6月9日,国家主席习近平在哈萨克斯坦首都阿斯塔纳出席上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第十七次会议并发表重要讲话。[新华社 庞兴雷 摄] Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the 17th meeting of Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana, Kazakhstan, June 9, 2017. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei) |
国家主席习近平9日在阿斯塔纳出席上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第十七次会议并发表题为《团结协作 开放包容 建设安全稳定、发展繁荣的共同家园》的重要讲话。讲话全文如下: | The following is the full text of the speech given by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the 17th Meeting of Council of Heads of States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): |
团结协作 开放包容 | Upholding Solidarity, Coordination, Openness and Inclusiveness |
尊敬的纳扎尔巴耶夫总统, 尊敬的各位同事: | President Nazarbayev, Dear Colleagues, |
很高兴来到阿斯塔纳出席上海合作组织峰会。这座城市展现的生机活力是本组织蓬勃发展的生动写照。 | I am very pleased to be here in Astana to attend the SCO Summit. The vibrancy that this city displays is also a vivid reflection of the robust growth of the SCO. |
感谢东道主哈萨克斯坦和纳扎尔巴耶夫总统所作的精心准备和周到安排。一年来,哈方作为轮值主席国,做了大量卓有成效的工作,中方对此高度评价。 | I would like to thank the host country Kazakhstan and President Nazarbayev for the meticulous preparation and thoughtful arrangements. In the past year, Kazakhstan has done tremendous amount of effective work as the SCO President, which the Chinese side speaks highly of. |
今年是《上海合作组织宪章》签署15周年,也是《上海合作组织成员国长期睦邻友好合作条约》签署10周年。以这两份纲领性文件为思想基石和行动指南,成员国坚定遵循“上海精神”,在构建命运共同体道路上迈出日益坚实步伐,树立了合作共赢的新型国际关系典范。今天,我们将接收印度、巴基斯坦为成员国。 | This year marks the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Charter of SCO as well as the 10th anniversary of the Treaty on Long-term Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation. The two documents lay down the principles and give guidance to SCO member states in their work. Firmly committed to the Shanghai Spirit, SCO member states are making solid progress on the road of building a community of shared future, thus establishing a fine example of the new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation. In this context, today we are going to admit India and Pakistan as new member states of the SCO. |
当前,国际和地区形势深刻复杂变化,不稳定不确定因素增多。各国惟有同舟共济,才能妥善应对威胁和挑战。中方愿同各方一道,强化命运共同体意识,建设安全稳定、发展繁荣的共同家园。为此,我提出以下建议。 | At present, the international and regional situation is undergoing profound and complex changes. Destabilizing factors and uncertainties are on the rise. Only through cooperation can countries properly meet threats and challenges. China is willing to work together with all parties to strengthen the sense of community of shared future, and build a common home of security, stability, development and prosperity. To this end, I would like to propose the following. |
第一,巩固团结协作。哈萨克斯坦有句谚语,“有团结的地方,定有幸福相随”。“上海精神”产生的强大凝聚力是本组织发展的保证。我们要保持团结协作的良好传统,新老成员国密切融合,深化政治互信,加大相互支持,构建平等相待、守望相助、休戚与共、安危共担的命运共同体。中方倡议制定《上海合作组织成员国长期睦邻友好合作条约》未来5年实施纲要,规划下一阶段各领域合作方向。建议加强立法机构、政党、司法等领域交流合作,为各方进行政策沟通提供渠道。 | First, strengthen solidarity and coordination. As a saying in Kazakhstan goes, where there is solidarity, happiness will follow. The Shanghai Spirit has inspired a strong sense of solidarity which ensures the growth of the SCO. We should carry forward this fine tradition of solidarity and coordination. All member states, old and new, should work in close coordination, deepen mutual trust and increase mutual support in their endeavor to build a community of shared future featuring equality, mutual support, solidarity and sharing of weal and woe. It is China's proposal for the SCO to draw up a 5-year outline for implementation of the Treaty on Long-term Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation. This will help set the direction for SCO cooperation in all fields in the next phase. It is suggested that exchange and cooperation between legislative bodies, political parties and in the judicial fields be increased so as to provide channels of policy communication for all parties. |
