Full text: China's Arab Policy Paper

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 2016-01-14

中国政府1月13日发布《中国对阿拉伯国家政策文件》,全文如下:The Chinese government issued its first Arab policy paper on Jan. 13, 2016. Following is an English version of the paper:


China's Arab Policy Paper
January 2016

前 言Foreword
中国同阿拉伯国家友谊源远流长。2000多年以来,陆上、海上丝绸之路一直把中阿两大民族连接在一起。在漫长的历史长河中,和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢始终是中阿交往的主旋律。Friendship between China and Arab states dates back to ancient times. Over two thousand years ago, land and maritime Silk Roads already linked the Chinese and Arab nations. In the long stretches of history, peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, learning from each other, mutual benefit and win-win results have always been the main theme of exchanges between China and Arab countries.
新中国成立和阿拉伯国家相继独立,开创了中阿友好交往的新纪元。1956年至1990年,中国同全部22个阿拉伯国家建立外交关系。中国坚定支持阿拉伯民族解放运动,坚定支持阿拉伯国家捍卫国家主权和领土完整、争取和维护民族权益、反对外来干涉和侵略的斗争,坚定支持阿拉伯国家发展民族经济、建设国家的事业。阿拉伯国家在恢复中国在联合国合法席位、台湾等问题上给予中方有力支持。The founding of the People's Republic of China and the independence of Arab countries created a new era for China-Arab friendly exchanges. From 1956 to 1990, China established diplomatic relations with all 22 Arab countries. China firmly supports Arab national liberation movement, firmly supports Arab countries' struggle to uphold sovereignty and territorial integrity, pursue and safeguard national interests, and combat external interference and aggression, and firmly supports Arab countries' cause of developing the national economy and building up the countries. Arab countries have given China strong support in restoring its lawful seat at the United Nations and on issues like the Taiwan question.
冷战结束后,中阿双方顺应要和平、谋发展、促合作的世界潮流,相互尊重,平等相待,致力于深化传统友好,积极发展双边关系,政治、经贸、科技、文教、军事、卫生、体育、新闻等领域合作成果显著,构建起面向新世纪的友好合作关系。After the end of the Cold War, both China and Arab countries have followed the world trend of peace, development and cooperation, respected each other, treated each other as equals, and committed themselves to deepening the traditional friendship and the bilateral relations. Cooperation in political, trade and economic, scientific and technological, cultural and educational, military, health, sports, news,and other fields has achieved fruitful results, thus enabling the establishment of the friendly and cooperative relationship oriented toward the 21st century.
2004年,中国-阿拉伯国家合作论坛成立,并发展成为涵盖众多领域、建有10余项机制的集体合作平台。2010年中国和阿拉伯国家建立全面合作、共同发展的战略合作关系,中阿集体合作进入全面提质升级的新阶段。习近平主席在2014年中阿合作论坛第六届部长级会议开幕式上发表重要讲话,指明了中阿集体合作的重点领域和优先方向,为中阿关系发展和论坛建设确定了行动指南。In 2004, China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was set up. Since then, it has developed into a collective cooperation platform covering many fields and with more than ten mechanisms. In 2010, China and Arab countries established the strategic cooperative relations of comprehensive cooperation and common development, and China-Arab collective cooperation entered a new stage of comprehensive development and upgrading. President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, identifying key areas and priority directions of China-Arab collective cooperation, and providing guidance for the development of the China-Arab relations and the Forum.
中国开启同阿拉伯国家外交关系已走过60年历程,各领域合作不断深化。中国同8个阿拉伯国家建有全面战略伙伴关系、战略伙伴关系或战略合作关系,同海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会建立中海战略对话机制。阿拉伯国家已成为中国第一大原油供应方和第七大贸易伙伴。中国提出的中阿共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路、构建以能源合作为主轴,以基础设施建设和贸易投资便利化为两翼,以核能、航天卫星、新能源三大高新领域为突破口的“1+2+3”合作格局、加强产能合作等倡议得到阿拉伯国家积极响应。双方在维护国家主权和领土完整、捍卫民族尊严、政治解决热点问题、促进中东和平与稳定等方面有广泛共识,在联合国改革、气候变化、多哈回合谈判等问题上立场相近,保持着良好协调与配合。双方人文交流日益频繁,民间交往更加密切,增进了双方人民的相互了解和友谊。Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Arab countries 60 years ago, cooperation in all fields has been constantly deepened. China has built comprehensive strategic partnership, strategic partnership or strategic cooperative partnership with eight Arab countries, and has set up a strategic dialogue mechanism with the Gulf Cooperation Council. Arab countries as a whole have become China's biggest supplier of crude oil and the 7th biggest trading partner. China's proposed initiatives of jointly building the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road", establishing a "1+2+3" cooperation pattern (to take energy cooperation as the core,infrastructure construction and trade and investment facilitation as the two wings, and three high and new tech fields of nuclear energy, space satellite and new energy as the three breakthroughs), and industrial capacity cooperation, are well received by Arab countries. Both sides have broad consensus on safeguarding state sovereignty and territorial integrity, defending national dignity, seeking political resolution to hotspot issues, and promoting peace and stability in the Middle East. We share similar views on issues such as reform of the United Nations, climate change and Doha Round trade negotiations, and maintain sound coordination and cooperation. Cultural and educational exchanges are more frequent and people-to-people ties are getting closer with enhanced mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.
