Full text: Remarks by Li Keqiang at the 18th China-ASEAN Summit

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Chinese Premier Li Keqiang addresses the 18th ASEAN-China summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 21, 2015. [Xinhua]
Prime Minister Najib,
Dear Colleagues,
很高兴在吉隆坡与大家再次相聚。感谢纳吉布总理和马来西亚政府为此次会议所做的精心准备。我期待通过本次会议,进一步深化中国-东盟友好合作关系,愿与各位同事深入交换意见。It is a great pleasure to meet you again this time in Kuala Lumpur. I wish to thank Prime Minister Najib and the Malaysian government for the thoughtful arrangements. I look forward to further deepening China-ASEAN friendship and cooperation through this meeting, and I am ready to have in-depth exchange of views with you.
中国和东盟是陆海相连、人文相亲的好邻居,更是紧密协作、共同发展的好伙伴。弹指一挥间,双方建立对话关系已有24年,走过了不平凡的历程。令人高兴的是,24年来,中国与东盟国家间的政治互信日益加强,务实合作不断深化。近几年,我们加快21世纪海上丝绸之路建设,实施“2+7合作框架”,推动形成中国和东盟命运相系、利益相融、情感相依的良好局面。双方关系已远远超越双边范畴,日益成为东亚地区和平、稳定与发展的重要基石。China and ASEAN countries are good neighbors enjoying geographical proximity and cultural affinity. We are also good partners pursuing common development through close collaboration. Our dialogue relations have traveled an extraordinary journey since they were established 24 years ago. It is heartening to see growing mutual political trust and deepening practical cooperation between the two sides over these 24 years. In recent years, we have accelerated the building of the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, implemented the 2+7 cooperation framework, and forged a sound momentum of China-ASEAN relations featuring shared future, integrated interests and close emotional bond. Our relations have gone far beyond the bilateral scope to become a major cornerstone underpinning peace, stability and development in East Asia.
回顾第17次领导人会议以来的一年,中国-东盟关系稳步推进。我们完成了《落实中国-东盟面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系联合宣言行动计划(2016-2020)》磋商,举办了“中国-东盟海洋合作年”活动,首次在华举行了中国-东盟防长非正式会晤,首次举行中国-东盟执法安全合作部长级对话。在国际贸易增长低迷的背景下,今年1至10月双方贸易额达3792亿美元。双方累计相互投资超过1500亿美元,互派留学生超过18万人次。今年底,双向旅游有望突破2000万人次。在包括中国和东盟国家在内的有关各方共同努力下,亚洲基础设施投资银行即将投入运营。这些都为中国-东盟关系注入了新活力,打开了新空间。Steady progress has been made in China-ASEAN relations since we met last year. We have completed our consultations on the Action Plan to Implement the Joint Declaration on China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity 2016-2020, held events under the China-ASEAN Year of Maritime Cooperation, and hosted in China the first informal meeting of China-ASEAN defense ministers as well as the first Ministerial Dialogue on Law-Enforcement and Security Cooperation. Despite sluggish growth in global trade, our two-way trade reached 379.2 billion US dollars in the first ten months of this year. Stock investment in both ways has exceeded 150 billion US dollars, and more than 180,000 of our students have studied in each other's countries. Tourist flows between the two sides is expected to top 20 million by the end of this year. And thanks to the joint efforts of China, ASEAN countries and others, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will soon be up and running. All these developments have added fresh impetus and new dimension to China-ASEAN relations.
我们高兴地看到,东盟共同体即将建成,这是东盟国家一体化建设的里程碑,也标志着本地区合作水平迈上新台阶。中方始终将东盟作为周边外交优先方向,坚定支持东盟一体化,支持东盟共同体建设,支持东盟在区域合作中的中心地位。明年是中国-东盟建立对话关系25周年,中国愿与东盟国家携手前行,推动政治互信有新的提升,深化经贸、人文等各领域务实合作,努力建设更加紧密的中国-东盟命运共同体,开创地区和平稳定、发展繁荣的美好未来。We are happy to see that the ASEAN Community will soon be launched. It will be a milestone in the ASEAN integration process and will mark a new level of cooperation in our region. China has always regarded ASEAN as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy. We firmly support ASEAN's integration and community-building efforts, and support ASEAN centrality in regional cooperation. Next year will mark the 25th anniversary of our dialogue relations. China stands ready to work with ASEAN countries to strengthen political mutual trust, deepen practical cooperation in business, culture and other fields, and strive for a closer China-ASEAN community of shared future. This will open up even brighter prospects of peace, stability, development and prosperity for our region.
