非洲国家和最不发达国家面临的困难和挑战,更好维护发展中国家正当权益。Enhanced South-South cooperation calls for more effective institutions and mechanisms. It is important to make good use of the Non-Aligned Movement, the Group of 77 and other groupings, strengthen cooperation platforms such as the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) and BRICS, encourage dialogue and exchanges among regional organizations of developing countries and explore new frameworks for South-South cooperation. In this connection, China supports Indonesia's initiative of establishing an Asia-Africa Center. It is necessary to increase the representation and voice of the developing countries in the various international systems, guide the negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda so that they will focus more on addressing the difficulties and challenges of the developing countries, especially African countries and the least developed countries, and safeguard more effectively the legitimate rights and interests of the developing countries.
第三,推进南北合作。万隆精神不仅适用于亚非合作、南南合作,对促进南北合作也具有重要启示和借鉴意义。实现世界均衡发展,不可能建立在一批国家越来越富裕、另一批国家长期贫穷落后的基础之上。从建设人类命运共同体的战略高度看,南北关系不仅是一个经济发展问题,而且是一个事关世界和平稳定的全局性问题。Third, we should advance North-South cooperation. The Bandung Spirit is not only relevant to Asian-African cooperation and South-South cooperation, it also provides important inspiration and useful reference for greater North-South cooperation. Balanced global development will remain elusive if a group of countries is allowed to get richer and richer while another group gets trapped in prolonged poverty and backwardness. From the strategic perspective of building a community of common destiny for mankind, North-South relations are not merely an economic and development issue but one that bears on the whole picture of world peace and stability.
坚持相互尊重、平等相待,是开展南北合作的政治基础。合作共赢的基础是平等,离开了平等难以实现合作共赢。国家不分大小、强弱、贫富,都是国际社会平等成员,都有平等参与地区和国际事务的权利。要尊重各国主权、独立、领土完整,尊重各国自主选择的社会制度和发展道路,反对干涉别国内政,反对把自己的意志强加于人。Mutual respect and equality in state-to-state relations forms the political foundation in North-South cooperation. The win-win cooperation must be based on equality without which there would be no win-win cooperation. All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are all equal members of the international community entitled to equal participation in relevant regional and international affairs. It is necessary to respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries, respect their independent choices of social system and development path, oppose any interference in the internal affairs of other countries and reject the behavior to impose one's will on others.
帮助发展中国家发展、缩小南北差距,是发达国家应该承担的责任和义务。要推动发达国家切实履行官方发展援助承诺,在不附带政治条件基础上,加大对发展中国家支持力度,增强发展中国家自主发展能力,建立更加平等均衡的新型全球发展伙伴关系。要维护和发展开放型世界经济,推动建设公平公正、包容有序的国际经济金融体系,为发展中国家发展营造良好外部环境。Helping developing countries to achieve development so as to close the North-South gap is the bounden responsibility and obligation of the developed countries. It is important to prod developed countries to earnestly deliver on their ODA commitments, step up their support for developing countries with no political strings attached, and build a more fair and balanced new global development partnership by strengthening the developing countries' capacity for independent development. It is also important to uphold and promote an open world economy, build fair, equitable, inclusive and rules-based international economic and financial systems, and create a sound external environment favorable for the development of developing countries.
要摒弃冷战思维、零和博弈的旧观念,倡导共同、综合、合作、可持续安全的新理念,坚持通过对话协商和平解决分歧争端,共同应对恐怖主义、公共卫生、网络安全、气候变化等非传统安全问题和全球性挑战,建设命运共同体,走出一条共建、共享、共赢的安全新路,共同维护地区和世界和平稳定。It is necessary to abandon such outdated thinking as Cold War mentality and zero-sum game, champion the new vision for common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and settle conflicts and disputes peacefully through dialogue and consultation. Concerted efforts should be made to address non-traditional security issues and meet global challenges such as terrorism, public health hazards, cyber security and climate change, so as to build a community of common destiny, find a new path featuring security by all, of all and for all, and work together for lasting peace and stability in regions and around the world.
女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen,
中国是亚非团结合作的积极倡导者和推动者,始终坚定支持亚非国家争取民族解放的正义事业,坚定促进亚非国家共同发展,并向亚非国家提供了真诚无私的援助。中国在维护国家主权、推进国家统一、实现国家发展的进程中,也得到了亚非国家的宝贵支持和帮助。中国人民对此永远不会忘记。As a champion and staunch advocate for Asian-African solidarity and cooperation, China has given its firm and persistent support to the just cause of Asian and African countries for national liberation, acted resolutely to promote the common development of Asian and African countries, and provided them with sincere and selfless assistance. China, in its efforts to safeguard sovereignty, promote reunification and build the nation, has also received valuable support and help from Asian and African countries. The Chinese people will never forget that.
