High-temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Demonstration Project
The High-temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) Demonstration Project was officially launched following the State Council’s approval in February 2008 of the overall plan for its implementation. The goal of the project is to build a 200 MWe-level modular commercial demonstration plant with domestically developed technologies and Gen IV nuclear safety features, based on the 10 MWt experimental HTGR operated by the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology at Tsinghua University. In March 2004, the China Huaneng Group, the China Nuclear Engineering & Construction Corporation, and Tsinghua University signed a framework agreement to cooperate in implementing a project on HTGR demonstration. On December 9, 2012, the demonstration project was launched in Shidao Bay, Shandong Province. By mid-2021, the engineering construction as well as cold and hot functional tests have been completed.

2008年 2月,国务院批准了《高温气冷堆核电站重大专项总体实施方案》,高温气冷堆重大专项正式启动实施。该项目目标是以清华大学核研院已运行的 10MWt高温气冷实验堆为基础,建成具有四代核安全特征的自主知识产权的 200MWe级模块式商业化示范核电站。2004年 3月,中国华能集团、中国核工业建设集团、清华大学签署合作建设高温气冷堆核电站示范工程的框架协议, 2012年 12月 9日,示范工程在山东石岛湾开工建设。到 2021年年中,示范工程已经完成工程建设以及装料前的全部冷态、热态调试试验。