Nuclear Components Manufacturing
Significant progress has been made in the development of homegrown technologies and expertise in designing and manufacturing key components and materials for nuclear power plants, especially for nuclear islands and conventional islands. A network of manufacturing hubs for the nuclear power industry have come into being, such as large forgings & forgings manufacturing hub led by the China First Heavy Industries, the China National Erzhong Group and the SHMP Casting & Forging Co., Ltd.; large nuclear power component manufacturing hub where the Dongfang Electric Corporation, the Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation and the Harbin Electric Corporation operate; and nuclear grade pump and valve manufacturing hub where the Shenyang Blower Works Group, the SUFA Technology Industry Co., Ltd., the CNNC, the Shanghai Electric-KSB Nuclear Pumps & Valves and the Dalian DV Valve Co., Ltd. have established their manufacturing bases. Key components such as pressure vessels, steam generators, primary pipes, control rod drive mechanisms, and digital instrumentation and control systems, as well as core materials such as large forgings, nuclear-grade zirconium materials, 690U tubes, and nuclear-grade welding materials, are designed and manufactured domestically. Over 88% of key components and materials for 1,000 MWe-class Gen III reactors are indigenously made. China now has the capacity to manufacture 8-10 full sets of reactor equipment annually, and the need for large-scale nuclear power plant construction can be met.

中国核电关键设备和材料国产化、自主化取得重大进展,掌握了核岛和常规岛关键设备设计、制造核心技术,形成了以中国一重、中国二重和上重铸锻为产业龙头的大型铸锻件制造基地;以东方电气、上海电气和哈电集团为产业龙头的大型核电设备制造基地;以沈阳鼓风机集团、中核苏阀、上海电气凯士比核泵和大连大高阀门为代表的核级泵阀制造基地。压力容器、蒸汽发生器、主管道、控制棒驱动机构、数字化仪控等关键设备,以及大型锻件、核级锆材、 690U型管、核级焊材等核心材料,基本实现自主设计自主制造。百万千瓦级三代核电机组关键设备和材料国产化率已达 88%以上,形成了每年开工建设 8~10台核电机组的核电主设备制造能力,能够满足核电规模化建设的需要。