60年来,中阿友好合作在广度和深度上都实现了历史性跨越,成为南南合作典范,积累了成功的经验:双方坚持相互尊重、平等相待,无论国际风云如何变幻,都始终互为兄弟、朋友和伙伴;双方坚持互利共赢、共同发展,无论各自经历了什么发展变化,都始终追求共同利益、可持续发展;双方努力促进对话交流、文明互鉴,无论在意识形态上有何差异,都始终尊重对方的社会制度和发展道路。Over the past 60 years, China-Arab friendly cooperation has made historic leaps in breadth and depth. It has become a model of South-South cooperation and gained the following successful experience: both sides have always respected and treated each other as equals and remained brothers, friends and partners no matter what happens on the world arena; both sides have insisted on the principle of mutual benefit, win-win and common development and have pursued common interests and sustainable development no matter what changes or developments take place on either side; and both sides have promoted dialogue, exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and have always respected each other's social system and development path no matter what differences exist in ideology.
中国政府制订首份对阿拉伯国家政策文件,在回顾和总结中阿关系发展经验的基础上,阐述发展中阿关系指导原则,规划中阿互利合作蓝图,重申致力于中东和平稳定的政治意愿,推动中阿关系迈向更高水平。The Chinese government has issued the first China's Arab Policy Paper on the basis of reviewing and summarizing the experience in the development of China-Arab relations. It stipulates the guiding principle for developing China-Arab relations, offers the blueprint for China-Arab mutually beneficial cooperation, and reiterates the political will of commitment to peace and stability in the Middle East, in order to promote China-Arab relations to a new and higher level.
第一部分 深化全面合作、共同发展的中阿战略合作关系Part I Deepen China-Arab Strategic Cooperative Relations of Comprehensive Cooperation and Common Development
当前,国际形势继续发生深刻复杂变化,世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,文化多样化、社会信息化持续推进,国际格局和国际秩序加速调整演变。世界各国正抓紧调整各自发展战略,推动变革创新,加快经济转型,开拓新的发展空间。同时,世界经济仍处于深度调整期,地缘政治因素更加突出,局部动荡此起彼伏,非传统安全和全球性挑战不断增多,南北发展差距依然很大。推进人类和平与发展的崇高事业依然任重道远。The world is experiencing profound and complex changes. The trend toward a multipolar world and economic globalization is deepening, and cultural diversity and the information society continue to move forward. Changes in the international configuration and international order are accelerating. All countries in the world are seizing the opportunity to readjust their development strategies, promote reform and innovation, speed up economic transformation and open up new development horizons. At the same time, the world economy is still in a period of deep transformation, with geopolitical factors becoming more prominent, regional turbulences rising one after another, non-traditional security and global challenges increasing and the gap between the North and the South widening. It remains an arduous journey to advance mankind's noble cause of peace and development.
中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,正为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而奋斗。中国将继续高举和平、发展、合作、共赢的旗帜,始终不渝走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,推动建立以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系。China is the largest developing country in the world and is working hard to realize the two centenary goals and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, which is to build a strong, prosperous, democratic, culturally-advanced and harmonious modern socialist country. China will continue to uphold the banner of peace, development and win-win cooperation, be committed to peaceful development, pursue a win-win strategy of opening up and promote the formation of a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation.
阿拉伯国家地处亚非大陆交汇地带,宗教和文明多样性突出,文化历史悠久,资源禀赋独特,发展潜力巨大。在当前形势下,阿拉伯国家自主探索符合本国国情的发展道路,致力于推进工业化进程,努力扩大就业和改善民生,积极促进地区和平稳定,在地区和国际事务中发挥着重要影响。Arab states are situated in the converging area of the Asian and African continents, characterized by religious and cultural diversities, time-honored culture and history, unique resource endowment and great potentials for development. Currently, Arab states are independently exploring the development paths suited to their own national realities. They are committed to pursuing industrialization, enhancing employment and improving people's livelihood. They are active in promoting peace and stability in the region and are playing important roles in regional and international affairs.
中国与阿拉伯国家同属发展中国家,双方国土面积之和占世界陆地面积六分之一,人口之和占世界总人口近四分之一,经济总量占世界经济总量八分之一。中阿双方虽然资源禀赋各异,发展水平不一,但都处于各自发展的重要阶段,都肩负着实现民族振兴、国家富强的共同使命。双方需要更加紧密地团结与协作,在探索发展道路上交流借鉴,在追求共同发展上加强合作,在促进地区安全上携手努力,在构建新型国际关系上呼应配合,维护中阿主权、独立、领土完整,促进稳定,发展经济,改善民生,增进中阿人民福祉。China and Arab states are both developing countries with their combined territory, population and economic aggregate accounting for 1/6, 1/4 and 1/8 of the world's total respectively. Different in natural endowment and development level, China and Arab countries are all in an important development stage and have a shared mission of rejuvenating the nation. We need to collaborate with each other more closely, and learn from each other along the road of development, strengthen cooperation in seeking common development and promoting regional peace, and echo each other in building a new type of international relations, so as to safeguard state sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and to promote stability, economic development and well-being of our peoples.
中国将继续秉承和发扬中阿传统友好,不断充实和深化中阿全方位、多层次、宽领域合作格局,促进全面合作、共同发展的战略合作关系持续健康发展,为维护地区乃至世界的和平、稳定与发展作出积极贡献。China will continue to carry forward China-Arab traditional friendship, enrich and deepen our all-round, multi-layer, wide-ranging cooperation, promote sustainable and sound development of our strategic cooperative relations featuring all-round cooperation and common development, and safeguard peace, stability and development of the region and the world at large.
