11月30日,在对巴拿马共和国进行国事访问前夕,国家主席习近平在巴拿马《星报》发表题为《携手前进,共创未来》的署名文章。文章如下: | A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled "Working Together for a Shared Future" was published Friday on Panamanian newspaper La Estrella de Panama ahead of his state visit to the Central American country. The full text of the article is as follows: | |
携手前进,共创未来 中华人民共和国主席 习近平 | Working Together for a Shared Future Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China | |
应胡安·卡洛斯·巴雷拉总统邀请,我即将对巴拿马共和国进行国事访问。这是我首次访问贵国,也是中国国家主席首次到访巴拿马,我对此行充满期待。 | I will soon pay a state visit to the Republic of Panama at the kind invitation of President Juan Carlos Varela. It will be my first visit to the country, and the very first by a Chinese president. I look forward to this trip with great expectations. | |
同很多中国人一样,我对贵国虽未曾亲至,但并不感陌生。巴拿马运河举世闻名,瑰夏咖啡声名远播,香蕉等热带水果享誉世界。近年来,在巴雷拉总统领导下,巴拿马经济快速发展,市场繁荣活跃,人民安居乐业,逐渐成为美洲的“人居天堂”和众多投资者眼中的“黄金热土”。我为此感到高兴,并衷心祝愿巴拿马在国家发展道路上不断取得新的更大成就。 | Like many of my countrymen, I am no stranger to Panama even though I have never been to this country before: the grand Panama Canal, the highly regarded Geisha coffee, as well as Panamanian bananas and other tropical fruits are well-recognized throughout the world. In recent years, under the leadership of President Varela, Panama has enjoyed rapid growth, vibrant markets and improving living standards. It has become a most habitable place in the Americas to live in and a promising land of opportunities for investors. Seeing such progress, I am truly happy for Panama and wish Panama new and still greater accomplishments in its future development. | |
中巴两国人民的友好交往已延续160多年。160多年前,首批华人抵达巴拿马,帮助巴拿马人民修铁路、挖运河,最后留在了这片热情的土地上,积极融入当地社会,同巴拿马人民一道为了幸福而努力奋斗。为此,巴拿马政府专门设立了“华人节”。上世纪60年代,中国人民坚定声援巴拿马人民收回运河主权的正义斗争。为此,中国全国各地1600万人举行游行集会,成为那一代中国人难忘的记忆。这些都充分表明,两国人民血脉相连,心心相印。 | Friendly interactions between the people of our countries could date back more than 160 years, when the first group of Chinese arrived in Panama to help with canal- and railway-building. On this hospitable land, they eventually stayed, became part of the local communities and joined the Panamanian people in pursuit of a better life. To mark their dedication, a special day has been designated for ethnic Chinese in Panama. Back in the 1960s, in a gesture of solidarity with the Panamanian people in their just cause for sovereignty over the Canal, sixteen million Chinese staged rallies across China, which became a special memory of the Chinese people for a generation. All these attest to the fraternal bonds connecting the people of our two countries. | |
去年6月,我和巴雷拉总统共同作出重大政治决断,中巴正式建交。对两国,这是一件功在当今、利在千秋的盛事。对世界,这是一面昭示大势所趋、人心所向的旗帜。国际社会倾听巴拿马恪守一个中国政策的正义宣言,两国人民一致支持中巴关系发展。 | In June last year, President Varela and I came to a significant political decision: China and Panama would formally establish diplomatic relations. For both our countries, this landmark decision will benefit not only this generation, but many more generations to come. For the wider international community, it could not show more clearly the trend of our times and the will of the people. It is a strong declaration to the world of Panama's commitment to the one-China policy and an expression of unanimous support among our two peoples for China-Panama relations. | |