我也愿借此机会,对泰国担任中国-东盟关系协调国期间为促进中国-东盟全方位友好合作作出的贡献表示赞赏和感谢,也期待同新任协调国新加坡合作,继续推动中国-东盟关系迈上新台阶。Let me take this opportunity to express my appreciation and thanks to Thailand, the previous country coordinator for China-ASEAN relations, for its contribution to promoting all-round friendship and cooperation between China and ASEAN. China looks forward to working with Singapore, the new country coordinator, to make new progress in China-ASEAN relations.
各位同事!Dear Colleagues,
明年既是中国-东盟建立对话关系25周年,也是双方战略伙伴关系新一个五年《行动计划》的开局之年。在这继往开来、承前启后的时刻,我们有必要从以往合作历程中汲取经验和启示,更加明确未来的发展方向。Next year will be the 25th anniversary of dialogue relations and also the first year of a new five-year action plan for our strategic partnership. At this important juncture, it is necessary for us to draw experience and inspirations from past cooperation and chart the course for our future relations.
——只有增进互信,才能夯实合作根基。政治互信如同中国-东盟关系的根脉,根扎得越深,树长得越壮。中国与东盟国家唇齿相依、兴衰相伴,相互尊重、平等相待是我们的处世之道,和平发展、和睦相处是我们共同利益所在,一个和平稳定的大环境是地区繁荣的保障。我们要让这份共识经得起历史和现实的检验,成为双方进一步深化互信的基础。– We need to enhance political mutual trust in order to strengthen the foundation for cooperation. Political trust is as important to China-ASEAN relations as a root to a tree: the deeper the root goes, the stronger the tree will grow. As neighbors, China and ASEAN countries are as close as lips and teeth. We must treat each other with respect and as equals. Peaceful development and harmonious coexistence serves our common interests. As we all believe, a peaceful and stable environment is the prerequisite for regional prosperity. We need to work together to make sure that this consensus of ours stand the test of history and practical circumstances, and serve as the basis for further deepening trust between us.
——只有融合发展,才能共同繁荣、实现共赢。中国与东盟国家发展各具优势,可以取长补短。10+1的GDP总量近13万亿美元,占亚洲的近60%。双方贸易、投资和产业合作日益密切,已形成你中有我、我中有你、相互依存的发展格局。中国-东盟自贸区的建成又为10+1整体发展提供了新的助力,展现了发展中国家互利互惠、合作共赢的良好模式。– We need to promote integrated development in order to achieve common prosperity and win-win cooperation. China and ASEAN countries have our respective development strengths and, as such, could complement each other well. Our combined GDP is close to 13 trillion US dollars, or nearly 60% of Asia's total. Our trade, investment and industrial cooperation has become ever closer, making our interests inseparable and interdependent. The establishment of the China-ASEAN FTA has lent new impetus to our common development. It also serves as a fine example of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation among developing countries.