第二,携手应对挑战。安全是发展的基石。没有安全,就谈不上发展。近期本地区发生的暴力恐怖事件表明,打击“三股势力”斗争仍然任重道远,我们要一如既往将维护地区安全稳定作为上海合作组织工作的优先方向。中方支持落实本次峰会将签署的《上海合作组织反极端主义公约》,有效遏制极端主义蔓延势头。为提升成员国在安全领域的协调水平和行动能力,中方主张加强地区反恐怖机构建设,严厉打击毒品制贩,愿再次主办上海合作组织网络反恐联合演习,倡议举办防务安全论坛,制定未来3年打击“三股势力”合作纲要。中方支持上海合作组织在国际和地区事务中发出一致声音,为推动热点问题政治解决贡献力量。中方对近期阿富汗安全形势恶化表示关切,呼吁各方支持阿富汗和平和解进程,期待“上海合作组织-阿富汗联络组”为阿富汗和平重建事业发挥更积极作用。 | Second, join hands to tackle challenges. Security is the prerequisite for development. Without security, there will be no development to speak of. Recent acts of terrorism in this region show that the fight against the three forces remains a long and arduous task. We should continue to give priority to the SCO's commitment to maintain regional security and stability. China supports the enforcement of the SCO Convention on Combating Extremism to be signed at the Summit. This will effectively contain the spread of extremism. To enhance the capacity of member states in coordination and implementation in the security field, China calls for the SCO to strengthen regional counter-terrorism institutional building and resolutely crack down on illicit drug manufacturing and trafficking. China is willing to host again the SCO joint counter-terrorism cyber exercise. China proposes to hold a defense security forum and formulate a three-year program of cooperation to fight the three forces. China supports the SCO in speaking with one voice on international and regional issues. The SCO can contribute to finding political settlement to hotspot issues. China is concerned with the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan recently, and calls upon all parties to support the country's peace and reconciliation process. We hope the SCO-Afghanistan Contact Group will play an even more active role for Afghanistan's peace and reconstruction. |
第三,深化务实合作。地区一体化和经济全球化是时代潮流,各国和各国人民应该从这一进程中受益。上个月,“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛在北京成功举行。中方和有关各方正积极推动“一带一路”建设同欧亚经济联盟建设等区域合作倡议以及哈萨克斯坦“光明之路”等各国发展战略对接,上海合作组织可以为此发挥重要平台作用。中方倡议逐步建立区域经济合作制度性安排,并从商签《上海合作组织贸易便利化协定》做起。为提高地区国家互联互通水平,中方支持按期开放《上海合作组织成员国政府间国际道路运输便利化协定》中规定的跨境线路,欢迎本地区其他国家加入协定,并赞同制定成员国公路协调发展规划。为调动更多资源和力量推动上海合作组织框架内务实合作,中方支持建立地方合作机制,并积极开展中小企业合作,倡议成立经济智库联盟和电子商务工商联盟。建议充分利用现有平台为本组织项目合作融资,同时在专家层面继续研究建立上海合作组织开发银行的可行方式。 | Third, deepen practical cooperation. Regional integration and economic globalization are the trends of our times, and it is important for them to bring benefits to all countries and peoples. Last month, the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was successfully held in Beijing. China and the parties concerned are now actively exploring ways to synergize the Belt and Road Initiative with regional cooperation initiatives like the Eurasian Economic Union and national development strategies, including the "Nurly Zhol" of Kazakhstan. The SCO may well serve as an important platform for this endeavor. It is China's suggestion to gradually put in place institutional arrangements for regional economic cooperation, and we may begin with a SCO trade facilitation agreement. For greater connectivity between regional countries, China supports the opening of the cross-border routes on schedule as prescribed in the Agreement between the Governments of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on Creating Favorable Conditions for International Road Transportation. China welcomes non-SCO countries in our region to join the Agreement, and endorses the formulation of a plan for coordinated development of roads among SCO member states. To mobilize more resources and driving force for practical cooperation under the SCO framework, China supports the establishment of a mechanism for sub-national cooperation and has vigorously promoted SME cooperation by its initiatives of economic think-tanks alliance and e-commerce alliance of the SCO. China suggests that we fully utilize the existing platforms to raise finance for SCO projects, while at the same time exploring at the expert level possible ways to establish the SCO development bank. |
