Full text: Xi's speech at the Global Leaders' Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2015-11-04

9月27日,国家主席习近平在纽约联合国总部出席并主持全球妇女峰会。习近平在开幕式上发表题为《促进妇女全面发展 共建共享美好世界》的重要讲话。[新华社 黄敬文 摄]
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the Global Leaders' Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment at the United Nations headquarters in New York, the United States, Sept. 27, 2015. [Huang Jingwen/Xinhua]
国家主席习近平9月27日在纽约联合国总部出席并主持全球妇女峰会。习近平在开幕式上发表题为《促进妇女全面发展 共建共享美好世界》的重要讲话。讲话全文如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the Global Leaders' Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment at the United Nations headquarters in New York, the United States on Sept. 27, 2015. Following is the full text:

促进妇女全面发展 共建共享美好世界

中华人民共和国主席 习近平

Promoting Women's All-round Development and Building a Better World for All
— Speech at the Global Leaders' Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China
New York, September 27, 2015

Your Excellency Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,
Your Excellency Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka,
Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,
在联合国成立70周年、北京世界妇女大会召开20周年之际,我们在这里举行全球妇女峰会,为促进男女平等和妇女发展重申承诺、共谋未来,意义重大。On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and the 20th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, it is of great significance for us to convene this Global Leaders' Meeting to reaffirm our commitment to gender equality and women's development and make plans for a better future.
妇女是物质文明和精神文明的创造者,是推动社会发展和进步的重要力量。没有妇女,就没有人类,就没有社会。Women are creators of material and spiritual wealth, and represent an important force driving social development and progress. Without women, there would be no continuity of the human race or human society.
追求男女平等的事业是伟大的。纵观历史,没有妇女解放和进步,就没有人类解放和进步。为实现男女平等的崇高理想,人类走过了不平坦、不平凡的历程。从200多年前世界第一份妇女权利宣言诞生,到“三八”国际劳动妇女节的设立,到联合国成立妇女地位委员会,到通过《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》,妇女事业发展的每一步都推动了人类文明进步。The pursuit of gender equality is a great cause. A review of history shows that without women's liberation and progress, the liberation and progress of mankind would not be attainable. To achieve the lofty goal of gender equality, we have gone through an extraordinary uphill journey. From the publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen over 200 years ago to the observance of International Women's Day on March the Eighth, from the establishment of the UN Commission on the Status of Women to the adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, every step taken to promote the cause of gender equality has been a giant step forward for the progress of human civilization.
20年前,在北京,第四次世界妇女大会通过了《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》,达成促进男女平等、保障妇女权利的战略目标和政策框架。今天,北京世界妇女大会所宣示的精神,在世界催生了积极变化。各国追求男女平等共识日益强化,推动妇女发展行动更趋多样化,妇女生存发展环境不断优化。联合国妇女署做了大量工作,值得充分肯定。Twenty years ago, the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing adopted the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action, laying down strategic goals and policy frameworks for promoting gender equality and ensuring women's rights. Today, the spirit championed by the Beijing Conference has catalyzed positive changes worldwide. The consensus among countries on pursuing gender equality is strengthening. A whole range of different actions have been taken to promote women's development. And the social context for women's life-quality and development is improving. In this regard, UN Women should be fully recognized for the tremendous work it has done.
经过持续不断努力,许多以前遥不可及的梦想已经成为现实:全球143个国家通过立法明确规定男女平等,妇女参与政治经济活动在法律上已经没有障碍,妇女接受教育、婚姻自由、职业自由等已经成为社会共识。Thanks to determined efforts over the years, dreams that were once beyond reach have come true: 143 countries have enshrined gender equality in their laws, thus removing legal barriers to women's participation in political and economic activities, and there is now a general consensus around the world that women should have access to education and employment, and enjoy freedom of marriage.
同时,环顾世界,各国各地区妇女发展水平仍然不平衡,男女权利、机会、资源分配仍然不平等,社会对妇女潜能、才干、贡献的认识仍然不充分。现在全球8亿贫困人口中,一半以上是妇女。每当战乱和疫病来袭,妇女往往首当其冲。面对恐怖和暴力肆虐,妇女也深受其害。时至今日,针对妇女的各种形式歧视依然存在,虐待甚至摧残妇女的事情时有发生。In many parts of the world, however, disparities remain in women's development, and inequality still exists between men and women in rights, opportunities and access to resources. Full recognition of women's potential, talent and contribution has yet to be achieved. Women account for more than half of the 800 million impoverished population of the world. They tend to bear the brunt of wars and epidemics, and they suffer deeply from terrorism and violence. As we speak, various forms of discrimination against women are still taking place. Abuses and inhuman treatment of women continue.
事实表明,实现男女平等,还需要我们付出巨大努力。我们要不懈努力,为妇女事业发展开辟广阔道路。All this shows that we still have a long road to travel in achieving gender equality. We must work tirelessly to broaden the prospects for this cause.
女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,
我们刚刚通过2015年后发展议程,性别视角已纳入新发展议程各个领域。让我们发扬北京世界妇女大会精神,重申承诺,为促进男女平等和妇女全面发展加速行动。In the Post-2015 Development Agenda we have just adopted, a gender perspective has been included in every item. Let us reaffirm the spirit of the Beijing Conference with renewed commitment and lose no time in promoting gender equality and women's all-round development.