——只有扩大共同利益、求同存异,才能缩小分歧。中国与东盟国家虽然国情不同,但我们都坚定致力于经济发展和民生改善,都不希望本国和地区发展的好势头受到干扰。国家间交往有这样那样的分歧并不奇怪,关键是要看到我们的共同利益远远大于分歧,对于分歧应该加以妥善管控和处理。东亚各国人文交流源远流长,自古以来就有对话协商、求同存异的智慧和优良传统。10+1合作要走得远、行得稳,要善于运用“和而不同”、“以和促解”的智慧,包容互鉴、合作共赢。– We need to expand common interests and seek common ground while setting aside differences in order to narrow differences. Despite different national conditions, China and ASEAN countries are equally committed to economic development and betterment of people's lives. None of us want to see the sound development momentum at home or in the region be put in jeopardy. It is only natural that differences may arise in state-to-state interactions. What is crucial is to recognize that our common interests far outweigh our differences, and that we could properly manage and handle such differences. Through centuries of cultural and people-to-people exchanges, countries in East Asia have developed the wisdom and the time-honored tradition of seeking common ground and setting aside differences through dialogue and consultation. For China-ASEAN cooperation to sustain and succeed, we should skillfully use our traditional wisdom of harmony in diversity and resolving differences through peaceful means, and promote inclusiveness, mutual learning and win-win cooperation.
早在15世纪初,中国著名航海家郑和率领着世界上最庞大的船队,七次下西洋,曾五次经过马六甲海峡,远航亚非30多个国家和地区,带去的不是血与火、掠夺和殖民,而是瓷器、丝绸和茶叶,是中国人民的友谊和祝福。600年前,这片海洋就享有和平稳定和航行自由,600年后的今天仍然如此。In the early 15th century, Zheng He (or Cheng Ho), a famous Chinese navigator, led the world's largest fleet on seven expeditions to the Western Seas. He passed through the Malacca Strait five times, and went as far as reaching the shores of over 30 countries and regions in Asia and Africa. Instead of blood and fire, plundering and colonialism, he brought with him Chinese porcelain, silk and tea as well as friendship and goodwill from the Chinese people. Since then, for six hundred years until today, this stretch of water has always enjoyed peace, stability and freedom of navigation.
近年来,本应通过直接当事国谈判协商解决的南海争议问题,被炒作成南海和平稳定和航行自由问题,甚至有域外国家高调介入。这对各方都是不利的。当前世界经济复苏低迷艰难,东亚地区本被视作增长的引擎。如果地区热点问题突出,甚至成为紧张局势的发源地,就会影响域内域外投资者和民众的预期。实际上,各国依照国际法在南海自由航行一向不存在障碍,而南海的和平稳定则需要各方以和平行动共同来维护。In recent years, the question of the South China Sea, a dispute that should be resolved by countries directly concerned through negotiation and consultation, has been played up and described as an issue of peace, stability and navigational freedom. Some countries from outside the region have even taken a high profile in their intervention in the South China Sea. China sees this as doing no good to anyone. Now that global economic recovery remains difficult, East Asia is regarded as one engine driving global growth. Should regional hot-spot issues get prominent and become the source of tension, it will affect the expectation of investors and of people both within and outside the region. The fact is that freedom of navigation enjoyed by countries in the South China Sea in accordance with international law has never run into problem, and that peace and stability in the South China Sea needs to be upheld by all sides working for peace together.
中国始终坚持通过谈判协商和平解决南海争议问题。2002年签署的《南海各方行为宣言》,为保持南海十几年的平静作出重要贡献,各方应继续全面有效落实,坚持通过谈判解决争议,坚持以建设性方式处理分歧,不断增进政治互信,深化海上务实合作。中国愿与东盟国家共同努力,争取在协商一致的基础上早日达成“南海行为准则”。中国有信心与东盟国家一道,把南海建设成为造福地区各国的和平、友谊与合作之海。China is committed to the peaceful settlement of the South China Sea dispute through negotiation and consultation. The DOC signed in 2002 made important contribution to ensure peace in the South China Sea over the last decade. The parties should continue to fully and effectively implement the DOC, resolve disputes through negotiation, manage differences in a constructive manner, increase political mutual trust, and deepen practical maritime cooperation. China will work with ASEAN countries to strive for an early conclusion of a COC on the basis of consensus. Together with our ASEAN friends, we have the confidence to make the South China Sea a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation for the benefit of all countries in the region.
