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Home > The Centenary of the CPC Special Edition

The First Upsurge of the Workers' Movement

Updated:2022-07-13 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The First Upsurge of the Workers' Movement

Following its First National Congress, the CPC set up a Secretariat of the Chinese Labor Organization to lead the workers' movement. Under the CPC's leadership, the political awareness of the Chinese working class grew quickly, and there came a first upsurge of the workers' movement that began with a strike by seamen in Hong Kong in January 1922. The seamen went on strike after their demands for higher wages and more job opportunities were refused. More than 100,000 people joined the strike and persevered in their struggle for 56 days before winning a victory.

From January 1922 to February 1923, more than 100 strikes of all sizes were staged across the country, and more than 300,000 workers participated in these strikes. The general strike on the Beijing-Hankou Railway, which began on February 4, 1923, was the climax of the first upsurge of Chinese workers' movement.

The strike of the railway workers caused panic among imperialist sympathizers and reactionary warlords. On February 7, the warlord Wu Peifu (1874-1939) sent soldiers and police to butcher the strikers. This became known as the February 7th Massacre. Lin Xiangqian (1892-1923), a CPC member and chairman of the Jiang'an branch of the railway trade union, and Shi Yang (1889-1923), another Communist and a legal consultant of the workers, were among those killed.

The railway workers had fought for their freedom of assembly and association, under the slogan "fight for freedom and human rights." Their strike demonstrated the strength of the Chinese working class and expanded the influence of the CPC among the people. Though the strike failed in the end, the workers had awakened the Chinese nation with their blood and sacrifice, and helped the general public realize that imperialism and feudal warlords were the enemies of the Chinese people, against whom they must continue their struggle for true freedom and liberation.





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