Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant
The Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, with an installed capacity of 2×980 MWe. The construction of the plant started on August 7, 1987, and it became commercially operational on May 6, 1994. The first large-scale 1,000 MWe-class commercial nuclear power plant on the Chinese mainland, the Daya Bay Plant adheres to high standards. As a joint venture, it benefited from imported technologies and managerial expertise. Built with borrowed capital, it has been able to repay its loans through the sale of electricity it generates. The construction and operation of this plant offer valuable experience in how technologies used in building and operating large-scale nuclear power plants can be internalized – experience especially useful in personnel training, construction project management, and plant commissioning and operation. The construction of the Daya Bay Plant was an important achievement of China's reform and opening up, and a useful attempt at building a modern enterprise. It has been running safely and reliably for more than 20 years, and has performed at the top level by international standards.

大亚湾核电站位于广东深圳市,装机容量 2×98万千瓦。1987年 8月 7日,大亚湾核电站开工建设, 1994年 5月 6日投入商业运行,是中国大陆第一座百万千瓦级大型商用核电站。大亚湾核电站按照“借贷建设、售电还贷、合资经营”的模式,坚持高起点起步,引进资金、技术和管理。在人才培训、施工管理、调试运行等方面为中国大型核电站自主化和国产化积累了经验。大亚湾核电站是中国改革开放的重要成果,是现代企业制度的有益尝试。大亚湾核电站投产二十余年来,一直保持安全稳定运行,安全运营业绩处于国际先进水平。