各位同事!Dear Colleagues,
当前,世界经济整体复苏乏力,东亚经济增长在继续领跑的同时,也面临着较大下行压力。中国和东盟国家正处于发展建设的关键时期,通过深化10+1合作来促进各自发展乃大势所趋。中国正在制定经济社会发展第十三个五年规划,将围绕全面建成小康社会的目标,通过实施创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享五大发展新理念,引领未来发展行动。这将为周边乃至世界各国提供更多发展合作的机遇。东盟共同体即将建成,面临着加快发展、改善民生的紧迫任务。未来五年,中国愿与东盟十国一道,抓住难得历史机遇,充分对接各自发展战略,提升11个国家整体发展水平,力争实现2020年建成东亚经济共同体目标,促进东亚地区永久和平与繁荣。为此,我愿提出以下几点建议:Right now, the world economy as a whole lacks momentum in recovery. While East Asia continues to lead the world in growth, it also faces considerable downward pressure. Both China and ASEAN countries are now at a crucial stage of development. It is imperative that we deepen our cooperation to boost development at home. China is formulating its 13th Five-Year Plan. To achieve the general goal of building China into a country of moderate prosperity in all respects, we will adopt a new development approach featuring innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. This will offer new opportunities of development cooperation with both our neighbors and countries around the world. On ASEAN's part, the ASEAN Community will soon be built, and the pressing task is to expedite development and raise people's livelihood. In the coming five years, China will work with the ten ASEAN countries to seize the rare opportunity and synergize our development strategies. In so doing, we could reach an even higher level of development, attain the goal of completing the East Asia Economic Community by 2020, and promote enduring peace and prosperity in East Asia. With this in mind, I wish to make the following proposals:
第一,进一步加强中国-东盟合作发展机制化建设。落实好双方战略伙伴关系第三份五年《行动计划》和“2+7合作框架”,以办好建立对话关系25周年纪念峰会为契机,推动10+1合作在成熟轨道上稳步前行。澜沧江-湄公河合作首次外长会本月在华成功举行,启动了澜湄合作进程,将与现有次区域合作机制相互补充、协调发展,为提升次区域整体发展水平和东亚区域合作发挥积极作用。为支持东盟共同体建设,中方将进一步加大对东盟欠发达国家无偿援助力度,继续支持东盟缩小内部发展差距。中方也愿与东盟继续就商签“中国-东盟国家睦邻友好合作条约”保持沟通,为双方关系长期稳定发展提供法律保障,也向外发出地区发展稳定、可预期的积极信号。First, we need to further strengthen institution-building for China-ASEAN cooperation. To advance our cooperation on a mature track, we need to implement well the third five-year action plan and the 2+7 cooperation framework and ensure the success of the commemorative summit for the 25th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations next year. Earlier this month, the first Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) Foreign Ministers' Meeting was successfully held in China. The LMC process it has launched will complement and work in tandem with existing sub-regional mechanisms and play an active part in promoting overall development of the sub-region and regional cooperation in East Asia. To support ASEAN community-building, China will scale up grant assistance to less-developed ASEAN members and support ASEAN in narrowing the development gap among its members. China will also continue discussion with ASEAN to explore the signing of a treaty of good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation. This will provide the legal guarantee for the long-term development of our relations, and will send a positive signal to the world that development in the region is stable and foreseeable.
第二,加快经贸合作升级。双方应加快中国-东盟自贸区升级谈判成果的达成,通过进一步简化通关手续、升级原产地规则以及操作程序等措施,提升贸易便利化水平,力争实现2020年双边贸易额达到1万亿美元的目标。深化投资促进和便利化合作,创造稳定、有利和透明的商业环境,扩大服务贸易往来,并在农业、渔业和林业等领域开展经济技术合作。加紧工作,争取尽早结束区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)谈判,为构建更为完善的地区自贸体系奠定基础,从而实现区域经济一体化的目标。Second, we need to upgrade our economic and trade cooperation at a faster pace. We need to move speedily to deliver outcomes in our negotiations for an upgraded China-ASEAN FTA, improve trade facilitation through simplified customs procedures, upgraded Rules of Origin and improved operational procedures, and strive to bring our two-way trade to one trillion US dollars by 2020. We need to deepen cooperation on investment promotion and facilitation, create a stable, favorable and transparent business environment, expand trade in services, and carry out economic and technological cooperation in agriculture, fishery, forestry and other fields. We need to speed up and conclude as early as possible RCEP negotiations to lay the groundwork for a better regional FTA system and ultimately achieve regional economic integration.