新形势下,中国将坚定不移推进亚非合作。中国已经同周边8个国家签署睦邻友好合作条约,愿同所有周边国家商签睦邻友好合作条约,将加强同非洲国家和平安全合作,帮助非方增强维和、反恐、打击海盗等方面能力。中国愿同亚非国家开展产能合作,支持非洲国家建设高速铁路、高速公路、区域航空网络,推动亚非工业化进程。中国将于年内对已建交的最不发达国家97%税目产品给予零关税待遇,并将继续向发展中国家提供不附加任何政治条件的援助。中国愿同有关各方一道推进“一带一路”建设,共同建设好亚洲基础设施投资银行,发挥好丝路基金作用。中国将同有关国家一道,完善中国-东盟、中阿合作论坛、上海合作组织等合作平台,办好年内在南非召开的中非合作论坛第六届部长级会议。中国将继续推动南南合作及南北合作,共同维护地区和世界和平稳定,促进共同发展繁荣。Under the new circumstances, China will stay firmly committed to closer Asian-African cooperation. Having already signed with eight of its neighbors the treaty of good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation, China is ready to do the same with the rest of its neighboring countries. China will step up peace and security cooperation with African countries with a view to enhancing their capacity for peacekeeping, counter-terrorism, and counter-piracy operations. China is ready to carry out production capacity cooperation with Asian and African countries, helping African countries with the building of high-speed rail, expressway and regional aviation networks and facilitating the industrialization process in Asia and Africa. By the end of this year, China will extend zero-tariff treatment to 97% of tax items from all the least developed countries having diplomatic ties with China. And China will continue to provide assistance to developing countries without political conditions. China will work with all parties in the building of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, managing well the launch of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and making proper use of the Silk Road Fund. China will join the relevant countries in improving ASEAN Plus China, the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other cooperation platforms, and ensuring the success of the 6th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation to be held in South Africa later this year. China will continue to promote South-South cooperation and North-South cooperation, working with other countries to secure peace and stability at regional and global levels and achieve common development and prosperity.
我愿在这里宣布:中国未来5年内将向亚非发展中国家提供10万名培训名额;连续在华举办亚非青年联欢节,共邀请2000名亚非青年来华访问并参加联欢;将成立中国-亚非合作中心,进一步推进亚非各国交流合作;设立中国-亚非法协国际法交流与研究项目;年内还将举办以弘扬万隆精神为主题的国际研讨会,欢迎各方积极参与。I would like to announce here that in the next five years, China will offer 100,000 training opportunities for candidates from developing countries in Asia and Africa and host the annual Asia-Africa Youth Festival, inviting a total of 2,000 Asian and African youth to China. China will set up a China-Asia and Africa cooperation center to further exchanges and cooperation among Asian and African countries. China will launch a program for exchanges and research on international law between China and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization. And China will host an international seminar this year themed on the Bandung Spirit. Your active participation in the event will be greatly appreciated.
女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen,
当前,中国人民正在按照全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党的战略布局,齐心协力实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。中国梦同亚非人民及其他各国人民的美好梦想息息相通,不仅造福中国人民,而且造福各国人民。Guided by the strategic vision of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and comprehensively deepening reform, advancing law-based governance, and enforcing strict Party discipline, the Chinese people are working in concert to achieve the two centenary goals (completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects when the Communist Party of China celebrates its centenary in 2021 and having a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious country when the People's Republic celebrates its centenary in 2049) and realize the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation. The Chinese dream, which is highly compatible with the dreams of other people in Asia, Africa and beyond, will bring benefit not only to the Chinese people but also to the people all over the world.
中华民族是一个爱好和平的民族,历来崇尚“和为贵”。中国将坚持走和平发展道路,坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,坚持奉行互利共赢的开放战略,坚持正确义利观,在和平共处五项原则基础上发展同各国的友好合作,始终做维护世界和平、促进共同发展的坚定力量。无论发展到哪一步,无论国际风云如何变幻,中国都永远做发展中国家的可靠朋友和真诚伙伴。这是中国对外政策的基础,过去、现在、将来都不会改变。The Chinese nation is one that loves peace, cherishes peace and advocates peace. Committing itself to the path of peaceful development, China will continue to pursue an independent foreign policy of peace, an opening-up strategy of mutual benefit, and a balanced approach to principles and interests. Dedicated to developing friendship and cooperation with all other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence, China will always be a staunch force for world peace and common development. No matter how developed it may become and how much the international landscape may change, China will remain a reliable friend and sincere partner to the developing countries. This bedrock of China's foreign policy has not and will never change.
女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen,
按照中国人的说法,每60年是一个纪年循环。亚非合作走过了60个春秋,正来到一个新的起点上。回首过去60年,中国同亚非国家风雨同舟、和衷共济,相互关系就像长江、梭罗河、尼罗河水一样奔流不息。展望未来,我们应该弘扬万隆精神,共同实现亚非振兴梦想,为亚非人民带来更多福祉,为人类和平与发展的崇高事业作出新的更大的贡献!According to the traditional Chinese calendar, every 60 years form a cycle. That brings Asian-African cooperation of 60 years to a new starting point. The past six decades saw China and countries in Asia and Africa stand together, rain or shine, with a relationship that flows as vigorous as the mighty Yangtze, Solo and Nile rivers. Looking ahead, we should carry forward the Bandung Spirit and make our dream for rejuvenated Asia and Africa come true. In so doing, we can bring more benefits to our people and contribute more to the lofty cause of peace and development for mankind.
谢谢大家。Thank you.


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