World's First Operational AP1000 Reactor
In December 2006, the Chinese government decided to import the Westinghouse AP1000 technology through an open bidding process. Construction of unit 1 at the Sanmen Nuclear Power Plant in Zhejiang Province, a Gen III nuclear power reactor based on AP1000 technology, commenced on April 19, 2009. The world's first AP1000 unit became commercially operational on September 21, 2018. Unit 2 at Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant in Shandong Province went into operation on January 9, 2019. The construction of China's four AP1000 units has all been completed.

2006年 12月,中国政府通过公开招标,最终作出引进美国西屋公司 AP1000技术的决定。作为 AP1000三代核电自主化依托项目,浙江三门核电站 1号机组于 2009年 4月 19日开工建设, 2018年 9月 21日投入商运,成为全球首台投入商运的 AP1000机组。 2019年 1月 9日,山东海阳核电站 2号机组投入商运,至此,四台 AP1000核电机组全部建成。