第三,推动“一带一路”倡议同区域国家发展战略对接。中方愿结合“一带一路”建设,充分发挥中国-东盟互联互通合作委员会的作用,积极参与《东盟互联互通总体规划》。陆上联通是互联互通的基础。我们应继续积极推进泛亚铁路建设,争取中泰、中老铁路等重大项目年内开工,希望中老泰三方尽早签署运输便利化协定,愿探讨制订“中国-东盟运输便利化协定”。信息联通是互联互通的重要内容。中方愿同东盟建立中国-东盟国家计算机应急响应组织合作机制,共同建设中国-东盟信息港。我们要充分发挥亚投行、丝路基金、中国-东盟投资合作基金等平台的作用;中方还将设立100亿美元的第二期中国-东盟基础设施专项贷款,为有关项目提供融资支持。Third, we need to synergize China's Belt and Road Initiative with the development strategies of other countries in the region. While advancing the Belt and Road Initiative, China wishes to fully harness the China-ASEAN Connectivity Cooperation Committee, and take an active part in the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity. Land connection is the foundation of overall connectivity. We should promote the Pan-Asia railway links and strive to begin construction for such major projects as China-Thailand and China-Laos railways within this year. It is our hope that a trilateral transport facilitation agreement with Laos and Thailand will be signed as soon as possible, and we are ready to discuss a transportation facilitation agreement with ASEAN. Information connectivity is also a major part. China is ready to set up with ASEAN a cooperative mechanism among our Computer Emergency Response Teams and jointly develop the China-ASEAN Information Port. We may make full use of such platforms as the AIIB, the Silk Road Fund and the China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund. China will set aside 10 billion US dollars for phase II of the China-ASEAN special infrastructure loan to finance relevant projects.
第四,探索开展国际产能合作。多数东盟国家都在推进工业化和城镇化,基础设施建设和制造业发展需求旺盛。中国拥有完备的工业体系,装备产品性价比高,综合配套和工程建设能力强,可以支持东盟国家兴建基础设施,提升装备制造业水平。双方可发挥各自比较优势,以政府搭台、市场主导、民间参与的形式,推动在基础设施、工程机械、电力、建材、通信、工业园区等领域开展国际产能合作,实现互利共赢。中方愿将东盟作为开展国际产能合作的重要方向,希望与东盟国家积极探讨下一步具体合作。Fourth, we need to explore global cooperation on production capacity. Most ASEAN countries are pursuing industrialization and urbanization, which will generate strong demand for infrastructure and manufacturing capacity. China has a complete industrial system, offers quality and relatively low-cost equipment and products, and is strong in engineering construction and supporting services. It is well-positioned to support ASEAN countries in building infrastructure and upgrading equipment manufacturing. We may give full play to our respective strengths, and promote production capacity cooperation in infrastructure, construction machinery, electricity, construction materials, communications, industrial parks and other fields. In pursuing such win-win cooperation, the government may provide a platform while the market may play a leading role with the participation of the private sector. China wishes to make ASEAN countries important partners of production capacity cooperation, and explore with ASEAN countries concrete cooperation in the time to come.
