各位同事: | Dear Colleagues, |
很高兴在苏州同大家相聚。我谨代表中国政府和人民,对来华出席第四次中国-中东欧国家领导人会晤的中东欧16国领导人表示热烈欢迎!同时,也欢迎欧盟、奥地利、希腊和欧洲复兴开发银行的代表作为观察员与会。 | I am very glad to be with you in Suzhou. On behalf of the Chinese government and people, let me warmly welcome leaders from the 16 Central and Eastern European countries to China for the Fourth Summit of China and Central and Eastern European Countries. I also welcome the representatives from the EU, Austria, Greece and EBRD to attend the meeting as observers. |
中国古代思想家孔子说,“三年有成”,意思是经过持续不断的努力就会获得成果。3年来,“16+1合作”好比一列高速列车,从华沙到布加勒斯特,从贝尔格莱德到苏州,不断加速。这列“动车组”能够走到今天,关键在于每节车厢都能提供动力,源源不断的动力将使我们的合作行稳致远。相信本次会晤不仅将促进16+1各国的政治互信,也将有力推动务实合作取得新的成果。 | China's ancient thinker Confucius once said that "three years of hard work will surely lead to accomplishments". Over the past three years, the 16+1 cooperation, just like a fast-speed train, has set out on its journey and gained speed all the way from Warsaw to Bucharest, and from Belgrade to Suzhou. Such a fast train has traveled to where it is today because every carriage has served to provide incessant driving force to ensure that our cooperation is steady and produces lasting results. I am confident that this meeting will not only help promote the political mutual trust among us, but also facilitate new progress in our practical cooperation. |
2012年,中国与中东欧16个国家达成共识,开创了中国同欧洲国家合作的新途径,将中国这个世界最大发展中国家与中东欧16国更紧密地联系在一起。几年来,我们通过经贸合作论坛、中国-中东欧国家合作秘书处、国家协调员会议、经贸促进部长级会议、地方领导人会议等平台,推动“16+1合作”逐步由小到大、由浅入深,日益丰富和成熟。前三次会晤发表的共同文件提出了100多项合作举措和项目,涉及经贸、投资、基础设施、金融、旅游、教育、农业、人文和地方合作等诸多领域,其中《中国-中东欧国家合作布加勒斯特纲要》和《中国-中东欧国家合作贝尔格莱德纲要》的绝大部分举措都得到或正在落实,已惠及成员国广大民众。 | In 2012, China and 16 CEECs reached agreement and opened a new avenue of cooperation between China and European countries, linking the world's largest developing country and CEECs ever more closely. Over the past years, through platforms such as the Economic and Trade Forum, Secretariat for Cooperation, National Coordinators' Meeting, Ministerial Meeting on Promoting Trade and Economic Cooperation and Local Leaders' Meeting, we have advanced and expanded 16+1 cooperation, which is getting increasingly enriched and mature. The common documents issued at the previous three meetings have proposed over 100 cooperation measures and projects covering economy, trade, investment, infrastructure, finance, tourism, education, agriculture, culture, local cooperation and other areas. Most measures put forward in the Bucharest Guidelines and Belgrade Guidelines have been or are being implemented to the benefit of people of our countries. |
“16+1合作”走到今天,带来了丰硕的成果,也留下了宝贵的经验,值得我们珍惜和传承。中国与中东欧国家不仅历史交往密切、传统友谊深厚,而且在新形势下建立了牢固的政治信任;双方合作不仅体现了平等、开放和包容原则,而且积极对接彼此发展战略,采取适合各自国情的灵活方式。“16+1合作”充分照顾欧盟有关关切,与中欧合作大局同步并举,致力于实现中国、中东欧国家和欧盟三方共赢。可以说,我们探索走出了一条跨越不同地域、不同制度的国家间务实合作新模式。 | The development of 16+1 cooperation has yielded fruitful results. Valuable experience has been gained that we need to cherish and carry forward. China and CEECs enjoy close historical bonds and deep traditional friendship. Moreover, we have built solid political trust under new circumstances. Our cooperation has not only reflected the principles of equality, openness and inclusiveness, but also actively synergized our respective development strategies in a flexible way suited to our respective national conditions. Our cooperation has fully accommodated the relevant concerns of the EU and moved in parallel with the greater interests of China-EU cooperation. It shows our commitment to achieving all-win outcomes for China, CEECs and the EU. It is fair to say that we have explored a new model of practical cooperation among countries in different regions of the world and with different systems. |
当前,世界形势正在发生深刻而复杂的变化,全球经济仍未摆脱低迷,部分地区和国家动荡不安,国际金融市场波动加剧。各国都在加快结构性改革,扩大对外合作。很多欧洲国家把对华合作放在更加重要的位置。中国正在制定国民经济和社会发展“十三五”规划,将围绕到2020年全面建成小康社会的目标,着力推动创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享发展,这必将为中国与中东欧国家合作带来更大的市场空间。从这个意义上说,中国与中东欧国家全面深化合作将迎来前所未有的新机遇。 | The world is now undergoing profound and complex changes. The global economy is still in doldrums. Certain regions and countries are in turmoil. Fluctuations are increasing in the international financial market. Countries in the world are speeding up structural reforms and expanding cooperation with the outside world. Many European countries have placed greater importance on their cooperation with China. China is now formulating its 13th Five-Year Plan and will focus its energy on promoting innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development in order to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020. This is bound to offer greater market space for China-CEEC cooperation. In this sense, we will embrace unprecedented new opportunities to deepen our cooperation across the board. |