第二部分 中国对阿拉伯国家政策Part II China's Arab Policy
阿拉伯国家是中国坚定走和平发展道路,加强同发展中国家团结合作,推动建立以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系的重要伙伴。中方始终从战略高度看待中阿关系,巩固和深化中阿传统友好,是中国长期坚持的外交方针。中国将秉持正确义利观,把促进阿拉伯国家和平稳定发展同实现中国更好发展紧密结合起来,实现合作共赢、共同发展,开创中阿战略合作关系更加美好的未来。Arab states are China's important partners in following the peaceful development path, strengthening unity and cooperation among developing countries and establishing a new type of international relations with win-win cooperation at its core. China has always approached the China-Arab relations from a strategic height. It is China's long-held diplomatic principle to consolidate and deepen China-Arab traditional friendship. China will adhere to the right approach to justice and interests and promote peace, stability and development of Arab states while seeking better development of China, to achieve win-win cooperation,common development and a better future of the China-Arab strategic and cooperative relations.
——中国坚持在互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处的五项原则基础上,发展同阿拉伯国家关系。支持中东和平进程,支持建立以1967年边界为基础、以东耶路撒冷为首都、享有完全主权的独立的巴勒斯坦国,支持阿盟及其成员国为此作出的努力。坚持政治解决地区热点问题,支持建立中东无核武器及其他大规模杀伤性武器区。支持阿拉伯国家在加强团结、抵制极端思想蔓延、打击恐怖主义等方面的积极努力。中国尊重阿拉伯国家人民的选择,支持阿拉伯国家自主探索符合本国国情的发展道路,希望加强同阿拉伯国家分享治国理政经验。China upholds the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, namely,mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful co-existence. China supports the Middle East peace process and the establishment of an independent state of Palestine with full sovereignty, based on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. China supports the Arab League and its member states' efforts to this end. We adhere to political solution to regional hot spot issues, and support the establishment of a nuclear weapon-free and WMD-free zone in the Middle East. We support positive efforts made by Arab states in strengthening unity, curbing the spread of extremist thoughts and fighting terrorism. China respects choices made by the Arab people, and supports Arab states in exploring their own development paths suited to their national conditions. We hope to enhance the sharing of governance experience with Arab states.
——中方愿本着互利共赢原则开展中阿务实合作,特别是在共建“一带一路”过程中,对接双方发展战略,发挥双方优势和潜能,推进国际产能合作,扩大双方在基础设施建设、贸易投资便利化以及核能、航天卫星、新能源、农业、金融等领域的合作,实现共同进步和发展,让合作成果更多惠及双方人民。中国愿同阿拉伯国家合作,共同推进开放互惠、互利共赢的新型合作机制。中方将根据阿拉伯国家需求,继续通过双多边渠道提供力所能及的援助,帮助阿拉伯国家改善民生、提高自主发展能力。China is willing to have pragmatic cooperation in the principle of mutual benefit and win-win results with Arab states. In particular, in the process of jointly pursuing the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiative, China is willing to coordinate development strategies with Arab states, put into play each other's advantages and potentials, promote international production capacity cooperation and enhance cooperation in the fields of infrastructure construction, trade and investment facilitation, nuclear power, space satellite, new energy, agriculture and finance, so as to achieve common progress and development and benefit our two peoples. China is willing to cooperate with Arab states to promote the new type of cooperation mechanism featuring openness and reciprocality, mutual benefit and win-win results. According to Arab states' needs, China will continue to provide assistance within our means to Arab states through bilateral and multilateral channels, to help them improve self-development capability and people's livelihood.
——中国愿同阿拉伯国家一道,致力于促进世界文明的多样性发展,促进不同文明之间的交流互鉴。进一步密切中阿人文交流,加强双方科学、教育、文化、卫生和广播影视领域的合作,增进双方人民相互了解和友谊,促进中阿文化相互丰富交融,搭建中阿两大民族相知相交的桥梁,共同推动人类文明发展进步。China is willing to work with Arab states to contribute to diversified development and mutual learning among world civilizations. We will enhance people-to-people exchanges, strengthen cooperation in such areas as science, education, culture, health, radio, film and television, deepen understanding and friendship between the two peoples, promote mutual learning and integration between the two cultures, build a communication bridge between the two peoples, and jointly contribute to the progress of human civilization.
——中方愿与阿方加强磋商协调,共同维护《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程,维护国际公平正义,促进国际秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。在联合国改革、气候变化、粮食和能源安全等重大国际问题上尊重彼此重大利益和核心关切,支持彼此的正当要求与合理主张,坚定维护广大发展中国家的共同利益。China is willing to strengthen consultation and coordination with Arab states, and jointly uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, safeguard international equity and justice, and make the international order more fair and just. On major international issues, such as the United Nations reform, climate change, food and energy security, both sides respect each other's core interests and major concerns, support each other's justifiable demand and reasonable propositions, and staunchly safeguard the common interests of developing countries.
第三部分 全面加强中阿合作Part III Strengthen China-Arab Cooperation in an All-around Manner
(一)政治领域1. Political Cooperation
1. 高层交往1.1 High-Level Exchanges
保持中阿高层交往和对话势头,充分发挥领导人会晤对中阿关系的引领作用,就双边关系和共同关心的重大问题加强沟通,加强治国理政和发展领域经验交流,巩固政治互信、拓展共同利益、推动务实合作。We will keep the momentum of high-level exchanges and dialogues, make full use of meetings between high-level officials to guide the development of China-Arab relations. We will strengthen communication on bilateral relations and important issues of mutual concern, increase exchanges of experience of governance and economic development, consolidate political mutual trust, broaden common interests and boost practical cooperation.