第一,推动妇女和经济社会同步发展。发展离不开妇女,发展要惠及包括妇女在内的全体人民。我们要制定更加科学合理的发展战略,既要考虑各国国情、性别差异、妇女特殊需求,确保妇女平等分享发展成果,又要创新政策手段,激发妇女潜力,推动广大妇女参与经济社会发展。中国实践证明,推动妇女参加社会和经济活动,能有效提高妇女地位,也能极大提升社会生产力和经济活力。First, we should fight for women's development in tandem with social and economic progress. Development cannot be achieved without women, and the benefits it brings must be shared by all. We need to come up with better and more-rounded development strategies that take into account national realities, gender differences, and the special needs of women, and aim to ensure women's equal share in the fruits of development. Policy measures should be updated to stimulate women's potential and raise their participation in the process of social and economic development. China's experiences show that a higher level of social and economic participation by women helps to raise their status, and it also boosts social productivity and invigorates the economy.
第二,积极保障妇女权益。妇女权益是基本人权。我们要把保障妇女权益系统纳入法律法规,上升为国家意志,内化为社会行为规范。要增强妇女参与政治经济活动能力,提高妇女参与决策管理水平,使妇女成为政界、商界、学界的领军人物。我们要保障妇女基本医疗卫生服务,特别是要关注农村妇女、残疾妇女、流动妇女、中老年妇女、少数族裔妇女的健康需求。我们要采取措施确保所有女童上得起学和安全上学,发展面向妇女的职业教育和终身教育,帮助她们适应社会和就业市场变化。Second, we should protect women's rights and interests. Women's rights and interests are basic human rights. They must be protected by laws and regulations and integrated into national and social rules and norms. We must buttress women's capacity to play their part in society and the economy, enhance women's capability in decision-making and management, and support them in becoming leaders in the fields of politics, business and academia. We must ensure that basic medical services for women are sufficient, and pay particular attention to the health needs of rural women, women with disabilities, migrant women, middle-aged and elderly women, and women of ethnic minorities. We must ensure that school is affordable and safe for every girl, and develop vocational and life-long education for women to help them better adapt to changes in society and the employment market.
第三,努力构建和谐包容的社会文化。男女共有一个世界,消除对妇女的歧视和偏见,将使社会更加包容和更有活力。我们要努力消除一切形式针对妇女的暴力,包括家庭暴力。我们要以男女平等为核心,打破有碍妇女发展的落后观念和陈规旧俗。我赞赏潘基文秘书长发起的“他为她”倡议,希望越来越多男性参与进来。Third, we should strive to build harmonious and inclusive societies. Men and women live in the same one world. A society with less discrimination or prejudice against women is often more inclusive and dynamic. We must eradicate all forms of violence against women, including domestic violence. We should focus on gender equality and dismiss outdated mentalities and customs inhibiting women's development. I appreciate Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's "He for She" Initiative, and hope more men will join that action.
第四,创造有利于妇女发展的国际环境。妇女和儿童是一切不和平不安宁因素的最大受害者。我们要坚定和平发展和合作共赢理念,倍加珍惜和平,积极维护和平,让每个妇女和儿童都沐浴在幸福安宁的阳光里。Fourth, we should foster a global environment favorable to women's development. Women and children are the ones who suffer most when peace or tranquility is disrupted. We must stand firmly for peace, development and beneficial cooperation, cherish peace dearly and uphold it so that every woman and child will enjoy the sunshine of happiness and tranquility.
各国妇女团体应该加强交流,增进友谊,共同发展,共同进步。要继续开展妇女领域国际发展合作,发达国家要加大对发展中国家的资金和技术援助,缩小各国妇女发展差距。Women's organizations in different countries should strengthen interactions with each other to enhance friendship, pursue development, and achieve progress together. We should continue to carry out women-related international development cooperation. Developed countries should scale up financial and technological assistance to developing countries and narrow the development gaps among women in different countries.
女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,
在中国人民追求美好生活的过程中,每一位妇女都有人生出彩和梦想成真的机会。中国将更加积极贯彻男女平等基本国策,发挥妇女“半边天”作用,支持妇女建功立业、实现人生理想和梦想。中国妇女也将通过自身发展不断促进世界妇女运动发展,为全球男女平等事业作出更大贡献。As the Chinese people pursue a better life, every Chinese woman has the opportunity to excel in life and make her dreams come true. China will do more to enhance gender equality as its basic state policy, give play to women's important role as "half the sky" and support them in realizing their own dreams and aspirations in both career and life. Women in China, through their own development, will also play a greater part in the global women's movement and make a greater contribution to gender equality throughout the world.
为支持全球妇女事业和联合国妇女署工作,中国将向妇女署捐款1000万美元,用于支持落实《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》,落实2015年后发展议程相关目标。在今后5年内,中国将帮助发展中国家实施100个“妇幼健康工程”,派遣医疗专家小组开展巡医活动;实施100个“快乐校园工程”,向贫困女童提供就学资助,提高女童入学率;邀请3万名发展中国家妇女来华参加培训,并在当地为发展中国家培训10万名女性职业技术人员。在中国同联合国合作设立的有关基金项下,将专门开展支持发展中国家妇女能力建设的项目。To support women's development worldwide and the work of UN Women, China will donate US$10 million to UN Women for the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action and the realization of the related goals in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. In the coming five years, China will help other developing countries to build 100 "health projects for women and children," send teams of medical experts to provide services, and implement 100 "happy campus projects" to finance the schooling of poor girls and raise the school enrollment rate for girls. We will also bring 30,000 women from developing countries to attend training programs in China and provide vocational trainings for 100,000 women in other developing countries. Under the related fund co-sponsored by China and the United Nations, there will be special capacity-building programs for women from developing countries.
女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,
让我们携手努力,加速行动,共建共享一个对所有妇女、对所有人更加美好的世界!Let us work hand in hand and move faster to build a better world for women and for all!
预祝峰会圆满成功!I wish the Global Leaders' Meeting every success.
谢谢大家。Thank you.


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