闵福德(John Minford)的译文:
He stood still and listened again, in the hope of hearing it more clearly. There it was! A distinct tap! He was still trying to think what it could be, when a voice said:
'Why have you made that move, and not countered there?'
It was a game of Go! But Bao-yu did not have time to recognize the voice of the speaker. He heard Xi-chun reply:
'Why should I bother? If you take me there, I simply counter here, and if you take me again. I shall still be one move ahead, and in the end I shall be able to connect.'
'And what if I take you here?'
'Aiyo!' exclaimed Xi-chun. 'You had an inside counter-attack up your sleeve. I'm defenceless.'
Bao-yu continued to stand there and watch. Adamantina leant over the board and said to Xi-chun:
'Do you want to lose that whole corner?'
'Of course not! It's perfectly safe. All those pieces of yours are "dead", aren't they?'
'Are you sure? Go ahead and try.'
'All right. There's my move. Now let's see what you can do.'
A smile crossed Adamantina's face. She placed her next piece to link up with one she already had on the edge of the board, and then pounced on one of Xi-chun's pieces and annihilated her entire corner. She laughed:
'That is called "Pulling Your Boots Off Upside Down"!'
这一段翻译,除了“扑”和“倒脱靴”,外国读者是很容易看懂的:吃=take,应=counter,连=connect,扑=inside counter-attack,打(叫吃)=pounce on,接=link,倒脱靴=pull your boots off upside down。“扑”又称“倒扑”,是对局中常用的吃子手段,先将一子扑入对方口中,迫使对方吃子而导致“气”少,然后再反吃对方,是典型的置之死地而后生。闵福德将“扑”译为inside counter-attack,意思是从对手的势力范围内部进行反击,十分贴切。“倒脱靴”也是围棋死活问题中的一个独特棋形,是在对方吃掉自己数子之后,反吃对方,只不过比“扑”要复杂,业余棋手往往看不出已经出现的“倒脱靴”的棋形,错失良机。“倒脱靴”一般有“方四”和“曲四”两种棋形,“曲四”的情况较多。大概是因为“曲四”形状类似靴子,一旦提子形成“曲四”,就有可能被对手倒提回去,所以才有“倒脱靴”这个形象的称谓。闵福德的译法是pull your boots off upside down,保留了原文的趣味性。
She told a maid to light some incense, and meditated for a while. Then she took down to her Go handbook and began looking through it, studying the tactics of such famous Go Masters of old as Kong Rong and Wang Ji-xin. There was 'Crab Wrapped in Lotus Leaves', and 'Golden Oriole Strikes Hare'; but she found neither of these impressive, and 'Corner Kill in Thirty Six Moves' she found too hard to understand and harder to remember. It was 'Dragon-chain of Ten Galloping Horses' that really caught her fancy.
Xi-chun made the tea, and the two of them were soon carried away in a spirited conversation that lasted until eight o'clock in the evening, when Landscape laid out the Go-board, and they settled down to play. Xi-chun lost the first two games, but then Adamantina gave her a handicap of four and she managed to win the next by half a point.
Before she knew, it was two o'clock in the morning. Outside, the night was breathlessly still.
让子棋是对弈双方棋力相差悬殊的情况下采取的对局方式,高手让下手执黑,并在棋盘上先放上约定棋子,如果是让四子,就是让黑棋先在四个星位上摆上黑子,然后白棋先行。妙玉能让惜春四子,说明她的棋力高出惜春甚多。“让子棋”英文是handicap game,放在其它体育比赛中叫“让步赛”,牛津字典的解释是a race or competition in which the most skillful must run further, carry extra weight, etc. in order to give all those taking part an equal chance of winning。所以,闵福德将“让了四个子”译为gave her a handicap of four (pieces),十分妥帖。
围棋历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,隋唐时期传入日本和朝鲜半岛,开枝散叶,形成了众多的流派、定式和招法,因此,有关围棋的术语也就格外复杂,有些还釆用了日语的表达方式。飞(knight's move)、顶(bump)、曲(bend)、尖(diagonal)、托(attach underneath)、冲(push through)、压(push down)、碰(attach to the side)、镇(capping)、挖(wedge)、断(cut)、拆(extension)、搭(attach)、渡(bridge underneath)等,基本上每走一步都有一个说法,至于中国流、大雪崩、相思断、村正妖刀、乌龟不出头等定式和招法,就更不是一两句话能说清楚的了。
闵福德是英国人,不会下围棋,但他是一位严肃的译者,不放过任何细节,虚心向京都大学松平千秋(Matsudaira Chiaki)教授和京都立命馆大学筧文生(Kakei Fumio)教授请教,将惜春和妙玉对弈的描写翻译得活灵活现。这种一丝不苟的态度,着实令人钦佩。
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