当前,国际形势跌宕起伏,中国-中东欧国家合作的顺利发展,成为国际和地区舞台的一抹亮色。本次会晤的主题是“新起点 新领域 新愿景”,我愿在此就双方未来合作提出“1+6”合作框架,即一个目标和六大重点。一个目标,就是制定未来五年合作规划,使合作更加可持续、更加富于前瞻性,不断构建开放包容、互利共赢的新型伙伴关系。六大重点,就是要立足当前,着眼长远,集中力量做好以下工作: | Despite the ups and downs in the international situation, cooperation between China and the CEECs, which is making steady headway, has become a spotlight on the global and regional stage. The theme of the meeting this year is "new beginning, new domains and new vision". Today, I wish to propose a "1+6" cooperation framework for our future cooperation, which includes one goal and six priorities. One goal means that we will formulate an agenda for cooperation for the next five years, make our cooperation more sustainable and forward-looking, and build a new model of partnership featuring openness, inclusiveness and win-win outcomes. Six priorities refer to the tasks in the following aspects on which we need to concentrate, bearing in mind both the short-term and long-term interests: |
第一,落实合作推进路线图。中欧已就“一带一路”建设与欧洲发展规划、国际产能合作与欧洲投资计划、“16+1合作”与中欧合作“三个对接”达成重要共识,为中国与中东欧国家中长期合作奠定了坚实基础。本次会晤将发表首份《中国-中东欧国家合作中期规划》和《中国-中东欧国家合作苏州纲要》两个政治文件。《中国-中东欧国家合作中期规划》描绘了未来5年合作发展蓝图,与中国“十三五”规划相契合,有助于中国与中东欧国家分享彼此发展机遇。《中国-中东欧国家合作苏州纲要》为推进近期具体合作提供了路线图。中方愿与16国一道,把推进实施工作做深做细,并对领导人会晤成果落实情况进行评估和督促,让民众有更多“获得感”。 | First, we need to implement the roadmap for advancing cooperation. China and the EU have agreed that the two sides will work to synergize the Belt and Road initiative with the development plan for Europe, the international cooperation on industrial capacity with the Investment Plan for Europe, and 16+1 cooperation with China-EU cooperation. This has laid a solid foundation for medium- and long-term cooperation between China and CEECs. At the meeting, two political documents will be issued, namely, the first Medium-term Plan for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries and the Suzhou Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries. The Medium-term Plan will draw a blueprint for our cooperation in the next five years. It will follow the priority areas of China's 13th Five-Year Plan and enable China and CEECs to share each other's development opportunities. The Suzhou Guidelines will provide a roadmap for specific cooperation in the near future. China is ready to work with the 16 countries to deliver on cooperation projects. Implementation of the meeting's outcomes will be duly evaluated and reviewed to make sure that our people truly feel the benefit of our cooperation. |
第二,对接“一带一路”倡议与中东欧国家发展战略,开展基础设施建设合作。在当前世界经济复苏乏力、各国面临经济下行压力的背景下,加强基础设施建设,能够以投资拉动消费,以互联互通促进贸易自由化和投资便利化。中东欧国家处于欧洲东大门,是“一带一路”沿线的重要国家,加强互联互通区位优势明显。中方愿同中东欧国家商签互联互通合作协议,加强发展战略对接,加快建设示范项目。2013年11月,中国、匈牙利和塞尔维亚三国领导人共同宣布的匈塞铁路项目,今年取得实质性进展,今天中方将分别同匈牙利、塞尔维亚方面签署相关协议,推进项目开工建设。中方愿在互利共赢基础上,同包括沿线国家在内的各方,共同打造中欧陆海快线,促进欧洲互联互通,并鼓励企业参与交通物流合作。中方愿与相关国家开展海关合作,加快推动中欧陆海快线通关便利化。我们应共同努力推进中欧班列建设,扩大民航交流与合作。欢迎塞尔维亚和拉脱维亚分别牵头组建16+1交通基础设施合作联合会和16+1物流合作联合会,为互联互通合作搭建新平台。 | Second, we need to promote synergy between the Belt and Road initiative and the development strategies of CEECs, and conduct cooperation on infrastructure development. Given the sluggish world economy recovery and the downward pressure facing the economy of various countries, infrastructure development will help boost consumption through investment, and greater connectivity will bring forward trade liberalization and investment facilitation. Located at the east gateway to Europe and along the routes of the Belt and Road initiative, CEECs enjoy a distinct advantage for enhancing connectivity. China is ready to discuss and sign cooperation agreements on connectivity with CEECs. We may form synergy between our respective policies and work faster to build demonstrative projects. In November 2013, the leaders of China, Hungary