第五,共同提升安全合作水平。安全合作是双方应对全球性挑战的必然要求,也是增进彼此互信的重要途径。中方愿与东盟早日实现防长非正式会晤机制化,探讨建立中国-东盟防务直通电话。双方应加强打击跨国犯罪、反恐、灾害管理等非传统安全领域合作。中方倡议中国-东盟执法安全合作部长级对话实现机制化,探讨适时设立中国-东盟执法学院,并将在未来5年为东盟国家执法部门提供2000人次培训。Fifth, we need to jointly elevate our security cooperation. Security cooperation is imperative for both sides to meet global challenges. It is also an important way to enhance mutual trust. China hopes to see the current informal defense ministers' meeting being institutionalized at an early date, and wishes to explore with ASEAN a direct line between our defense authorities. We may step up cooperation in non-traditional security fields such as cross-border crime, counter-terrorism and disaster management. China proposes that the China-ASEAN Ministerial Dialogue on Law-Enforcement and Security Cooperation be institutionalized. Discussion may be held regarding setting up a China-ASEAN law-enforcement academy in due course. China will be happy to provide 2,000 training opportunities for law-enforcement agencies of ASEAN countries in the next five years.
第六,努力促进地区可持续发展。双方应乘“中国-东盟海洋合作年”的东风,继续推动海上合作,建议定期举办中国-东南亚国家海洋科技与环保合作论坛,推进中国-东盟海洋合作中心建设。中方将于明年举办首届中国-东盟农业合作论坛,愿同东盟加强农业能力建设合作,共同维护地区粮食安全。希望双方早日通过《中国-东盟环境合作战略(2016-2020)》,建设环保信息共享平台,探讨建立中国-东盟生态友好城市发展伙伴关系,携手实现绿色发展。Sixth, we need to promote sustainable development in the region. The China-ASEAN Year of Maritime Cooperation gives us an opportunity to further advance maritime cooperation. China suggests that the Forum on Maritime Science and Technology and Environment Protection between China and Southeast Asian countries be held on a regular basis, and efforts be made to build a China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Center. China will host the first China-ASEAN Agricultural Cooperation Forum next year. We will strengthen cooperation with ASEAN on agricultural capacity-building to jointly safeguard regional food security. We also hope that the two sides will adopt the China-ASEAN Strategy on Environmental Cooperation 2016-2020, set up a platform to share environmental information, explore a China-ASEAN partnership for ecologically friendly urban development, and jointly pursue green development.
人文交流可以为深化双方合作筑牢民意基础,我们要把友好合作的薪火传承下去,不断推进教育、科技、文化、卫生、青年、旅游、媒体等领域务实合作。我们双方已商定,将2016年确定为“中国-东盟教育交流年”,中方倡议在此框架下举办第二届教育部长圆桌会,将在现有向东盟十国提供政府奖学金名额基础上,在未来3年新增1000个新生名额。双方应共同支持中国-东盟海洋学院建设。中方愿与东盟国家建立旅游部门间交流机制,倡议明年举办首届中国-东盟卫生合作论坛。People-to-people exchange and cultural cooperation helps cement public support to take our relations forward. It is incumbent upon us to carry forward the long tradition of friendship and cooperation, and advance practical cooperation in education, science, technology, culture, health, youth, tourism and the media. We have agreed that the year 2016 will be the China-ASEAN Year of Education Exchange, and China proposes the holding of a second Education Ministers' Roundtable Conference under its framework. In the next three years, China will increase the number of government scholarships for ASEAN countries by 1,000 on the basis of existing scholarships. The two sides may jointly support building a China-ASEAN College of Marine Sciences. China wishes to establish with ASEAN countries an exchange mechanism between our tourism departments. China proposes the holding of the first China-ASEAN Health Cooperation Forum next year.
各位同事!Dear Colleagues,
中国-东盟合作前景广阔,机遇难得。尤其在当前世界经济面临挑战、反恐形势严峻的背景下,中国与东盟更应携手努力,向外界发出共同维护地区和平稳定、促进经济增长的强劲信息。我们也愿与东盟国家永远和睦相处,促进共同繁荣,为东亚乃至世界和平发展事业作出应有贡献!China-ASEAN cooperation faces broad prospects and rare opportunities. Given the global economic challenges and grave counter-terrorism situation, it is important for China and ASEAN countries to work together and send a powerful message to the world that we will jointly uphold regional peace and stability and promote economic growth. China will continue to live in harmony with ASEAN countries, promote our common prosperity, and make new contribution to peace and development in East Asia and the world at large.
谢谢大家。Thank you.


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