2. 政府间磋商与合作机制1.2 Intergovernmental Consultation and Cooperation Mechanisms
进一步加强中阿政府间磋商和对话机制建设,充分发挥战略对话、政治磋商等双多边机制的统筹协调作用,加强沟通交流,促进共同发展。We will further improve the mechanism of China-Arab intergovernmental consultation and cooperation, make the best of bilateral and multilateral mechanisms, such as the strategic dialogue and political consultation, and enhance exchanges and communication, in order to realize common development.
3. 立法机构、政党和地方政府交往1.3 Exchanges between Legislatures, Political Parties and Local Governments
中国全国人民代表大会愿在相互尊重、加深了解、发展合作的基础上,进一步加强同阿拉伯国家立法机构多层次、多渠道的交流合作。On the basis of mutual respect, deepening understanding and expanding cooperation, the National People's Congress of China is willing to further expand multi-level and multi-channel exchanges and cooperation with legislatures of Arab states.
中国共产党愿在独立自主、完全平等、互相尊重、互不干涉内部事务原则基础上,进一步深化与阿拉伯国家友好政党及政治组织的交往,夯实中阿关系发展的政治基础。In the principle of independence, equality, mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs, the Communist Party of China is willing to further enhance exchanges with friendly political parties and organizations in Arab countries, consolidating the political foundation of China-Arab relations.
继续加强中阿地方政府之间的交往。巩固中国阿拉伯城市论坛机制,支持双方建立更多友好省州或友好城市,促进双方在地方发展和治理方面的交流与合作。We will continue to boost exchanges between local governments, strengthen the mechanism of China-Arab City Forum, support the establishment of more sister cities or provinces, and promote exchanges and cooperation on local development and administration.
4. 国际事务合作1.4 Cooperation on International Affairs
加强国际事务磋商,就重大国际和地区问题保持沟通协调,在涉及彼此核心利益和重大关切问题上相互支持,密切在国际组织中的协调与配合,维护双方和广大发展中国家的共同利益。We will strengthen consultation in international affairs, maintain communication and coordination on major international and regional issues, support each other on issues of core interests or major concern. We will keep closer cooperation and coordination in international organizations and defend the common interests of the two sides and all developing countries.
共同维护以《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则为核心的国际秩序和国际体系,积极构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,共同推进世界和平与发展。支持联合国在维护世界和平、促进共同发展、推动国际合作方面发挥主导作用,支持对联合国进行必要、合理的改革,增加包括阿拉伯国家在内的发展中国家在安理会的代表性和发言权。We will jointly uphold the international order and international system with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter at its core. We are actively involved in building a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation and jointly promoting world peace and development. We support the UN in playing a leading role in maintaining peace, promoting common development and enhancing international cooperation. We support the UN to undergo necessary and reasonable reforms and increase the representation and voice of developing countries, including Arab states, at the UN Security Council.
5. 涉台问题1.5 The Taiwan Question
台湾问题事关中国核心利益。一个中国原则是中国同阿拉伯国家及地区组织建立和发展关系的重要基础。中方赞赏阿拉伯国家及地区组织长期以来恪守一个中国原则,不同台湾发展官方关系或进行官方往来,支持两岸关系和平发展和中国统一大业。The Taiwan question concerns the core interests of China. The one China principle is the important basis for China to establish and develop relations with Arab states and regional organizations. Arab states and regional organizations have always been committed to the one China principle, refrained from having any official relations or official exchanges with Taiwan, and supported China in peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and the great cause of national reunification. China appreciates all these.
(二)投资贸易领域2. Investment and Trade Cooperation
1. “一带一路”2.1 "The Belt and Road" Initiative
坚持共商、共建、共享原则,推进中阿共建“一带一路”,构建以能源合作为主轴,以基础设施建设和贸易投资便利化为两翼,以核能、航天卫星、新能源三大高新领域为突破口的“1+2+3”合作格局,推动务实合作升级换代。Joint efforts will be made by China and Arab countries to promote the "Belt and Road" initiative under the principle of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefit. China and Arab countries will adopt the "1+2+3" cooperation pattern to upgrade pragmatic cooperation by taking energy cooperation as the core infrastructure construction and trade and investment facilitation as the two wings, and high and new technologies in the fields of nuclear energy, space satellite and new energy as the three breakthroughs."
2. 产能合作2.2 Cooperation on Production Capacity
坚持企业主体、市场主导、政府推动、商业运作的原则,对接中国产能优势和阿拉伯国家需求,与阿拉伯国家开展先进、适用、有效、有利于就业、绿色环保的产能合作,支持阿拉伯国家工业化进程。Following the principle of market-oriented business operation in which enterprises serve as the main player and government as the facilitator, we will combine China's advantage of production capacity with demands of Arab states, carry out with Arab states advanced, suitable, effective, employment-oriented and environment-friendly production capacity cooperation, supporting Arab states in their efforts to realize industrialization.
3. 投资合作2.3 Investment Cooperation
在平等互利、合作共赢基础上,鼓励和支持双方企业扩大和优化相互投资,拓展合作领域,丰富合作方式,通过股权和债权的方式,利用贷款、夹层融资、直接投资和基金等多种手段,拓宽投融资渠道,加强双向投融资合作。中方愿继续向阿拉伯国家提供援外优惠贷款和出口信贷等资金,并提供出口信用和海外投资保险支持。推动中阿商签避免双重征税和防止偷税漏税协定,营造良好的投资环境,为双方投资者提供便利条件并保护双方投资者合法权益。On the basis of equality and mutually beneficial cooperation for win-win results, we encourage and support the expansion and optimization of mutual investment by enterprises from the two sides. We will expand cooperation areas, diversify cooperation methods, broaden investment and financing channels and strengthen cooperation on two-way investment and financing through equities and debts as well as the use of loans, mezzanine financing, direct investment and funds. China is ready to continue to provide foreign-aid loan on favorable terms to Arab countries, as well as export credits and overseas investment insurance. We will push for the signing of agreements with Arab countries on avoiding double taxation and tax evasion, thus creating a sound investment environment, providing convenience to investors from both sides and protecting their legitimate rights and interests.