一年半来,中巴关系强劲起步,各领域合作如雨后春笋般破土而出、茁壮成长,给两国人民带来了实实在在的利益。巴雷拉总统对中国进行首次国事访问,我们共同规划了中巴关系发展蓝图。中国保持巴拿马第二大贸易伙伴、科隆自由贸易区第一大供货国、巴拿马运河第二大用户地位。双方以共建“一带一路”为统领,签署经贸、金融、海事、民航、旅游、文化、教育等领域大量协议。中国企业和金融机构积极参与对巴拿马合作,为当地创造了数以千计的就业机会。中国援建的科隆平安城市项目将有效维护科隆市民安全,即将完工的阿玛多尔会展中心项目将成为巴拿马国际博览会新会址。巴拿马牛肉、菠萝、海产品等特色农产品正在履行输华检疫准入程序,相信很快就能摆上中国千家万户的餐桌。 | Over the past one and half years, China-Panama relations have gotten off to a good start: cooperation programs have mushroomed and thrived across the board, delivering tangible benefits to the people of the two countries. During his first state visit to China, President Varela and I drew a blueprint for the future of our bilateral ties. China has been Panama's second largest trading partner, the largest supplier to the Colon Free Trade Zone and the second biggest user of the Panama Canal. Under the framework of the Belt and Road cooperation, the two sides have signed quite a number of agreements in areas such as trade, finance, maritime affairs, civil aviation, tourism, culture and education. Chinese businesses and financial institutions have taken an active part in bilateral cooperation, helping to create thousands of local jobs. The China-assisted Colon Secure City project will provide effective protection to the residents of Colon. The Amador Convention Center, which will soon be completed, will serve as the new venue for EXPOCOMER. And Panama's specialty agro-products such as beef, pineapple and seafood are undergoing inspection and quarantine procedures for export to China and will soon find their way to the dinner tables of the Chinese people. | |
根据巴方建议,中方正积极研究在巴拿马西部援建“希望之城”教育中心项目,将为2000多名当地学生提供教育服务,极大改善当地教育环境和质量。中方正在实施的爱心移动诊所项目将为巴拿马边远地区妇女提供免费医疗服务。巴拿马第一所孔子学院正式开课,中国和中美洲之间首条直航航线成功开通,巴拿马成为中国公民组团出境旅游目的地国。截至今年年底,中方共为巴方培养各领域官员和技术人员近6000人,近千名巴拿马学生在华学习。两国学者、智库、新闻媒体往来热络,共同为中巴关系发展建言献策、加油鼓劲。“中国热”和“巴拿马热”在两国同频共振,两国民众对增进彼此交流和相互认知的渴望势如泉涌。 | As proposed by Panama, China is looking into the "City of Hope" education center project to be developed in Western Panama. The project aims to provide educational services to over 2,000 local students and will contribute significantly to local education conditions and quality. China is also implementing the project of mobile clinics (Amor Sobre Ruedas), which provides free medical services for women in far-flung areas in Panama. The first Confucius Institute in Panama is up and running; the first direct flight connecting China and Central America has been launched; and Panama is designated as an approved destination for Chinese group tourists. By the end of this year, China will have trained about 6,000 Panamanian officials and professionals in various fields, and close to 1,000 Panamanian students are now studying in China. Scholars, think tanks and media organizations from both sides have engaged in frequent interactions, contributing their ideas and suggestions in support of bilateral relations. As the "China fever" in Panama and the "Panama fever" in China are heating up, people in both countries are eager to know each other better through more exchanges. | |
巴拿马以互联互通立国,当前正积极推进“2030年国家物流战略”,力求打造世界级物流中心。这一战略同我提出的共建“一带一路”倡议不谋而合。中巴可以说是共建“一带一路”的天然合作伙伴。去年巴雷拉总统访华期间,巴拿马成为首个同中方签署“一带一路”合作谅解备忘录的拉美和加勒比国家。接下来,我们愿同巴方一道,撸起袖子加油干,加强两国发展战略对接,更好造福两国人民。 | Panama, a nation strong on connectivity, is actively advancing its National Logistics Strategy 2030 in an effort to build itself into a world-class logistics center. This strategy dovetails with my initiative of the Belt and Road cooperation, making China and Panama natural partners for Belt and Road cooperation. During President Varela's visit to China last year, Panama became the first country in Latin America and the Caribbean to sign a Belt and Road cooperation MOU with China. Going forward, we will work tirelessly with Panama to enhance synergy between our development strategies and deliver greater benefits to the people of our countries. | |