and Serbia jointly announced the Belgrade-Budapest railway project, and this year has witnessed substantive progress in the joint endeavor. Today, China will sign relevant agreement respectively with Hungary and Serbia to kick-start and advance the project. China is ready to work with other parties, including countries along this route, to build the China-Europe land-sea express line and promote connectivity in Europe. We also encourage businesses to be involved in cooperation in transport and logistics. China hopes to carry out customs cooperation with relevant countries to make customs clearing more convenient along the land-sea express line. We may work together to develop China-Europe rail links and expand exchanges and cooperation on civil aviation. We welcome Serbia and Latvia to lead the respective efforts for setting up associations on transport infrastructure and logistics cooperation with a view to creating new platforms for our connectivity cooperation. |
第三,打造产能合作新样板。中国具有完备成熟的工业体系和装备制造能力,拥有大量优势产业和优质产能,工程设计、建设及管理等方面经验丰富。中东欧国家正处于基础设施建设改造和工业体系完善的关键时期,对建材和机械装备需求很大。中方愿同16国一道,结合各自比较优势和产业特点,打造双向多元的国际产能合作,并同互联互通合作特别是港口和港区升级改造相结合。中方提供的装备和产品性价比高,有助于中东欧国家降低采购成本。克罗地亚、斯洛文尼亚、波兰、拉脱维亚、保加利亚等众多中东欧国家均提出希望加强港口合作。中方提出“三海港区合作”倡议,重点开展包括亚得里亚海、波罗的海和黑海沿岸港区、园区在内的产能合作,在有条件的港口合作建立产业聚集区,在增强港口吞吐能力的同时,也使港口和港区成为产业发展的基地。双方企业是合作项目主角,将按照市场化方式运作,走互利共赢之路。我们应大力支持,让更多产能合作项目成为“16+1合作”的新亮点。 | Third, we need to set new examples for cooperation on production capacity. China has a full-fledged industrial system, advanced capabilities for equipment manufacturing, a large number of leading industries and quality capacity, and extensive experience in engineering design, construction and management. CEECs, on their part, are in a crucial stage of infrastructure construction and transformation and the upgrading of industrial systems, and therefore have strong demand for construction materials, machinery and other equipment. China is ready to work with the 16 countries to conduct diverse forms of two-way cooperation on production capacity. We may draw on our comparative advantages and the characteristics of our industries, and combine these efforts with connectivity cooperation, in particular the upgrading and improvement of port facilities and port areas. China's cost-effective equipment and products will help CEECs drive down the cost of purchases. Quite a number of CEECs including Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Latvia and Bulgaria have proposed to strengthen cooperation on port development. China has put forward the cooperation initiative involving the ports of the Adriatic, Baltic and Black seas, which will focus on production capacity cooperation among the ports and industrial parks of the coastal areas of the Adriatic Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. In ports where conditions are readily available, efforts will be made to build industrial clusters, so that in addition to increased cargo handling capacity, these ports and port areas will also become basis of industrial development. We expect our companies to be the main players in these projects. We will follow market-oriented approaches and pursue win-win outcomes. We need to step up support for such cooperation so that more projects of production capacity cooperation will emerge and become highlights of 16+1 cooperation. |
第四,不断创新投融资合作方式。融资问题是“16+1合作”的短板。中方尊重欧盟关于成员国主权债务的相关规定,愿与各方共同努力,在用好既有的100亿美元专项贷款、投资合作基金等基础上,提出设立16+1金融公司,探讨通过商业化运作支持成员国之间产能合作。我们还可探讨“互联网电商+融资”的新模式,构建互联网时代贸易和融资相互促进的平台。中方支持在中东欧国家建立人民币清算安排,鼓励包括商业银行在内的中方金融机构同欧洲复兴开发银行等地区和国际多边金融机构加强交流与合作,为“16+1合作”提供更多金融支持。中方已确定由中国最大的商业银行中国工商银行牵头,国家开发银行和进出口银行参与,探讨以多边金融公司的商业化模式参与中国-中东欧产能合作。在产能合作中采用中国产品和装备的,中方愿提供优惠的融资支持。 | Fourth, we need to keep looking for new ways for investment and financing cooperation. Financing is a weak link in 16+1 cooperation. China respects EU regulations regarding the sovereign debts of its member states. While working with CEECs to make good use of the US$10 billion special loans and the investment cooperation fund, China proposes the establishment of a 16+1 finance company to support production capacity cooperation between member states through business means. We could also explore new models such as "Internet-based e-commerce+financing" to build platforms for trade and financing that reinforce each other in the Internet era. China supports establishing RMB settlement arrangements in CEECs, and encourages Chinese financial institutions, including commercial banks, to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with regional and international multilateral financial institutions, including the EBRD, in order to provide more financial support for 16+1 cooperation. China has decided that with its largest commercial bank, the ICBC, taking the lead, and with the participation of the China Development Bank and Exim Bank, we will discuss how to participate in China-CEEC cooperation on production capacity through the business model of multilateral financial institutions. China will provide preferential financing support for those that uses Chinese products and equipment in production capacity cooperation. |
第五,促进贸易投资双增长。贸易投资是务实合作的压舱石,具有很大潜力。中方愿同16国共同推动贸易投资便利化。中东欧国家普遍以农业见长,农产品独具特色。中方正在推动与塞尔维亚、马其顿、立陶宛、爱沙尼亚等国农产品合作,也愿同更多中东欧国家进一步扩大农林产品和食品贸易,促进贸易平衡发展。中方支持为双方中小企业搭建创新合作平台。明年,中国-中东欧国家经贸促进部长级会议、地方领导人会议等重要活动将在华举办,欢迎各方积极参与。 | Fifth, we need to promote the growth of both trade and investment. Investment and trade are the anchors of practical cooperation and have much potential to be tapped. China wants to promote trade and investment facilitation together with the 16 countries. CEECs are strong in agriculture and each has its own specialty in agricultural produce. China is pushing for breakthroughs in its cooperation in this field with Serbia, Macedonia, Lithuania and Estonia. We also hope to expand our trade in agricultural produce and food with more CEECs to promote the growth of trade in a balanced way. China supports new platforms to connect our SMEs in innovation cooperation. Next year, China will host such important events as the China-CEEC Ministerial Meeting on Promoting Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Local Leaders' Meeting. We welcome the participation of all parties in these events. |
中东欧国家在工业领域各有特长,欢迎各国企业到中国投资,并同中方研究机构和高校开展技术合作。 | CEECs have respective strengths in the industrial sector. We welcome your companies to invest in China and conduct technological cooperation with Chinese research institutes and universities. |
第六,扩大人文交流的广度深度。人文交流是深化国家关系的“基础设施”,是推进民间友好的“民心工程”。建议将2016年确定为16+1人文交流年,充分发挥既有的教育、科技、文化、青年、卫生、媒体等各领域合作平台的作用,举办丰富多彩的人文交流活动。通过中国-中东欧国家旅游合作机制,探讨推动和便利双方旅游往来的新举措。中方支持成立16+1公立医院合作网络等卫生合作平台,愿在中东欧国家合作建立更多中医中心,为当地民众提供中国特色医疗服务。中方支持组建16+1智库交流与合作网络,鼓励双方汉学家扩大交流对话。 | Sixth, we need to expand people-to-people and cultural exchanges. People-to-people and cultural interactions are the "infrastructure" for deepening state-to-state relations and the "projects of the heart" that contribute to goodwill among the people. We suggest that the year 2016 be made the year of 16+1 people-to-people and cultural exchanges to fully leverage existing cooperation platforms in education, science and technology, culture, youth, health and the media through an array of events in people-to-people and cultural interactions. We need to discuss new measures to promote and facilitate tourism exchanges through our tourism cooperation mechanism. China supports setting up health care cooperation platforms, such as a 16+1 public hospital network. We hope that more centers of traditional Chinese medicine will be opened in CEECs through cooperation to provide local communities medical service with Chinese features. China supports the building of a 16+1 think tanks network and encourages more interactions among Sinologists of the two sides. |
各位同事! | Dear colleagues, |
“16+1合作”正站在新的历史起点上,领域广阔,前景光明。我们开展紧密合作,形成一个拳头,将产生巨大的效果。我们目前所在的苏州以刺绣闻名于世。中方愿同16国一道,共同编织“16+1合作”的锦绣画卷,为促进各国更好发展、增进各国人民福祉做出新的贡献! | 16+1 cooperation now stands at a new historical starting point, and the prospects ahead are only brighter. Closer cooperation among us will form synergy, like a clenching fist, to produce massive results. Our host city Suzhou is known to the world for its fine embroidery. China stands ready to work with CEECs to embroider a masterpiece of cooperation. Together, through 16+1 cooperation, we could promote better development of our countries and bring even more benefits to our peoples! |
谢谢大家。 | Thank you. |
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