4. 贸易2.4 Trade
支持更多阿拉伯国家非石油产品进入中国市场,不断优化贸易结构,努力推进双边贸易持续稳定发展。加强中阿经贸部门的交流与磋商,尽早完成中国-海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会自由贸易区谈判并签署自贸协定。反对贸易保护主义,积极消除非关税贸易壁垒,通过友好协商妥善解决贸易纠纷和摩擦,逐步建立双多边贸易争端预警和贸易救济合作机制。加大检验检疫合作,加快标准对接和人员交流培训,共同打击进出口假冒伪劣商品。We support the entry of more non-oil products from Arab states into the Chinese market. We will continue to improve the trade structure and push for sustained and steady development of two-way trade. We will strengthen exchanges and consultations between Chinese and Arab trade authorities, complete China-GCC FTA negotiations and sign a free trade agreement at an early date. We will oppose trade protectionism and actively remove non-tariff trade barriers, properly resolve trade disputes and frictions through friendly consultations, and gradually establish bilateral and multilateral mechanisms of early warning for trade disputes and cooperation on trade remedies. We will step up cooperation on inspection and quarantine, speed up the alignment of standards, enhance personnel exchanges and training and jointly crack down on fake and shoddy goods in exports and exports.
5. 能源合作2.5 Energy Cooperation
在互惠互利基础上开展合作,推动并支持中阿在石油、天然气领域,特别是石油勘探、开采、运输和炼化方面的投资合作,推动油田工程技术服务、设备贸易、行业标准对接。加强在太阳能、风能、水电等可再生能源领域的合作。共同建设中阿清洁能源培训中心,全面推动双方在相关领域的合作。We will carry out cooperation on the basis of reciprocity and mutual benefit, promote and support investment cooperation with Arab countries in the field of petroleum and natural gas, in particular, investment cooperation on oil prospecting, extraction, transportation and refining, and advance the synergizing of oilfield engineering technology service, equipment trade, and industrial standards. We will strengthen cooperation on renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy and hydropower. We will jointly build the China-Arab clear energy training center and develop all-round cooperation in related areas.
6. 基础设施建设2.6 Infrastructure Construction
鼓励和支持中国企业和金融机构扩大参与同阿拉伯国家在铁路、公路、港口、航空、电力、通信、北斗卫星导航、卫星地面站等基础设施建设领域的合作,逐步扩大项目运营合作。根据阿拉伯国家发展的优先领域和需求,在阿拉伯国家积极开展重大项目合作,不断提高阿拉伯国家基础设施水平。We encourage and support broader participation by Chinese companies and financial institutions in the cooperation with Arab countries in such areas as railway, highway, ports, aviation, power,communications, Beidou Navigation Satellite, satellite ground stations and other infrastructure development fields and more extensive cooperation on project operation. According to the priority areas of development and needs of Arab countries, we will be actively engaged in cooperation on major projects in Arab countries to constantly improve Arab countries' infrastructure.
7. 航天合作2.7 Space Cooperation
进一步发展中阿航天合作,积极探讨在空间技术、卫星及其应用、空间教育、培训等领域开展联合项目,加快推进北斗卫星导航系统落地阿拉伯国家,积极推动中阿载人航天领域交流与合作,提升双方航天合作水平。We will further develop space cooperation with Arab countries, actively explore joint projects in such fields as space technology, satellites and their application, space education and training, accelerate the applying of the Beidou Navigation Satellite system in Arab countries, and promote exchanges and cooperation on manned spaceflight, so as to enhance the level of cooperation in this field.
8. 民用核领域合作2.8 Civilian Nuclear Cooperation
加强双方在核电站设计建造、核电技术培训等领域合作。积极开展中阿核工业全产业链合作,推动双方在核基础科研、核燃料、研究堆、核技术应用、核安保、放射性废物处理处置、核应急、核安全等领域合作,加快共建阿拉伯和平利用核能培训中心,提升双方核领域合作水平。We will strengthen China-Arab cooperation on the design and construction of nuclear power plants and nuclear technology training. We will be actively engaged in cooperation covering the whole nuclear industrial chain, and promote cooperation between the two sides in basic scientific research, nuclear fuels, research reactors, application of nuclear technologies, nuclear security, disposal of radioactive wastes, emergency responses and nuclear safety. We will accelerate the joint efforts of building an Arab training center for the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and upgrade the level of cooperation in the nuclear field.
9. 金融合作2.9 Financial Cooperation
支持中国和阿拉伯国家符合条件的金融机构互设分支和开展多领域业务合作,并进一步加强监管当局之间的交流与合作。加强双方央行间货币合作,商讨扩大跨境本币结算和互换安排,加大融资保险支持力度。加强在国际金融组织和机制中的协调配合,完善和改革国际金融体系,提高发展中国家的话语权和代表性。中方欢迎阿拉伯国家加入亚洲基础设施投资银行,并发挥积极作用。We support the establishment of branches in each other's countries by qualified financial institutions from both sides, and multi-sector operation cooperation, as well as strengthened exchanges and cooperation between regulators. We will strengthen monetary cooperation between central banks, discuss the expansion of cross-border currency clearing and currency swap arrangements, and increase financing insurance support. We will strengthen coordination and cooperation in international financial organizations and mechanisms, improve and reform the international financial system, and increase the voice and representation of developing countries. China welcomes the Arab countries to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and their active role in it.