第一,我们要做平等互信的真诚伙伴。双方要始终从战略高度和长远角度看待和推动双边关系发展,相互理解和支持彼此核心利益和重大关切,为两国关系长期健康稳定发展筑牢政治基础。 | First, let us be sincere partners that value equality and mutual trust. We should always approach our bilateral ties from a strategic and long-term perspective, appreciate and support each other's core interests and major concerns, and build a solid political foundation for the sustained, sound and steady growth of our bilateral relations. | |
第二,我们要做休戚与共的发展伙伴。中国和巴拿马同为发展中国家,有着相同历史遭遇,面临共同的发展任务。双方要同心协力,推动构建相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系,推动构建人类命运共同体。双方要加强在联合国、世界贸易组织等多边场合的协调和配合,共同维护多边贸易体制,推动建设开放型世界经济。 | Second, let us be development partners, come rain or shine. Both being developing countries, China and Panama have similar historical experiences and face common development tasks. We need to work together to promote a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation and build a community with a shared future for mankind. We also need to strengthen coordination in multilateral organizations such as the UN and the WTO, jointly uphold the multilateral trading system and contribute to an open world economy. | |
第三,我们要做互利共赢的合作伙伴。双方要在尊重彼此意愿、照顾对方关切、整合各自优势基础上,以共建“一带一路”统领两国合作,不断深化中巴基础设施建设、物流、产能、电子商务、金融等重点领域合作,争取尽快取得一批务实合作的早期收获,促进两国共同发展。我们欢迎巴方继续参加中国国际进口博览会,扩大巴拿马优质产品和服务对华出口。 | Third, let us be cooperation partners in pursuit of mutual benefit. We need to respect each other's aspirations, accommodate each other's concerns and draw upon our respective strengths. We need to build on this basis to deepen our cooperation in such key areas as infrastructure, logistics, production capacity, e-commerce and finance under the broad framework of Belt and Road cooperation. We need to step up our efforts to quickly secure early harvests in practical cooperation as it will contribute to development in both countries. China welcomes Panama's continued participation in the China International Import Expo and hopes to see more exports of quality Panamanian goods and services to China. | |
第四,我们要做心贴着心的亲密伙伴。双方要以民心相通为宗旨,广泛开展文化、教育、卫生、旅游、新闻等各领域交流,带动两国社会友好大发展。中巴已经开通空中直航航线,期待两国人民加强往来,增进相互了解和友谊。巴拿马有28万华人,双方要发挥好这条血缘纽带的作用,让中巴友好更加深入人心。 | Fourth, let us be close partners with strong people-to-people ties. To build heart-to-heart connections between our peoples, we need to engage in exchanges in a broad range of areas such as culture, education, health, tourism and media. This will greatly boost our friendship across the sectors. Now that we have opened a direct flight between China and Panama, we expect more and more Chinese and Panamanians to visit each other's countries to enhance mutual understanding and friendship. Today 280,000 Panamanians are of Chinese origin. We could well build on such blood ties to deepen friendship between the two countries. | |
时代潮流滚滚向前,世界发展常变常新。中巴两国虽然相距遥远、国情千差万别,但都拥有极具奋斗精神、创造精神、追梦精神的人民。中巴关系发展离不开两国人民参与。让我们一起抓住机遇,只争朝夕,使中巴关系实现弯道超车、后来居上,使两国合作行稳致远,为建设更加美好的未来和更加繁荣的世界不断作出新贡献。 | The trend of the times keeps moving forward, bringing new and constant changes to the world. Although our two countries are geographically far apart and are quite different in many of our national conditions, both the Chinese and Panamanians are hard-working, enterprising and aspiring peoples. We won't be able to grow our relations without the commitment of our peoples. Let us seize the moment, give play to our late starter's advantage, speed up the growth of our bilateral ties, put our cooperation on a steady and sustained course, and jointly contribute to a brighter future and a more prosperous world. | |
(来源:新华网) | (Source: Xinhua) |
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