第四,拉紧人文纽带。我们要促进各国民众特别是青年一代心灵相通,使睦邻友好合作事业永葆活力。中方愿同各方一道,继续做好上海合作组织大学运行工作,办好青年交流营、中小学生夏令营等品牌项目,并主办上海合作组织国家文化艺术节、妇女论坛、职工技能大赛等活动,扎实推进卫生、救灾、环保、体育、旅游等领域合作。中方将启动实施“中国-上海合作组织人力资源开发合作计划”,通过邀请上海合作组织成员国人员来华研修研讨、派遣中方专家顾问赴成员国提供政策咨询、在成员国境内开展当地培训、提供政府奖学金名额等方式,加大同成员国在人力资源开发领域合作的广度和深度。促进民心相通,媒体不能缺位。中方倡议建立媒体合作机制,将主办本组织首届媒体峰会。 | Fourth, enhance people-to-people bonds. It is important for SCO countries to bring our people, youth in particular, closer to each other, so that the good-neighborliness and cooperation between us will be carried forward by the future generations. China is ready to work with other parties to ensure the success of the SCO University, as well as SCO's brand projects such as the youth exchange camp and the summer camp for elementary and middle-school students. China would like to host such SCO activities as the cultural and art festival, women's forum and skills contest of workers, and strive for solid progress of SCO cooperation in health, disaster relief, environment protection, sports and tourism. China will launch a "China-SCO cooperation program in human resources development", under which China will invite representatives from SCO states to seminars and workshops in China, send Chinese experts to SCO states to give policy advice, carry out local training programs in SCO states and provide government scholarships. With this, we hope to broaden and deepen China's cooperation with other SCO members in human resources development. Closer people-to-people ties would not be possible without the positive role of the media. Hence China suggests setting up a mechanism for media cooperation, and would like to host the first SCO media summit. |
第五,坚持开放包容。对外开放是本组织成立之初就确立的基本原则。中方支持上海合作组织同观察员国、对话伙伴以及其他国家开展多形式、宽领域合作,并根据有关规定和协商一致原则继续认真研究有关国家获得本组织法律地位的申请。中方赞成本组织继续扩大同联合国等国际和地区组织的交流合作,共同致力于促进世界持久和平和共同繁荣的事业。 | Fifth, uphold openness and inclusiveness. Openness has been a defining feature of the SCO since its inception. China supports the SCO in carrying out cooperation of various forms and in a broad range of areas with its observer states and dialogue partners as well as other countries, and in further reviewing the applications from the related countries for legal status in the SCO in accordance with its regulations and the principle of consensus. China stands for more exchanges and cooperation between the SCO and the United Nations and other international and regional organizations, in a joint effort to promote lasting peace and shared prosperity in the world. |
中方高度评价本组织两个常设机构的工作,决定向秘书处追加捐款1000万元人民币,用于改善工作条件和开展活动。 | China highly commends the work of the two permanent bodies of the SCO and will make an additional contribution of RMB10 million to the Secretariat for it to improve working conditions and undertake more activities. |
各位同事! | Dear Colleagues, |
本次峰会后,中方将接任上海合作组织轮值主席国并于2018年6月举办峰会。中方将认真履职尽责,同各方一道,努力给各国人民带来越来越多的获得感,携手创造本组织更加光明的未来。 | After this summit, China will take over the rotating presidency of the SCO and host the next summit in June 2018. China will make best efforts to fulfill the task and work with all other parties to give our people a greater sense of ownership and usher in an even brighter future for the SCO. |
谢谢大家。 | Thank you. |
(Source: Xinhua) |
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