10. 经贸合作机制和平台建设2.10 Development of Economic and Trade Cooperation Mechanisms and Platforms
积极发挥政府间经贸联委会、中国与阿拉伯国家联合商会等双多边机制作用,充分利用中阿博览会等会展活动平台,促进中阿双方政府和企业间的互访和交流。We will give full play to the role of the inter-governmental economic and trade joint commissions, the China-Arab Joint Chamber of Commerce and other bilateral or multilateral mechanisms, make full use of China-Arab States Expo and other platforms, and promote the exchange of visits and communication between governments and enterprises of the two sides.
(三)社会发展领域3. Social Development
1. 医疗卫生3.1 Health Care
加强在传统和现代医学领域的交流与合作,重视防治传染性疾病和非传染性疾病防控等相关工作,特别是传染病疫情信息通报、监测等合作,推动双方专家互派互访。推动医疗机构间的合作,加强临床技术交流。继续派遣医疗队,不断提高服务水平。We will strengthen exchanges and cooperation in traditional and modern medicine, pay attention to the prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, especially to cooperation on information sharing and monitoring of epidemics, and promote exchange of visits by experts from both sides. We will advance cooperation between medical institutions and enhance exchanges on clinical technology. We will continue to send medical teams and continuously improve service.
2. 教育和人力资源开发3.2 Education and Human Resources Development
加大教育和人力资源开发合作力度,扩大合作规模,创新合作方式。鼓励双方高校开展历史文化、科技应用以及区域和国别研究等领域的联合科研。推进“中约大学”建设,支持中阿人才联合培养,扩大双方学生交流规模,逐步增加政府互换奖学金名额,扩大研究生比例,拓展专业领域。加强在阿拉伯国家汉语办学,支持阿拉伯国家汉语教师培训计划。积极开展职业教育交流合作,互相借鉴有益经验。We will strengthen cooperation on education and human resources development, expand the scale and innovate the ways of cooperation. We encourage colleges and universities from both sides to carry out joint scientific research in history and culture, scientific and technological application, region and country-specific studies. We will promote the development of China-Jordan University, support China-Arab joint personnel training, expand the scale of exchanges of students, and gradually increase the number of government exchange scholarships, the proportion of graduate students and the number of disciplines. We will strengthen education of the Chinese language in Arab countries, and support training programs of Chinese language teachers in Arab countries. We will be actively engaged in vocational education exchanges and cooperation, and share best practices.
3. 科技合作3.3 Cooperation on Science and Technology
加快中阿政府间科技创新合作机制建设。实施中阿科技伙伴计划,不断提高阿拉伯国家科技能力。利用中阿技术转移中心,构建覆盖中国和阿拉伯国家的一体化技术转移协作网络。面向阿拉伯国家实施“杰出青年科学家来华计划”,鼓励双方青年科技人才交流。共建一批国家联合实验室、联合研究中心、特色科技园区,搭建企业走出去平台,鼓励科技型企业在阿拉伯国家创新创业和设立研发中心。邀请阿拉伯国家技术人员参加中国科技部举办的对发展中国家技术培训班。积极推进双方科技成果和先进适用技术在彼此之间的应用和推广。We will accelerate the development of China-Arab inter-governmental science and technology innovation cooperation mechanism. We will implement the China-Arab partner project of science and technology and continue to improve the science and technology capability of Arab states. Through the China-Arab technology transfer center, we will establish a China-Arab collaboration network of integrated technology transfer. We will implement the "Outstanding Young Scientist Coming to China Project" and encourage the exchanges between young scientific talents of China and Arab states. We will jointly establish a batch of joint national laboratories, joint research centers and specialized science parks, set up platforms for enterprises to go global and encourage hi-tech Chinese enterprises to innovate, start businesses and establish R&D centers in Arab States. We will invite Arab technicians to participate in technology training courses for developing countries organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. We will actively promote the application and spread of technological achievements and advanced applied technologies of China and Arab states in each other's countries.
4. 农业合作3.4 Agricultural Cooperation
加强中阿在旱作农业、节水灌溉、清真食品、粮食安全、畜牧与兽医等农业领域的双多边合作,鼓励双方农业科技人员加强交流。继续在阿拉伯国家建设农业技术示范项目,扩大农业管理和技术培训的规模,加强项目跟踪和评估。We will strengthen China-Arab bilateral and multilateral cooperation in such fields as arid zone agriculture, water-saving irrigation, muslim food, food security, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine. We encourage agricultural science and technology personnel from the two sides to increase exchanges. We will continue to set up demonstration projects of agricultural technology in Arab countries, scale up agricultural management and technology training, and strengthen project follow-up and evaluation.
5. 应对气候变化和环境保护、林业合作3.5 Cooperation on Addressing Climate Change, Environmental Protection and Forestry
大力推动中阿在《联合国气候变化框架公约》、《生物多样性公约》、《联合国防治荒漠化公约》等机制下的沟通协调,通过双多边渠道积极开展在环境政策对话与信息交流,环境立法,水、空气、土壤污染防治,提高公众环境保护意识,环境影响评估,环境监测,环保产业与技术,保护生物多样性,防治荒漠化,干旱地区造林,森林经营,环保人员培训和举办研讨会等方面的交流与合作,共同提高应对气候变化和环境保护能力。We will vigorously promote communication and coordination with Arab states within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Convention on Biological Diversity and United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Control of Desertification. We will be actively engaged in exchanges and cooperation through bilateral and multilateral channels on policy dialogue and information sharing, environmental legislation, water, air and soil pollution control and treatment, environmental protection awareness, environmental impact assessment, environmental monitoring, environmental protection industries and technologies, bio-diversity protection, prevention and control of desertification, arid zone forestry, forest management, training of environmental staff and holding seminars. We will work together to enhance our capability of addressing climate change and environmental protection.
(四)人文交流领域4. Culture and People-to-people Exchanges
1. 文明和宗教交流4.1 Exchanges Among Civilizations and Religious
加强文明对话,推进不同宗教间的交流。搭建双多边宗教交流平台,倡导宗教和谐和宽容,探索去极端化领域合作,共同遏制极端主义滋生蔓延。We will promote dialogue between civilizations and promote exchanges between different religions. We will build bilateral and multilateral platforms for religious exchanges, advocate religious harmony and tolerance, explore cooperation on eradicating extremism, and jointly contain the breeding and expansion of extremism.
2.文化、广播影视、新闻出版、智库等领域合作4.2 Cooperation on Culture, Broadcasting, Film, Television, Press, Publication and Think Tanks
鼓励中阿文化官员定期互访,在双方文化机构间结成对口友好合作关系,借鉴彼此有益经验。鼓励双方互设文化中心,支持互办文化年和参与对方举行的艺术节,完成“中阿万名艺术家互访计划”。加强文化人才培养和文化产业合作。We encourage regular exchange of visits of cultural officials, friendly partnership between cultural institutions and experience sharing between the two sides. We encourage mutual establishment of culture centers, and support holding culture years and participating in art festivals hosted by the other side. We will fulfill the plan of "China-Arab exchange of visits by 10,000 artists," strengthen cultivation of cultural professionals and cooperation of culture industries.
推动双方新闻媒体加强对话与合作,深化业务交流、稿件交换、人员培训,支持联合采访、合作拍片、合办媒体。双方将加强广播影视交流与合作,继续办好中国-阿拉伯国家广播电视合作论坛,开展影视节目译制和授权播出,开展广电技术和产业合作。鼓励双方互办电影周,互派电影代表团并积极参加在对方国家举办的国际电影节。为部分艺术作品进行中阿语言互译和配音。鼓励阿拉伯广播联盟同中国国际广播电台和中国中央电视台阿拉伯语频道开展合作。We will enhance China-Arab news media dialogue and cooperation, deepen business exchanges, news articles exchange and personnel training. We will support joint interviews, joint productions and joint operation of media institutions. The two sides will boost cooperation on broadcasting, film and television exchanges, and will continue to hold China-Arab broadcasting and television cooperation forum, conduct translation and authorized broadcasting of television programs and carry out broadcasting and television technology and industry cooperation. We encourage the two sides to hold film weeks of, send film delegations to and actively participate in international film festivals hosted by the other side. We will translate and dub some Chinese artistic works into Arabic and vice versa. We encourage Arab States Broadcasting Union to cooperate with China Radio International and the Arabic Channel of China Central Television.
鼓励双方新闻出版机构开展交流与合作,积极落实《中阿典籍互译出版工程合作备忘录》,鼓励和支持各自出版机构参加在对方国家举办的国际书展。We encourage cooperation of press and publication institutions of the two sides, actively implement the "Memorandum of China-Arab Project of Mutual Translation and Publication of Ancient Books," and encourage and support publishers from the two sides to take part in international book fairs hosted by each other.
密切双方专家学者交流,积极研究建立中阿智库长效交流机制。We will enhance exchanges of experts and scholars from the two sides and actively explore the establishment of a long-term China-Arab exchange mechanism of think tanks.
3. 民间交往和青年、妇女交流4.3 Exchanges Between Non-governmental Organizations, Youth and Women
继续加强民间交往,完善中国-阿拉伯友好大会机制,向中阿各友好协会提供更多支持。鼓励和支持非政府组织和社会团体有序开展形式多样的友好交往。We will continue to enhance non-governmental exchanges, improve the mechanism of China-Arab friendship conference, and provide more support to China-Arab friendship associations. We encourage and support orderly exchanges of various forms between non-governmental organizations and social groups.
积极推动中阿青年交流,加强双方青年事务部门交往,增进双方各界青年杰出人才的接触与交流。We will actively promote China-Arab youth communications, and enhance exchanges between departments of youth affairs and young elites from all walks of life of the two sides.
继续加强中阿性别平等领域的交流与合作,鼓励并支持双方妇女机构和组织开展高层对话、专题研讨、文化交流及能力建设等活动。We will continue to strengthen China-Arab exchanges and cooperation on gender equality, encourage and support high-level dialogues, seminars, cultural exchanges and capacity-building activities between departments and organizations in charge of women's affairs.
4. 旅游合作4.4 Cooperation on Tourism
鼓励中阿双方旅游部门和旅游企业相互推介旅游资源和产品,开展旅游合作。中方欢迎阿拉伯国家申请成为中国公民组团出境旅游目的地。We encourage tourism departments and businesses to introduce tourism resources and products to each other and carry out tourism cooperation. The Chinese side welcomes Arab states' application for the Approved Destination Status for outbound group tours by Chinese tourists.
(五)和平与安全领域5. Cooperation in the Field of Peace and Security
1. 地区安全5.1 Regional Security
倡导在中东实践共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,支持阿拉伯和地区国家建设包容、共享的地区集体合作安全机制,实现中东长治久安与繁荣发展。China calls for a concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in the Middle East, and supports Arab and regional countries in their efforts to build an inclusive and shared regional collective cooperation security mechanism, so as to realize long-term peace, prosperity and development in the Middle East.
2. 军事合作5.2 Military Cooperation
深化中阿军事交流与合作。加强双方军方领导人互访,扩大军事人员交流,深化武器装备合作和各类专业技术合作,开展部队联合训练等。继续支持阿拉伯国家国防和军队建设,维护地区和平安全。We will deepen China-Arab military cooperation and exchange. We will strengthen exchange of visits of military officials, expand military personnel exchange, deepen cooperation on weapons, equipment and various specialized technologies, and carry out joint military exercises. We will continue to support the development of national defence and military forces of Arab States to maintain peace and security of the region.
3. 反恐合作5.3 Anti-terrorism Cooperation
坚决反对和谴责一切形式的恐怖主义,反对将恐怖主义同特定的民族、宗教挂钩,反对双重标准。支持阿拉伯国家的反恐努力,支持阿拉伯国家加强反恐能力建设。中方认为反恐需综合施策、标本兼治,有关反恐行动应遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则及国际法准则,尊重各国主权、独立和领土完整。We resolutely oppose and condemn all forms of terrorism, and oppose coupling terrorism with any specific ethnic group or religion as well as double standards. We support the efforts of Arab States in countering terrorism and support their counter-terrorism capacity building. The Chinese side believes that counter-terrorism needs comprehensive measures to address both the symptoms and root causes, and counter-terrorism operations should comply with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international norms, and respect sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries.
中方愿同阿拉伯国家加强反恐交流合作,建立长效安全合作机制,加强政策对话和情报信息交流,开展技术合作和人员培训,共同应对国际和地区恐怖主义威胁。China is ready to strengthen anti-terrorism exchanges and cooperation with Arab countries to establish a long-term security cooperation mechanism, strengthen policy dialogue and intelligence information exchange, and carry out technical cooperation and personnel training to jointly address the threat of international and regional terrorism.
4. 领事、移民、司法和警务合作5.4 Consular, Immigration, Judicial and Police Cooperation
切实维护中阿在对方国家企业和公民的安全与合法权益。积极做好便利中阿人员往来的制度性安排。巩固双方在司法协助、引渡和遣返等领域的合作成果,加强司法协助类条约签署、追逃追赃、打击跨国有组织犯罪以及反腐败等领域的交流与合作。We will earnestly safeguard the safety and legitimate interests of enterprises and citizens of China and Arab states in each other's countries, and actively make institutional arrangements for bilateral personnel exchanges. We will consolidate the results of bilateral cooperation in mutual legal assistance, extradition and repatriation, fugitive repatriation and asset recovery, and set up cooperation on the signing of treaties on legal assistance, as well as fighting transnational organized crimes and corruption.
5. 非传统安全5.5 Non-Traditional Security
共同提高应对非传统安全威胁的能力。支持国际社会打击海盗的努力,继续派遣军舰参与执行维护亚丁湾和索马里海域国际海运安全任务。开展互联网安全合作。We will jointly enhance the capability to cope with non-traditional security threats, support the international community's efforts to combat piracy, continue to send warships to the Gulf of Aden and waters off Somalia to maintain international maritime security, and conduct cyber security cooperation.
第四部分 中阿合作论坛及其后续行动Part IV China-Arab States Cooperation Forum and Its Follow-up Actions
中阿合作论坛成立11年来,以对话、合作、和平、发展为宗旨,机制日趋完善,涵盖领域稳步拓展,成为中阿双方在平等互利基础上进行集体对话与务实合作的重要平台。中阿双方在论坛框架内建立的全面合作、共同发展的战略合作关系,为中阿关系的长期持续发展提供了有力依托。The China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was established 11 years ago with dialogue, cooperation, peace and development as its purposes. The mechanism has been gradually improved, and covered an increasingly wide range of areas. It has become an important platform for collective dialogue and pragmatic cooperation between the two sides based on equality and mutual benefit. China and Arab countries have established a strategic cooperative partnership featuring comprehensive cooperation and common development within the framework of China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, providing a strong support for long-term sustainable development of China-Arab relations.
中国将继续致力于中阿合作论坛的建设和发展,同阿拉伯国家一道,进一步丰富中阿合作的内涵,创新合作方式,提升合作水平,发挥部长级会议机制的引领作用,不断充实和完善经贸、文化、媒体、民间交往等领域的合作机制,促进中阿全方位的交往与合作。China will remain committed to the development of China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, and together with the Arab countries, further enrich China-Arab cooperation, make innovative efforts on cooperation models and upgrade the level of cooperation, put into play the leading role of the ministerial meeting, and constantly enrich and improvement cooperation mechanisms in trade, culture, media, non-governmental exchanges and other fields, so as to promote China-Arab exchanges and cooperation across the board.
第五部分 中国与阿拉伯区域组织关系Part V Relations Between China and Arab Regional Organizations
中国重视同阿拉伯国家联盟的关系,尊重其为维护地区和平和稳定、促进地区发展所作努力,支持阿盟在国际和地区事务中发挥更大作用。中国愿继续加强同阿盟在各领域的磋商与合作。China attaches great importance to its relations with the Arab League, and respects the efforts by the Arab League in maintaining regional peace and stability and promoting regional development. We support a bigger role of the Arab League in other regional and international affairs. China is willing to continue to strengthen consultation and cooperation with the Arab League in various fields.
中国赞赏海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会等阿拉伯次区域组织在维护区域和平、促进发展方面发挥的积极作用,愿加强与各组织的友好交往与合作。China appreciates the active role played by Arab sub-regional organizations such as the Gulf Cooperation Council in maintaining regional peace and promoting development, and stands ready to strengthen friendly exchanges and cooperation with these organizations.


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